Suvorov military school, Tver, address, photo, receipt, reviews


2018-03-24 05:08:18




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Kalinin military school (Klswo) the return of the city its historical name changed abbreviation to Tsvu. Now this is the Tver Suvorov military school. Tver is an ancient city, and the cadets got the building built by the famous architect Kozlov in the nineteenth century.

Suvorov military school in Tver


Earlier in this building was a Seminary, where not only the clergy, but also people with very progressive views, for example - Tsarskoye Selo-Pushkin Lyceum teacher Kunitsyn. Now the building is given over to future defenders of the Fatherland, which contributes a lot in this direction the native Suvorov military school.

Tver remembers that their distant predecessors in difficult times for the country in 1812, too, the wall stood to defend the homeland. In the great Patriotic war was attended by more than eighty volunteers of the future priests and their teachers, who studied and worked in the Tver theological Seminary.

Composer Aleksandrov

The Connection with the military profession not only in this. Until 1917 it was here, in Seminary, taught a wonderful composer and the first leader of the best military team, who was tragically killed recently. This glorious red banner song and dance ensemble of the Soviet Army.

The composer is the person whose name you wore and will wear this wonderful team, who visited all wars and on all fronts, - Alexander Vasilyevich Alexandrov. These remarkable roots to nourish the young minds and characters of young men who entered the Suvorov military school. Tver certainly get out of the new, proudly-sounding names - at a certain hour.


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About the school

Here the students receive a General secondary and basic education and at the same time, preparing to enter the military schools with the highest stage, under the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation. Started Suvorov military school (Tver) in 1943, when the city of Kalinin was liberated from the Nazi occupation. Here at first took boys from eight to thirteen years old - orphaned children, mainly sons of those who currently fought in the red Army. The school was staffed with personnel infantry military schools, officers served a civil teachers.

The First intake of pupils were five hundred to six people. The first day of classes of the nineteenth of December, this Day Suvorov military school. Tver traditionally widely it notes. In 1945, students took part in the Victory Parade on red square, and since then it has become a tradition until 1995. In 1948 the first graduates left the Suvorov military school in Tver. In 1956, the rules have changed. How to enter in the Suvorov military school in Tver eight-year-old children? No way. This moment was made only eleven-year-old boys, after graduating from elementary school. It turns out that now the training lasts seven years, from fifth grade to eleventh, inclusive.

how to enter in the Suvorov military school

Military interpreters

Since 1956 Suvorov military school in Tver reviews received the most incredible. The fact that the change in curriculum and partly training. The study of foreign languages was planned more than two thousand hours, and it is provided with the release from the College fluency. For our country at the time it was a huge rarity. Before administration of Suvorovsky school has set itself a new task. Now here was the training of military translators.

But ten years had passed, everything changed in the country. In 1963, a new order of learning and acquisition of the school. How to enter in the Suvorov military school in Tver eleven year old boy? No way. Now here can learn only Teens fifteen or sixteen years old, who graduated from the eight-year school. The training lasted for seven and three years old. Since 1969 two. So, for a career military interpreter applicants hope was impossible.

Suvorov military school in Tver photo


In 1990, Kalinin returned its historical name, and Suvorov military school (Tver) also changed the name. Along with the name began to return and the previous curricula. In 1992 he returned three years. For all the time challenge prize of the Ministry of defence of the country Suvorov military school (city of Tver) has been awarded thirteen times! Here repeatedly there were the Ministers of defense, Igor Sergeyev, Sergei Ivanov. And in 2007, was made a fateful decision: he entered the order on the resubordination of the Suvorov military school for the command of the strategic missile forces.

Since 2008, the school begins the transition to the previous seven-year training, and in 2009 was recruited, the rate of adolescents in the fifth, sixth and seventh classes. 2010 marked the full transition to seven years. In 2009, there again was visited by the Minister of defense, Anatoly Serdyukov, and in 2010-m has made a new donation. Now the school has moved to the office of the Department of education, the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. In 2013 it was visited by another Minister, Sergei Shoigu, then in March of this year the Tver Suvorov military school is subject to the command of the Troops of aerospace defense, and from 2015 - the Commander of the VKS.


The school had made sixty-seven issues. Came out from the walls about fifteen thousandpupils, of whom three hundred and five gold medals. Over seventy graduates rose to the rank of General: generals-Colonel Boris Gromov and V. I. Mironov, General-Lieutenant G. N. Studenikin, N. So chernopjatov and many other legendary commanders. About a hundred graduates go into research and became doctors and candidates of Sciences.

The School was always in good standing, and therefore to study here was considered prestigious. Even the relatives of prominent public figures, popular heroes and generals studied in the Tver Suvorov military school. For example, two grandsons of Vasily Ivanovich Chapayev, grandchildren Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, the grandson of Joseph Stalin, the sons of the famous pilots of the Gastello and Sherman, the nephew of Ordzhonikidze, the grandson of Khrushchev and then the list is long.

