Educational space is... a definition of the purpose of education


2018-03-25 18:13:12




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Table of contents:

What is meant by educational space? What is the purpose of his release? How it is formed? How is organized?

General information

educational space isThe Educational space – the term used to describe many systems, the purpose of which is education. It is possible to tell and differently. 'Space' means all education, all impact on her. In the analysis of concepts is not superfluous to recall the principle of “Dolls” with a small difference: the weight of each system that belongs to the community, will not be the same. And educational space – it is not just the largest integrated system that exists within the society or country. He has a number of derivatives. Depending on how did the organization of the educational process, it can be argued about the direction and quality of development of public relations. While there are multiple intersections, the result of which may be made of the evaluation characteristic, dependent on the chosen coordinate system, which is evaluation. As reference material will be used vision of G. N. Serikova.

Regulatory coordinate

Educational processIts goal – to characterize the moral and legal grounds. They will depend on in what conditions there will be a process of functioning. And how will educational space. On the one hand, allows for the normalization of relations between participants of the process. Also provided legal regulation of the education system and its structural elements.


organization of educational processIs preparing to receive a certain result. Its position is estimated, which profession, skills and so on will be needed after a certain time. So, from the point of view of perspective-orienting coordinates the analysis of social and value-based expectations, such as employability of graduates and quality of education of different levels. The greatest interest in this case is a professional education.


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Activity-stimulating coordinate

It shows the specifics are not material conditions for the functioning of the parties of relations which are included in modern educational space. And in this case may be a very clear distinction between the sectors and even to individual elements. It should be noted that there is a negative aspect that is manifested in a significant increase in the number of paper component. Theoretically moving forward, only passing the information computer technology, that is, through the cybernetization of education.

Communication and information coordinate

educationThis position assesses the relationship between a large number of systems, their structural components and individual elements. From the ability to quickly and efficiently transmit information largely depends on the possibility of adapting education to the challenges of modernity.

The Impact of modern technologies

Now the educational space – this is not the same that was a hundred, fifty, and even twenty years ago. Significant impact it is now providing computer and information technology. Especially notable is the fact that the educational process is gradually shifting to the virtual space. Initially I started with simple courses, which in most cases was worthless. And now even universities are practicing the development and implementation of distance modes of study. There are numerous and just volunteer for projects that focus on assistance in obtaining new knowledge and development. On its own initiative, people create and upload text and video for a wide range of areas. That is to say, learn to fall. For example, if a person at the University that is not clear, for example – with the section of physics, he can always look for an explanation. Moreover, it is likely that eventually he'll find a video and not one where he will be able to tell a physics Professor. Yes, and under the influence of changes in the world and is increasingly changing the education requirements. Now more than ever, need to man was not just a graduate, but possessed effective techniques of learning. How not to recall the words from a children's book “Alice in Wonderland” - you must run with all my strength to stay in place. Even faster you need to move, if you want somewhere to walk.

Enhancement methodology

modern educational spacePreviously it was thought that simply loading a person's knowledge, and that's enough. Well, to get the scholar truly enough. But for specialist training that will be necessary for the society and will be able to successfully engage in professional activities, this is not enough. What is now proposed? In addition to obtaining knowledge in an organized form (school, University), you need to work hard to ensure that peoplewas responsible for training independently. Moreover, it is an object of interest to him were area where there is the possibility of successful activities, personal and career growth. All this should contribute to the basis in the form of good language skills, developed critical and analytical thinking (which contributes a lot to the study of logic, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, Economics and law). That's the goal of education should provide a person that will not perish in this life. Increasingly, you can hear calls about the need to study the real things with which adults are confronted everywhere. So, payment of taxes, filling of various statements, forms, an analysis of the principles of functioning of state institutions – here is a partial list of issues with which we are confronted. You can say that there are different educational objectives, but the most important of them – is to prepare a person and citizen to adulthood and its challenges. And by these words should mean not only work within the framework of the kindergarten, school and University. No. We have to study all my life. Therefore it is necessary to ensure that the process was as comfortable as possible.


formation of educational spaceAs you can see, not so simple. The educational process – it's a difficult time of life that lasts for all time until a live person. For many, it truly is suspended to a small value, but never stops. Also of note is the significant fact that the formation of the educational space is not only the government but also by private individuals who do it on a commercial and voluntary basis. This is both good and bad. Why? If there are private attempts to improve education, it suggests that the state is unable to cope with demand. And that's bad. But at the same time there are people who take the education of the masses in their hands. Worth a visit to popular video hosting sites as possible to see how many people with advanced degrees carry knowledge to the masses, professionally explaining complex aspects of many Sciences, professions and points. Now it is possible to assert with confidence that the educational process – it is part of public life that have long and confidently beyond the control of the state. It is possible that over time, the school will be transformed so that a resident of the twenty-first century and will not be able to know immediately.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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