Essay on the painting "Mika Morozov" by Serov. Portrait


2018-04-02 19:08:09




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This material is considered, the picture Serov “Mika Morozov”. Get acquainted with the biography of the famous artist. Take a closer look at the painting masters, please share your impressions about the painting. So, let's begin.

essay on the picture of Mika Morozov

A short biography of the artist

Valentin Alexandrovich Serov-the famous Russian artist, an outstanding master of portrait genre. Born in 1865, January 19. The boy grew up in a family of creative people: his father was a famous composer, and his mother-a talented pianist. Since his early childhood showed talent in drawing, for which he encouraged parents. After the death of the father education of the son has a mother. The childhood of future masters was held in Munich, and then the family moved to Paris. In France, an acquaintance of the boy with the famous artist Repin. At the time of Repin will be the mentor and teacher of the young man, and he will introduce him into the circle of talented artists on their arrival in Russia.

The First picture Serov was written in 1885 and was called “Ox”. Later, two years later, was written “Girl with peaches”, which glorified the artist.

picture of Serov's Mika Morozov

Detailed description

In 1901 was written by the famous painting by Serov “Mika Morozov”. Description of the painting a feeling of tenderness and purity. In the center of the composition, at the edge of the chair, sits a little boy of four years. It's Mika Morozov, the son of known Russian patron of M. A. Morozov. Boy sweet and innocent. Round baby face framed air cap reddish curls. Dark, like ripe cherries, eyes wide open, expressing wonder and delight. Essay on the painting “Mika Morozov” reveals the very essence of the picture. The author wants to show us that they captured a moment of childhood, such sweet and delicate, and once again reminds us of the need to love and protect their children. The kid on the canvas sits on the edge of the chair, he can't wait to play and run, but he oversees the work of the master. At the picture the viewer is looking from the outside and if he takes part in the creation of a masterpiece. The child clung to the chair arms with her fingers. It seems that he looks like a little fluffy chick, who at any moment is ready to leave its nest.


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Color palette of the canvas

In the writing for the film “Mika Morozov” I would like especially to emphasize the color palette used by the author in his work. The main emphasis is made on the contrast of dark and light. The centerpiece is the white shirt of the boy. Also played a leading role in color preference remains with a MOP of beautiful curly hair. The chair and the General background of the painting written by the artist in dark colors. Due to this, underlines the fragility of the baby calf. The head seems a bit more than usual because of the lush curls of the child. All these details emphasize the child's innocent beauty.

In the writing for the film “Mika Morozov" I want to describe in detail the boy's face. The face is white with a bright healthy glow, lips slightly parted, the whole image breathes with childhood. And, it seems that at any moment you can hear his child's voice and laughter.

Serov's Mika Morozov description

The Impression of paintings by famous masters

Impression on the audience is huge, to say powerful. First of all, affects the skill of the artist, and the hero of the picture, the little boy, causing tenderness. In composing the painting “Mika Morozov" I want to touch on the skill of the author. In his short life the artist painted a number of portraits, most of which are represented in the Tretyakov gallery. There you can see the picture “Mika Morozov”. On the canvas captures the very childhood, and, looking at her, can not help Recalling his own past, is serene, free from the bustle and everyday troubles. And you grow the same baby as you were once, the same sweet, kind of like the hero of this picture.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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