Examples of protocooperation in the animal Kingdom, plants and between them


2018-04-02 05:45:10




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All living organisms in nature are linked in a variety of connections, called biotic. Their appearance is due to the need to forage, to facilitate the printing and distribution, to eliminate competitors. None of the biotic connection is not useless or pointless, of which there are numerous examples. Protokooperaciâ is one of the types of biotic interactions scientists considered almost the most curious relationship between the organisms.examples protokooperaciâ

What this is

Protokooperaciâ called biotic relationship in which cooperation of various types brings significant benefits to all parties, but it is not mandatory for any of them. That is, participants in interaction are able to exist separately, but work together greatly increases their quality of life. Another name for the type of relationship – facultative symbiosis. Examples of protocooperation in nature show that such communication is very important and very common. They arise within the different kingdoms of living organisms, and between them.

protokooperaciâ examples of animals

Protokooperaciâ: examples of animals

One of the most famous examples of the optional symbiosis-a relationship hermit crabs and anemones. I own crayfish carapace very soft, and without “neighbor” of the chances of survival are less. Actinium also has a small space for food production. Protokooperaciâ gives cancer protection from predators, and sea anemones increases hunting space.

Examples of protocooperation among marine animals is very diverse. Thus, large predators, among which are Moray eels, often suffer from skin parasites. For getting rid of their predators come to the resettlement area wrasses that clean the hunters from the harmful “neighborhood”. And known cases when the wrasse swam into the jaws of a predator, and he tried to “nurse” to eat.


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The Same medical services are provided by the rhinoceros, some bird species. Moreover, they voluntarily perform security functions, a cry to warn the rhinos of danger.protokooperaciâ examples of plants

Protokooperaciâ: examples of plants

She is willing to use farmers planting beans along with cereals. First put second digestible nitrogen, the second gives the beans a support to help you withstand the winds and get more sunlight.protokooperaciâ examples

Optional symbiosis between different kingdoms

Very often between plants and insects occurs protokooperaciâ. The examples are very different. The most striking illustration is the optional symbiosis between ants and some herbs, in particular – thyme, European wild ginger. The flowers are inconspicuous, inconspicuous, but still located very close to the ground. But they are rich in nectar, after which come the ants, in parallel pollinating flowers. Note that wild ginger can do at pollination and without these insects, in their absence weapon is a wind, although with markedly lower efficiency. Contribute to ants and seed dispersal: they contain arillusom, for which insects take away the planting material without damaging it.

A Very common protokooperaciâ between higher plants (oak, pine, birch and many perennial herbs) and mushrooms. Such a relationship is called mycorrhiza. When the establishment of the mushroom mycelium can even penetrate inside the root on which the hairs cease to develop. The fungus feeds from higher plants, in return for supplying it with water and mineral salts. Moreover, both parties of communication can do without each other, but combine to develop much better and faster.examples of protocooperation in nature

Features of protocooperation

Protokooperaciâ, examples of which we cited, is characterized by the species-specificity entering into such relationships. This means that participants can come together with different partners, often temporary, yet are in need of some specific qualities of the other party. For example, birds in winter, finding food on nezasluzene areas, often combined with ungulates. Those provide access to the feeding, breaking the layer of snow or ice, and birds warn “associates” about the possible dangers.

A thin line

Biologists Often difficult to determine where commensalism, mutualism where, and where protokooperaciâ. Examples of such uncertain relations with many. You can mention the pollination by flying insects. On the one hand, this process is a side when eating the same bee, so that it can be attributed to protocooperation. On the other – insects, no pollen can not live, so that the connection can be considered metallisticheskoy. To help you understand the fine line between these two types of biotic relations it is considered that if the plant is pollinated by only one insect or insect can feed on only one plant species, this relationship applies to mutualism. If the pollinator is different, as the types of vegetation, it protokooperaciâ.

The same remark applies to commensalism, in which cooperation is beneficial to one side and the other is indifferent. For example,the existence in the human body nonpathogenic microorganisms. They were fed by the media, do not cause harm, but also benefits a person receives by no means all and uneven: some to a certain extent, protect it from pathogens and some remain neutral.

Famous Biologists and between mutualism and protokooperaciâ examples. One of the types participating in the relationship can do without the second, but his “partner” without the other can not survive.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://www.tostpost.com/ar/education/5659-protocooperation.html

BE: https://www.tostpost.com/be/adukacyya/10056-pryklady-protokooperacii-carstve-zhyvel-rasl-n-pam-zh-m.html

DE: https://www.tostpost.com/de/bildung/10057-beispiele-protokooperacii-im-reich-der-tiere-pflanzen-und-dazwischen.html

ES: https://www.tostpost.com/es/la-educaci-n/10063-ejemplos-de-protokooperacii-en-el-reino-de-los-animales-las-plantas-y-.html

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JA: https://www.tostpost.com/ja/education/5659-protocooperation.html

KK: https://www.tostpost.com/kk/b-l-m/10061-mysaldar-protokooperacii-patshaly-ynda-zhanuarlardy-s-md-kterd-zh-ne-o.html

PL: https://www.tostpost.com/pl/edukacja/10054-przyk-ady-protokooperacii-w-kr-lestwie-zwierz-t-ro-lin-i-pomi-dzy-nimi.html

PT: https://www.tostpost.com/pt/educa-o/10050-exemplos-de-protokooperacii-no-reino-animal-vegetal-e-entre-eles.html

TR: https://www.tostpost.com/tr/e-itim/10064-rnekleri-protokooperacii-hayvanlar-aleminde-bitkiler-ve-aralar-ndaki.html

UK: https://www.tostpost.com/uk/osv-ta/10059-prikladi-protokooperacii-v-carstv-tvarin-roslin-m-zh-nimi.html

ZH: https://www.tostpost.com/zh/education/6131-protocooperation.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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