Suvorov military school in Tver


Now even more comfortable and looks beautiful Suvorov military school (Tver). Photo shows us well-equipped classrooms, where have all the multimedia tools for learning. Practical classes are conducted in laboratories with the most modern equipment - chemistry, physics biology, there are two computer labs where classes are held in computer science. Foreign languages are taught in four classrooms, there are also office technology. Great attention is paid to the school physical education and sports.

Three excellently equipped sports halls, a stadium and sports village that serve this purpose best. Cadets must be well-rounded people, which is why it is so important the presence of an extensive library and comfortable reading room for sixty seats. A special word deserves the creation of electronic informational and educational environment. Each student has a personal laptop and access to all telecommunication networks and systems, and also have constant access to the Internet.

Suvorov military school in Tver reviews


Feed the cadets five times a day, the quality of the food, no one complains. The monthly allowance of a cadet is a thousand rubles, and orphans - two thousand. The school has excellent sleeping quarters, room domestic services (laundries, and so on), as well as in moments of leisure the students can visit the game room or sports.

Leisure time they do remain a few minutes. Of course, most of the time training and military training, and free time for the most part, too, is organized and why it is interesting.


A work plan. Extra-curricular activities and miklossy, participation in creative associations, training events, of which particularly a lot. Are traditional such as Day schools on December 19, the Day of knowledge, teacher's Day, new year marathon, the festival "salute, Victory!" "Triumph", "Carnival", the Day of Fatherland defenders, Day of Astronautics.

Of Course, there are the last call and a graduation party, to which also always preparation is well underway. In addition, there are a dozen major and regular stock like "Purity will save the world", and a number of different competitions. All this has long been in a system of tradition, which reveres Suvorov military school (Tver).

Tver Suvorov military school address


The set during the fifth classes taken eighty people. Basis of admission - competitive in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation on the results of entrance exams and only pass health of minor citizens of the Russian Federation, upon application for admission to the training. There are categories of citizens who can enjoy the privilege of enrolling in College.

These orphans, left without parents; children of servicemen, children of state employees and civilian personnel authorities, which provides military service; children are dismissed from military service after the duration of her more than twenty years; the children of servicemen or police officers or prosecutors who are killed in the performance of military duties or died after injuries, wounds, contusions, and so forth; the children of heroes of the Soviet Union, heroes of Russia and full gentlemen of order of Glory.


The fifteenth of April to the thirtieth of may of each year submission of documents and the formation of the personal file of the applicant. Sent certified copies and not originals, in the Tver Suvorov military school. Address: Sofii Perovskoy, building 2, zip code 170000. If the thirtieth of may is a day off, then the timing of receiving the personal file is extended to Monday.

Documents must be the following (personal business includes an inventory of investments):

  1. A Statement to the head of the school is modeled from the legal representatives, i.e. parents or guardians.
  2. A Statement of the candidate to the head of school in the sample.
  3. Certified copy of birth certificate. For persons over fourteen years plus a certified copy of the second, third and fourth pages of the passport.
  4. Autobiography of the candidate for the approximate model.
  5. Certified copies of personal records from educational organizations, extracts the report cards, current estimates for the fourth quarter, psychological, and pedagogical characteristics.
  6. Four photographs 4x3 cm with space forprint in the bottom right corner.
  7. Copy of medical insurance policy.
  8. Copy of medical records and medical certificates-report for professional educational institution "military Academy".
  9. Medical clearance for physical culture.
  10. Copy of the history of child development and original extract from the history.
  11. Data from narcological and psychoneurological clinics the counting or observation.
  12. A copy of the certificate concerning preventive vaccination.
  13. Extract from the place of residence or registration from the house.
  14. Help from parents or guardians of employment or service.

Suvorov military school g Tver

Medical references

Incoming in a military school must undergo a medical examination at the institution treatment-and-prophylactic profile. The inspection should take part: pediatrician, ENT, urologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, endocrinologist, dentist, podiatrist and cardiologist. In addition, you must provide the results of laboratory and instrumental studies: weight and body length, sexual form, heart rate, three times the blood pressure, twice ECG (test for exercise and at rest), General blood test, a chest x-ray, analyses of feces on yaytseglist.

If there are readings, you will need additional documents: ECHO, ultrasound of the kidneys or of the abdominal cavity, endoscopy for gastritis, spinal radiography or stop if scoliosis or flat feet. Also need mandatory the following documents: extract from the patient card form number 112/y, copy of medical records on the form form №026/u-2000, certificate of health from the substance abuse and psycho-neurological dispensaries. All of these securities are invested in a personal matter. Upon arrival at the examination shall submit the original medical and outpatients. In addition to the documents and medical certificates in the personal file must be submitted in portfolio: confirmation of all achievements in the form of certificates and so on.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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