Change the name of the noun on numbers: examples


2018-04-02 16:46:19




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Russian language - one of the most difficult languages. To perfectly know him, you need to carefully study the rules and lexical rules. The most difficult grammar is Russian language.

The First study the part of speech in school is a noun. Many had to face the difficulties of learning a noun, as this part of speech has many different exceptions to the rules. They is a set of words that do not fit within the scope of the rules. To memorize all the exceptions to every need.

The Problem lies in the incorrect pronunciation and inflection of words. To solve this problem, you need to consult dictionaries, encyclopedias and any other sources of information about the noun. Having mastered to perfection the language, people can increase the level of erudition. To learn all the subtleties and tricks will help you the information presented. It will be useful to anyone: children, students, adults, teachers, students. The easiest way to demonstrate the change of nouns to numbers that can help in the study material.


Noun-part of speech that denotes an object. Answers the following questions: who? what? The value object may have a different meaning. For example, the name of the objects: a chair, an armchair, the name of the substances (vinegar, milk), names of animals, people and other values. There are over one million values of items, so bring all examples impossible.

the Use of nouns can be represented in singular or plural. For example, a single number-the apartment, then multiple – apartments. Also modify nouns by cases.


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The numbers

The Grammatical number is a sign to denote one or multiple items. Singular means only one thing: man, wardrobe, sofa. Plural means several things. For example, cabinets, tables, people.

Modify a noun by numbers

Examples singular

Modifying a noun by numbers is a simple subject to study. As the examples will use simple words to reach the required level of understanding. For example, forty – bird (one), a chair – the subject (one) rabbit - an animal (one). It is worth remembering that a noun may have several senses of the same word, so some of the words in the singular can denote a plurality. Example: fishing – denotes the number of classes, but one subject. Teacher explaining the subject in an elementary school: changes nouns to numbers (2nd grade). During the second class we have to meet this section on nouns.

To Summarize the material will help small recommendation:

  • You Need to ask a question correctly to determine the noun. The questions: who? what?
  • Define a single number, you can use the endings: -a; -I; -I.

 change the nouns for the numbers

Exceptions specific to a single number

Russian language – is grammatically difficult language. It has a number of exceptions. Study of changes in noun numbers in class 4 implies the repetition of the program. All the words related to exceptions that must be learned by heart. These include:

  • Chemical products use: iron, steel, sugar, water, gasoline. The plural form possible in the designation of certain types of substances. For example, essential oils, salted water.
  • It is Important to understand that a lot of exceptions depends on the definition of the subject. The brain – main human body may not be used in the plural. Brain-food from the bodies of animals (has no singular).
  • Items that have a collective character: the student of humanity, foliage.
  • Nouns representing the abstraction. Examples: anger, kindness, laziness, cold, warmth. The plural can be used, if we talk about the characteristics of abstraction: reachable height to the stone depth.
  • Own names. For example, the brothers Karamazov, kind of Rurik.

changing nouns to numbers examples

Examples plural

Plural Nouns denote several items. This can be a group or category. For example: tables, sofas, plants, rings. Any word that tells about two or more subjects is plural.

modifying the noun numbers 3rd grade

Types of plurals

the plurals are formed in various ways:

  • With the help of endings – tables, moles.
  • Replace - children, people, ladies and gentlemen.


Some words when spoken in the plural seem to be difficult, so it makes sense to talk about the proper accent. For example:

  • Table – tables (accent on S).
  • The baggage-the baggage (S).
  • The Jester-jesters (S).
  • Language – languages (S).
  • Order – of the order of (A).

There are also words that do not require a change of accent. It falls only by one letter. A similar option is possible with zero end, or when placing a noun ingenitive. For example:

  • Drop – drop.
  • Ground & ndash; soil.
  • Negative – cons.

modify a noun by the numbers grade 4

To reinforce the material covered, it is offered to pass small task. The player needs to place nouns in two columns with single and multiple numbers.


A List of words that you want to insert into the table:

Boy, animals, balls, toy, balls, Board, chairs, a magnet Cup, a number.

If you are having trouble, below are the answers. It looks like this:


And now it is proposed to complicate the task - to each word you need to find the missing number. During the 10 minutes required to perform the task and to check the lower list.


  • Boy - boys.
  • Toy - toy.
  • Shield - shields.
  • Magnet - magnets.
  • The Number of rows.
  • Animal - animals.
  • Ball - balls.
  • Ball - balls.
  • Chair - chairs.
  • Cup - Cup.

Features zero-the end

Zero end - the end that does not have sounds or letters. Zero ending possible in several cases:

  • If the noun has an ending in the nominative case in the singular, the plural ending appears. House - homes steppe - steppe.
  • If the initial form has a non-zero ending, the genitive plural has a zero ending. Place - no seats. Pear, no pear.
  • If nouns are masculine, which is based on hard consonant letter, then both numbers will have a zero ending. One of the Gypsies some Gypsies. One of the soldiers - some soldiers.


The Plural has a number of exceptions. As a rule, often sanctified in the textbooks and so called: name change nouns numbers (3rd grade). Practice shows that the children learn the material, because the exceptions are not many. These nouns can be used only in the plural. They include such categories as:

  • Sophisticated materials, substances a pair: scissors, gate, jeans.
  • The name of the game: hide and seek, hide and seek.
  • Objects denoting intervals: twilight, day.
  • Material-collective category: perfume, ink, spaghetti.
  • Proper names (names of places) – Carpathian mountains, the Alps.

changing the nouns of numbers grade 2


In conclusion, below is the original memo, which anyone will be able to learn exceptions to the change of name nouns numbers. The table "change the nouns for the numbers" examples looks like this:

Have both singular and plural.CH.

Have the form only in the singular

Have only the form of mn. number

80% of all nouns.

Kitty - kittens. Unit - blocks. House - home. Stone - stones. Jacket jacket

The names of the countries: Russia, Macedonia.

Status: running, burning.

A Collective character: the student of humanity.

Ingredients: copper, silver

A Pair of: jeans, glasses. Materials: perfume. Geographical categories: the Carpathians, the Alps.

Games: hide and seek, hide and seek. Intervals: twilight, day.


In conclusion, we must say that nouns can change their form due to the change in numbers. There are also words that are used only in one number. For example, coffee can only be singular. Canned - only plural.

After Reading the above material and making the proposed exercises, any student will be able to repeat the basic rules associated with the category of number in nouns.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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