List of adverbs. How to distinguish an adverb from an adjective? What is the adverb in Russian language


2018-03-24 20:39:23




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Each of us are still at school is familiar with this part of speech as an adverb. We actively used them in daily speech, not thinking about any rules or fundamentals of the theory.


However, you need to understand the concept: what is an adverb in Russian language? According to the rules of literature this term is defined as an immutable part of speech denoting a characteristic of the act, the state of the object or quality of an object, and plays proposals role of the circumstances or inconsistent definitions. Answers the question "how?"

Adverbs bring to our speech more meaningfulness, accuracy, and expression. For correct sentence structure, inside which is the part of speech, consider its stylistic and semantic significance of role.

Writing of particles with adverbs in-o (-e). Continuous use

Consider the spelling of particles - adverbs ending in-o (-e). The role of particles not in the Russian language manifests itself in the negation and word formation.

What is the adverb in Russian

  1. Particle of the adverbs in-o (-e) written together, if the formation of new words with the opposite meanings. Instead, you can substitute a synonym, which is not missing. List of adverbs: well (originally, the word — bad); illiterate (the original word — correctly); close (original word — far). Exceptions are the words: not soon (soon), not vain (in vain), not by chance (randomly), not on purpose (on purpose).
  2. The Particle is not attached to the indefinite and negative adverbs. Examples: there is no need (why), no place (where).
  3. If the word cannot be used without the particle: it is absurd, accidentally, carelessly, suddenly, clumsily, sloppily.
  4. If the proposal is, the opposition and the Union but to speak quietly, but expressively.

Use Separate

Consider another writing adverbs in-o (-e):


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  1. Separate the writing occurs, unless the offer is, the opposition and the Union and thought about it good and bad; to fly is not high, and low; not visited often, but rarely; it was not loud and quiet.
  2. If the adverb is associated with the words: not, not, not, not, etc. Examples: it's not stupid, not reliable, no later.

Role in

Phrases with adverbs are found in virtually all lexical and grammatical types. Depending on part of speech, which occupies a major role, there are: verbal, nominal and adverbial phrase.

Not with adverbs in o e

  1. In verb phrases play a Central role of the verb. There are also cases in which the secondary word is the adverb. Example: to do a Threesome, to decide rightly.
  2. In the nominal phrases, the main role may be in multiple parts of speech. Collocations with adverbs, as with the secondary members may include nouns and adjectives. Example of a combination structure with a noun: walk, rice in Korean. Example of a combination of construction with the adjective: extremely hot, surprisingly sensitive.
  3. What is the main (and minor) in adverbial phrases, we have no doubt. An example of a design with two adverbs: very silly, still good. An example of a phrase with a single noun: close to the Park, just before the weekend, alone with my father.

Adverb and adjective — what's the difference?

An Important issue in the study of dialects is the question of their similarities and differences with an adjective.

Phrase with adverbs

So how to distinguish an adverb from an adjective?

First, the absence of dependent and defined by words. In verb conjunction adverb usually plays the role of circumstances. From the adjective have a few dependent words with him and agreed. In addition, adjectives can be easily lowered, since standing next to the prepositions do not belong to them, and a noun.

Second, one adverb with a similar meaning can stand in the place of another: then — then, nothing — nothing, at first — first, etc. to Replace adjectives only other adjectives, or other nominal parts of speech: the empty house — in a vacant house.

So, we've figured out how to distinguish the adverb from the adjective in the Russian language. These same provisions work and, when necessary to distinguish it from the noun, the pronoun and the numeral. Unions stand out for their connective function between the homogeneous members, as well as parts of a complex or a proposal.

How to distinguish an adverb from the adjective


If the creation of the adverbs involved qualitative adjectives, they form the comparative and superlative degrees of comparison.


Start form

Education (suffix)Example comparative degree

Excellent degree and education

Adverbs superlatives have an integral form. It usually combines the comparative degree and two pronouns — of everyone and everything.

Primary formExample of the superlative degree
OldOver all

Quality language

The Two most important category of adverbs are called adverbial and quality. First may determine the quality of the actions (the so-called — an adverb), or a characteristic, which is expressed adjectives.

