An essay about the dog: tips on writing


2018-04-09 09:00:27




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Children usually are encouraged to refer to the idea to write an essay about the dog. Often, however, it turns out that as inspiring their topic is pretty complicated for disclosure in this genre. The author presents the facts: name, age, marks; sharing his emotions: “My dog – the most beautiful, I love her very much”, and his inspiration runs dry. In fact, a child of any age is easy to write a text about your favorite animal, the main – to guide it, to structure the future work and to think together what we can tell. For this author to ask a series of questions that will make him think.

“Biography” dogs

An enumeration of the facts related to four-legged friend, must not be limited to naming the name, breed, age and will. In the essay you can tell about how a family dog, at what age it had been accepted. How old was the child when the animal came into the house? What he remembers? How he reacted to it? How she responded to it? How was their relationship?

In some families, dogs and children share the toys, in other – at first, fight and compete in others yet, they immediately develop friendships. Scripts can be very different. As occurred in your family?

essay about a dog

"Biography" of a dog may include the kind of lifestyle she leads. She often is one, or it's always someone else there? She walks in the same places or often new? If she is traveling with family or staying at home? Who takes care of her in such cases?


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What is dog health? Did she have puppies? It deals only with people or she has friends among relatives?

Who are you guys?

Often the first dog for children means much more than it might seem from the outside. If they are the same age or if the animal is older, the child can perceive it as a full senior member of the family and at the same time a companion for games. Ask the author of the essay, who for his dog: friend, brother, ward, and maybe something like a funny uncle or grandfather?

my dog

It will be Interesting to the child and to consider what place it occupies in the life of the dog. Can be associated with it and fun games, and any restrictions?

How to be a dog owner?

School essay about a dog – a good reason to think about what it's like to be the owner of the animal. Ask your child to listen to your dog its the same as adults? If so, let him tell you what he does. If not, then you can consider why not, and what needs to be done to ensure that the dog began to think differently about it. Maybe the child doesn't need? It is possible that it is satisfied with the full equality, not the relationship of the host animal. Parents and teachers will be interested to know his opinion and reasoning on this topic.

What love, what dreams of the dog?

If that part works your child can handle easily, then he is in fact very close to your pet. Essay about dog must include not only the reasoning of the child about their relationship and the place of dogs in the family, but also about the animal. Think together what she loves. What events encouraging? What she wants, in the opinion of the child? What fears? What is sad? Why the author of the essay thinks that? What are their dreams and anxiety the same?

For the dog Who is the closest person to me?

Often children are well aware that the dog was deeply attached to one of the family members that he – the main man in her life. In the essay you can tell about it and to reflect on why it happened.

Interesting cases

Essay, “My dog", of course, can not do without memories. Parents will be curious to see what the child remembers about the animal from your early childhood.

dog is man's best friend

Remember, along, when the dog showed understanding as she was sick, as I have learned something how to help your child or the whole family. A story about one of the interesting cases can be the basis of the plot of the whole work, but this should logically sum to either the narrative or necessary to make the transition. For example: “I can tell you about my dog, but everything can not write, so I will focus on the case, which is remembered all our family. How behaved our dog shows that...”

Usually the story of the event is very entertaining for kids, and it is difficult to find a middle ground between the concise and obscure presentation and a narrative, is saturated with excessive details, which are also “cloud” content. Ask the child that it is important not to omit, and what can not mention.


At the end of the essay may sound summarizing the reasoning of the child about what is animal in his life and in the lives of people close to him. Of course, one need not be limited to trite cliches that dog-man's best friend. It is important that the author wondered what would his life be if it was not four-legged friend. What the child thinks about families where there are animals? I thought he has about why in some houses the dogs live and others – no. He understood – why?

first dog

It is not necessary to answer all these questions, the essayabout the dog and this is not intended. Enough to talk to the author and to choose the most interesting camera angles, the most relevant questions, to plan and transition logic. In General, after the leading questions, children usually can easily cope with this task. If the writing assignment is preceded by a conversation, the image of a dog inspiring authors and for a good amount of text and the richness of emotion and expression.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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