The melting point of lead


2018-04-01 20:31:10




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Lead is a metal with a bluish hue, has a high specific weight and very low hardness (can be cut with a knife). The melting point of the lead Is that it can be melted on a fire or at home. Pure lead is rapidly covered with an oxide film and tarnish. At normal temperature, the lead is inert to most acids.

Melting point of lead, which has no impurities, about 328 degrees. The molten metal has good castability. When casting the lead in sand the shape you want the metal had a good fluidity, to this end, the melt is brought to a temperature above the melting point of approximately 100-120 degrees. Easily machined, forging, high ductility makes it easy to roll it to the minimum thickness.

The boiling point of lead is 1749 degrees outside.

In molten form has appreciable volatility, which increases with increasing temperature. Lead dust, vapors of oxides and lead are poison to the human body. The presence in the body and 0.3 g of lead or its components lead to severe poisoning. In the process of crystallization of the lead is exposed to a high shrinkage, it is usually about 3.5%. In the earth's crust lead is often provided in the form of compounds, in pure form, it is quite rare.

Found that he was mostly found in the form of sulphides in a variety of breeds.

As the impurities in it can be elements such as antimony, copper, iron, tin, bismuth, arsenic, sodium, etc. a Large part of the undesirable impurities, especially in the manufacture of critical parts, because they lead to the modification of the chemical and mechanical properties of the metal. Zinc and bismuth reduce the resistance of lead to acids. The presence of magnesium or calcium increases the strength and the metal doped with antimony, is characterized by a multiple increase in hardness.


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Copper enhances the durability of products made of lead to sulphuric acid, barium, and lithium increase the hardness. The melting point of lead in the presence of impurities does not undergo significant changes. The range of application of lead is wide enough. The main consumers of this material is cable and battery production, where it is used as a cable sheath and in the manufacture of battery plates.

Made From lead shots and bullets. Low melting point of lead allowed in the past the hunters to make bullets and shot.

Anti-Corrosion ability of lead allow to use it for applying a protective layer on objects made of iron. In addition, this property of lead is widely used in the manufacture of paint products. The main component of the ship minium, which paint the underwater part of the ship, is pigment, based on lead.

Lead cable sheath can protect against corrosion, electric and telephone cable, laid under the land and water, in a hostile environment. The temperature of melted lead, tin, bismuth and cadmium, into account in the manufacture of electric fuses. To date, demand lead-acid batteries in automotive, defense and other sectors of the economy. However, in recent years began to use Nickel-cadmium batteries.

Lead in the alloys is widely used in the manufacture of Babbitt bearings, solder of tin and lead, printed alloys. The sheets are made of lead shield the x-rays and radioactive radiation. The accident in 1986 at Chernobyl, was accompanied by intense radiation, in order to stop the process reactor, used bags with pellets and blanks of lead.

To protect the people on the helicopters serving the cargo, was used lead sheets. The unique properties of lead in this case was indispensable.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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