Palmitic acid. Properties, production, application


2018-03-28 16:58:09




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Palmitic acid (another name – hexadecanoate) – monobasic saturated carboxylic (fatty) acid. The most widespread in nature. For the first time is a substance found in palm oil. Esters and salts of this acid are called palmitates. Many esters of this acid crystalline and resemble wax. Has the following chemical formula: CH3(CH2)14COOH. And its empirical formula is: C16H32O2.

The Presence of palmitic acid in nature

This substance is composed of the glycerides of most vegetable oils and animal fats. For example, soybean oil contains 6,5 %, palm oil – 38-47 %, pork fat – 30 %. In addition, hexadecanoate acid is found in some waxes: spermaceti of the sperm whale contains 90 % cetyl ether hexadecanoic acid, and in bee wax, about 30 % of its maistrafego ether. In animals palmitic acid is the end product of fatty acid synthesis from acetyl-COA.

In the form of glyceride hexadecanoate acid has a composition of palm oil, vegetable fat North American and Chinese fruit of the Croton sebiferum and Stillinga sebifera, in the seeds of Rhus succedanea (wax), mirimanova the wax from the berries of Myrica cerifera, in lanolin. In the free state of palmitic acid found in the seeds of peppers, in a dispute Lycopodium and corpse wax (is important part).

Physical properties of palmitic acid: 

1. State (under standard conditions) - colorless crystals.

2. Molar mass equal to 256, 43 g/mol.

3. The density is 0,841 g/cm³.

Thermal properties of palmitic acid:

1. The melting point is equal to 62,9 °C.

2. The boiling point is equal to 105 °C (at 0.01 mm Hg. calendar) and the 167 °C (at 1 mm Hg. article).

3. A flash point equal to 192 °C.

4. Molar heat capacity (under normal conditions) is equal to 460 j/(mol·K).

What are chemical properties hexadecanoic acid?

1. Solubility in water equal to 0,0007 (at 20 °C).

2. The solubility in ethanol is 2600 (with a 7.2 °C).

3. Palmitic acid is moderately soluble in benzene and acetone.

Optical properties of palmitic acid:

1. The refractive index is 1,4219.

Obtaining palmitic acid

This substance can be obtained in several ways:

1. By fractional crystallization or ratifikatsii of a mixture of fatty acids, which were obtained by the saponification of fats or oxidation of paraffin.

2. Heating cetyl alcohol with sodium lime to 270 °C (Dumas and Stas).

C16H33OH (cetyl alcohol) + O2 (oxygen) = C15H31COOH + H2O (water)

3. Melting alaudinova (oleic) acid with sodium hydroxide:

CH3(CH2)7СН (oleic acid) =CH(CH2)7СООН + H2O (water) + ABOUT = C15H31COOH (palmitic acid, formula) + CH3COOH (acetic acid)

4. During the oxidation the nitric acid is 2-octadecanol:

CH3(CH2)15-CO-CH3 + 3 (oxygen) = C15H31COOH (hexadecanoyl acid) + CH3COOH (acetic acid)

5. Also, this substance can be synthesized by the method of cyanide compounds from iodure pentadecafluoro alcohol:

C15H31J + KCN (cyanide compound) = KJ + C15H31-CN;

C15H31-CN (cyanide compound) + 2Н2О (water) = C15H31COOH (resulting substance) + NH3

Where to apply palmitic acid?

1. Before us is the substance used in the production of Napalm, stearin (a special blend with stearic acid), opaque cosmetic and various detergents, plasticizers and lubricating oils. In the technique of this acid is used for the manufacture of candles.


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2. Calcium palmitate is used as component of compositions for protection against moisture and water (water-repellency) of the leather, various fabrics, wood, opaque cosmetics and decorative cosmetics.

3. Also used sodium palmitate as the component (a thickener) and toilet Soaps, emulsifier in cosmetic preparations.

4. Metrpolitan need to obtain palmitic acid and some of its derivatives, hexadecanol. Also, a substance used as a flavoring for food.

5. Early lead salt hexadecanoic acid used for the production of pharmaceutical patches.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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