Vasilyeva Larisa: from poetess - writer-publicistiki


2018-03-27 15:51:11




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Vasilyeva Larisa Nikolaevna-known Russian poet, writer and public figure. During his long life, she managed to publish more than 20 books, many of which became bestsellers in Russia. However, what do we know about this woman? What is its future? And what inspired her to tread the path of the writer?

Vasilyeva, Larissa

Vasilyeva Larisa: childhood poetess

The future poetess was Born 23 Nov 1935 in Kharkov. Her parents were engineers, which later played an important role in the life of the girl, and in the fate of her native country. After the first difficulties began even before Larisa had time to Mature – around the world there was a roar of a terrifying war.

Pleased only that the head of the family took to the front, because his talent was needed elsewhere. He, along with other engineers worked on the creation of new weapons for the Soviet forces. By the way, at them it turned out well – the father of Larisa Vasilyeva helped construct the T-34 tank. Later she describe the journey of building this powerful weapon in one of his books.

Larisa Vasilyeva


After the war, life gradually returned to normal. After school, Larisa Vasilyeva entered the Moscow state Institute. Lomonosov, philological faculty. It was here that she met her future husband Oleg Vasiliev.

Their relationship developed rapidly. As admitted herself a poet, she fell in love with the slender young man at first sight. She was well aware he wants to spend the rest of my days only with this man. Therefore, in January 1957, all the way to Baptism, a young couple got married. But a year later they received their diplomas and began the long journey to the paths of glory.


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Larisa Vasilyeva books

The birth of the talent of the poetess

When he created his first work of Larissa Vasilieva? The poems she began writing in early childhood, which extremely pleased her parents. With regard to the first memories associated with poetry, it refers to the age of six. While still a little girl wrote a poem that became a decoration for one of the pages of the newspaper «pioneer truth”.

Later, the parents decided to send work daughter the poet Anna Akhmatova, so she gave them a fair rating. Alas, the criticism women were very hard, but, says the writer, very motivating. Indeed, despite the failure, the girl and then continued to work on improving your writing talent.

But as a Mature poet Vasilyeva Larisa became famous only at the beginning of 1957. Perhaps the impetus for this was her marriage that brought to life the girls are a flurry of new emotions, and forced her to take a new look at the world. The poems of the writer instantly went to their pages, known at the time of publications. For example, her work has been published in magazines «Youth», «Moscow», «Young guard" and so on.

If to speak about the nature of her works, the first thing they focus on the inner world of man: his experiences, aspirations and struggle. In addition, Vasilyeva Larisa writes about the love of Russia, its nature and about the people that live on her wonderful land. In General, from under her hands came out more than 20 collections of poems that were published in both Russian language and English.

Larisa Vasilyeva's verses

Larissa Vasilieva: books

The First book of the writer was published in 1985. It was a collection of short stories about the history of England under the title “the Albion and the secret of time”. Her next work was the autobiographical novel “the Book about my father. Novel-memory”. It was she who brought glory to Vasilyeva, as found response in the hearts of thousands of people.

However, the very Vasilyeva Larisa believes that the turning point in her career was the era of perestroika. It was during this period she evolved from a poet to writer-historian. Her major bestseller was the book “the Kremlin wives”, released in 1994. The success was so overwhelming that soon the writer of the letters had stopped fans calling to continue this series.

Vasilyev listened to the request of its readers and soon released several more similar books: “Tales of love" (1995) and “children of the Kremlin" (1996). The latter was translated into many languages and are popular not only in Europe but also in Asia. After all this hoopla Larisa Vasileva eventually moved into journalism, leaving the poetry to young talents.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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