Consider the list of the dialects included in the quality category and examples of their use:

  • Talent to sing, to grin scornfully, brilliantly defend, intentionally quiet, warm, thoughtful, careful, etc.
  • Qualitative adverbs often play the role of the epithet, which vividly displays the action of the verb: "I Solemnly and regally stood night" (from the story by Ivan Turgenev).
  • Qualitative adverbs can form a subjective assessment, indicating usilitelei, humanistically, raskatannoe or a weakening of the characteristic. This form is generally characteristic of spoken language, for example: its far, far away, I, not so good etc.


Place quantitative adverbs inside a quality

A Quantitative adverb, as a sub-group inside high-quality, means:

  1. The Degree or measure of action and symptom: little to do, a little rush, much older.
  2. Activity: tightly bound.
  3. Accuracy: at midnight, almost a centimeter.

This adverb answers the questions:

  • How many?
  • How many?
  • To what extent?

List of adverbs and examples of their use: three times older, slightly pospolite, too late, etc. in Addition verbs can be determined and nouns: almost a teenager, and twice decorated.

The Adverbial adverbs

With the adverbial adverbs can Express the circumstances of time, space, reason and purpose. They provide an explanation of verbs, adjectives and nouns: day, morning, from time immemorial, everywhere, right, also, deliberately, from a distance.

Qualitative and adverbial adverbs formed another category — qualitative-adverbial, which is located somewhere in the middle. In this case, using the questions:

  • How?
  • How?
  • How?

They also include adverbs that refer to numerals, signifying the comparison and assimilation. List of adverbs that fall under the qualitative-adverbial category: at, by swimming, out loud, together, the five of us, alone, to be honest, do you think, in my opinion, in a comradely way.

Predicative adverbs or condition category

Predicative adverbs is called a large group of parts of speech that have status value and performing the role of the predicate. Usually "live" inside such predicates of impersonal sentences.

As it applies to living beings (honest, sad, sad), and to the world (stuffy, narrow, spacious, rainy). Adverbs can, sorry, not once (and several others) are actually-predicative adverbs.

Proper use of adverbs will help make your speech appropriate beautiful

Category adverbs

Comparing the dialects in different categories helps to understand the rules of their use both in writing and orally. Their improper use can lead to quite funny situations. In the speech of the older generation can meet the obsolete words, and words specific to certain rural settlements: there (is) theirs (instead of them), nonche (instead of today), inward (instead of inside) and many others.

Many problems can occur with the use of interrogative and relative adverb "where". Where is often used more interrogative and relative adverb — "where." Thus, the phrase "Where the hell?" "What happened?", "Where have you gone?" changed to "Where go?", "Where go?" and "Where gone?".

With the adverb "terribly" is the same thing: its use does not contribute to our speech is no more expressive, as it may seem at first glance, but on the contrary, spoil it. This especially stands out when you use the adverb "terribly" with the words that denote something positive: terribly beautiful, terribly beautiful, terribly nice, etc. In such expressions there is a tinge of jargonese and mannerisms. Usually this technique is used writers to add their work and characters in a negative or ironic character.

Nothing useful will not give you and the adverb "hard" if they are constantly replaced by other important words. For example: "hit her" (instead of "hard knock"), "fast lunch" (instead of "a really big lunch"), "firmly versed in this subject" (instead of "well versed in this subject"), etc.

If you want to use these dialects in speech, it is necessary to consider their features. So, the adverb "hard" is the only place in the descriptions of thoughts and feelings: think hard, hardmiss strongly doubt.

It is Worth to mention tautological phrases in which the adverb stands close to the personal pronoun of the first person: "I personally believe this is inappropriate"; "I personally do not care"; "We are personally going to go on vacation"; "I personally think you're lying", etc.

You Know, what is the adverb in the Russian language, as "silently" formed from the adjective "silent", can replace the gerund in silence. The person whose speech is present, such a substitution is likely to be illiterate, and his phrase is meaningless.

Examples: "She silently approached the table and took the book"; "a Hunter silently stalking the prey"; "the Police silently conducted the inspection" etc.

Thus, it becomes clear that such a dismissive use of adverbs can only damage our speech. Russian is a difficult language, but beautiful, so arm yourself with knowledge and speak and write with confidence!

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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