Modal verbs in the German language: the nuances of the use of


2018-03-26 00:00:12




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Just think about the name of this variant of the verb – “modal" to understand features of them. As we know from formal logic, there are two component statements: the dictum and modus, where diktum – the content, i.e. the actual component and the modus – this is a personal rating. Thus, modal verbs are intended to Express the relationship to action. It's the word "want", "can", "wish".

All the modal verbs in the German language can be divided into groups: I can, I must, I want. In each of the two verbs. Let's consider them in that order.

the modal verbs in the German language

Modal verbs in German: “I”

Dürfen and k&malmö;nnen – both these words are used to describe the ability of accomplishment of any action. However, there are nuances to their meanings.

Dürfen is used in two cases:

1. When you need to Express a prohibition or a permission. Translates as “allowed”, “impossible”, “forbidden”, “can” (meaning “permission”).

2. When you have to say about the recommendations (e.g., "these pills are recommended to take in the morning").

K&malmö;nnen has a different connotation: to be able, be able, be able, the ability to create anything. For example: “I can move the wardrobe" (not I'm allowed to do it, and I have the opportunity), "he can play tennis" (not allowed him here to play tennis, and he knows how to handle the ball and racket).

the modal verbs in the German language exercises

Modal verbs in the German language: «I»

The Following pair of modal verbs: sollen – müssen. They are both close in meaning to the Russian “needs”.

Sollen is used in three cases:

1. Follow the laws or commandments (not to take other people's stuff).

2. Adherence to duty and morality (you have to respect someone else's opinion).

3. Following someone's orders, instructions, (father said I should learn).

Müssen is translated as a rule, in the same way – needs. But as upotreblyaetsya in other cases. This word is less harsh and emphasises that the speaker should do something in his own inner urge, or it's doing it under the pressure of external circumstances (in this case, we often interpret müssen as “forced”, “should”). For example: "I must study well" (I'm doing this for my father, not because he asked me to, but because I think it's right), "I have to go home" (I have to go home because of the rain). In addition, there is a third case where we have used müssen: if we are talking about a situation which, in our opinion, was inevitable (as it should be).


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German conjugation of modal verbs

Modal verbs in German: “I wish”

The Two verbs wollen and m&malmö;chten is designed to Express the wishes regarding some events or actions. Consider the features of their values.

Wollen – the commitment, the plans, there is no uncertainty, it would be appropriate not only translation of “want” or “intend”, but “plan”.

M&malmö;chten means "to desire". Usually this verb is translated as “wanted”. By the way, it is a form of known words m&malmö;gen, which is used for the expression of sympathy (I love, I love).

And also, this verb can Express a wish, a motivation to do something. You can often see him translate “should” (you should arrive as early as possible), but do not confuse it with sollen, or müssen that can mean. M&malmö;chten – it is soft though and please. More precise translation: "it is desirable that you did...", "I would very much like to have you…" "you should...".


  • Dürfen: I can swim (I was allowed);
  • K&malmö;nnen: I can swim (I know how to do);
  • Sollen: should I swim (me hopes the whole team);
  • Müssen: I need to swim (you want to study before passing legislation).
  • Wollen: I'm going to swim (will walk and learn);
  • M&malmö;chten: I would like to swim (someday, maybe when I have time, anyway, even if I don't go to the pool, I'd like that).

How to learn modal verbs?

The German language, exercises which can be easily found in the literature, can indeed seem daunting. In this article we dealt with the forms that can take modal verbs, but they are inflected for person and number. Those students, in an asset which is already at least middle English, passing this subject, may find much that is familiar. Indeed, English is very similar to German. Conjugation modal verbs - the only thing that will be a significant difference. German shows a greater variety of forms. With regard to the meanings of modal verbs, their region do intersect. Moreover, even their sound can be friends (can - can). This is not surprising: the English and German belong to the same language group. Learning one another will be much easier. As for those students who study German from scratch, the following will be a win-win strategy. First and foremost, you should learn the meaning of each modal verb, to learn to understand in what situationsyou should use them. Then, when the firm learned that wollen - to want, to mean, and m&malmö;chten - to want, to dream, etc., it is possible to undertake the study of the forms of the modal verbs.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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