North America: topography and its features


2018-03-23 22:44:16




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The Relief, the minerals of North America - all this is studied today in school geography lessons. Knowledge of these topics is necessary not only for the exam but also for the overall development. Because each of us needs to understand what is the surface of the planet on which we live.

North America, the relief of which we will examine in this article, reminiscent of the type of vertical dismemberment of South America. Powerful belt of mountains of the Cordillera stretches along the West coast for 7000 km Mainly flat is the Eastern half of this continent. All this suggests that the topography of North and South America has a lot in common. However, between these continents, there are significant differences. In particular, the Cordillera mountain system is much broader and more complex than the Andes (also known as Andean Cordillera). They consist of a system of ridges, different tectonic and geological structure, are distinct.

the topography of North America photo

East zone

Clearly distinguished throughout most of the Cordillera rotections 5 longitudinal zones. The first of these, the East, the ridges aramiska folding: Mackenzie mountains, Brooks range, ridge East of the Sierra Madre, Rocky mountains. The latter can be divided according to the features of the orography into two parts: southern and Northern. Between them, the boundary is Yellowstone plateau. The proper alignment of forms is a striking orographic feature.

Front range of the Rocky mountains

The front range of the Rocky mountains (North America) landscape features the following: it extends for nearly 2000 km in a straight line, affecting the continuity, integrity, and uniformity of its geological structure. Ridge clearly defined, crowned the steep high peaks, which reach heights of 4000 m. It gradually descends to the East to the Great plains. Front range in the West is limited to a tectonic fault in the Northern part. In the middle of the mountain reduced. Crosses the river Pis, one of the sources of the river Mackenzie. Front range in the southern part of extends. It is divided into separate ranges, the height of which is significant: Lewis, Caribou, Selkirk. In this part are the most Advanced top of the ridge. This is mount Robson (3954 m height) and mount Columbia (3747 m). Alpine landforms of North America is typical of the Advanced range. It is also characterized by trudnoprohodim and significant glaciation.


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Rocky mountains in the southern part of

A Single mountain range of the Rocky mountains do not form in the southern part. Here they consist of particular areas, sometimes isolated and separated by "parks" - broad pools, which is a plateau-like areas that connect with a Large Pool Great plains. Part ranges (Sangre de Cristo, Wasatch) stretches almost from the North to the South. Others (e.g., Uinta) in West-East direction, perpendicular to them. Significant height and width of this mountain belt kompensiruet the lack of continuity. The border between the Great plains and the Rocky mountains very clearly expressed: a steep wall slope of the mountains. The southern part is a typical EPI-platform the mountains that were formed after the activation edge of one of the oldest platforms.

Belt of inner plateaus and plateau

North America terrain and climate

- belt of inner plateaus and plateau formed in newdisco folding on the mainland of North America. The relief is characterized by folded nevidimkami structures presented peneplane. Within this belt there are plateaus, which are confined to the "fragments" of the North American ancient platforms and are clamped by the ridges of the Cordillera (Northern Mass, Colorado plateau). The largest intermountain plains: Fraser, Yukon, a Large Pool, Columbia, Northern and Central Mass, Colorado.

Large Pool

Large Pool - denudation plateau, the largest by area. This area, the width of which reaches 800 km, the whole is an alternation of mountain and plain surfaces with a predominance of the first. On average, 1500 m elevated surface of the plateau. However, large height variations. The plateau is crossed by parallel ridges with altitudes of about 3 km (peak Wheeler - 3982 m). Deep depressions, called basename, lie between them. It is semi-enclosed and enclosed basins, which are areas of internal drainage. Death valley is one of them (-85 m).

landforms North America

Ostantsovy peaks are common (including cones volcanoes).

Colorado Plateau and the Grand Canyon

The Colorado Plateau is one of the unique corners of our planet, which is famous for North America. Relief it is very beautiful. In their geological structure (undisturbed horizontal Board mountain sedimentary rocks range in age from the oldest to Verkhnevilyuisky lying on the crystalline basement), this plateau is similar to the North American platform. Its surface is hilly plain, the height of which reaches 3860 m.

The sights of the plateau is the Grand Canyon (North America). The terrain and climate are attracted to this place many tourists. The Grand Canyon (pictured below) was formed by the Colorado river in its middle stream. It reaches a depth of 1800 m,with a width of 8 to 25 km at the level of the plateau and up to 1 km at the bottom. Cliff, interesting, bizarre forms characteristic of the Grand Canyon. They arose as a result of erosion processes of destruction and weathering. In the crystal, the base incised sinuous narrow channel.

the topography of North America briefly

Inner mountain belt

The Third zone, the inner mountain is a zone nevadica ranges: the Coast mountains, Alaskan range, Cascade mountains, Sierra Nevada, Transverse Volcanic and Western Sierra Madre. Straightforwardness is the difference between these mountain ranges. Igneous rocks predominate in their structure. Cascade mountains - batholith volcanic cones impaled on him. The Sierra Nevada is a giant asymmetric crystalline batholith, with a gentle Western and steep Eastern slopes.

A Belt of synclinorium

The Fourth zone is the zone of synclinorium. It is a zone of subsidence, which was formed in the Neogene. Part of it currently presents various sea bays, Straits. On land it Death valley, Great Central valley, the lower reaches of the Colorado river.

The Extreme Western zone

The Fifth zone - the extreme West. It is a coastal zone of folded Alpine ridges such as Aleutian (there are 25 active volcanoes), the Kenai Peninsula, the Island ridge to the peak Victoria (altitude 2200 m), Covacci ridge, Peninsula, Victoria, Coastal ridges, the ridge of the southern Sierra Madre. All of them belong to medium, only the most prominent peaks higher than 2 km.

the topography of North and South America

Depending on the extent of glaciation, the severity of orographic longitudinal belts, the tectonic and erosional dissection, the Andes are divided into 4 morphological areas: the Cordilleras Mexico, Cordilleras of the United States, the canadian Cordillera and the Cordillera of Alaska.

The Eastern part of the continent

The terrain in North America on the East? Let's face it. As we have noted, the landforms of North America mostly flat in the Eastern part of the continent. Basically it is sublime (Central, Laurentian), and high plains. The lowlands are located along the coastline: Primeksikanskaya, Atlantic, Priazovskaya and Mississippi in the lower reaches of the same river.

The Appalachian mountain belt

the topography of North America

In North America, in contrast to the South, another mountain belt stretches along the East coast Appalachian. It is a system of mountain ranges located from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to around 33-320N, that is nearly 2300 km the Island of Newfoundland is the Northern link. The Appalachian is the EPI-platform medium mountains. A significant difference between the southern and Northern parts of this mountain system has led to tectonic features and geological structure. Graben of the Hudson river is the border between the Southern and Northern Appalachians. And the Appalachians in General - is a wavy plateau. It is dominated by individual mountain ranges or mountain ranges. Northern Appalachian overlaps the Quaternary glaciation. So now the mountains are flat, only the highest peaks remained cirques with steep walls.

Southern Appalachians

Alternation of long parallel valleys and ridges in the Southern Appalachians. From the East and West stretching of the plateau along the foot of the mountains. This is Piedmont in the West - denudation flat plain formed by the early Cambrian crystalline rocks. From her cool West rises a chain of mountain ranges, almost continuous (Kohut, Unak, Black, Smoky, Big, Blue, etc.), whose height is 1-1,5 km away. This "ancient mountains" - dense core caledonides, prepared by denudata.

A Belt of ridges and valleys

One of the most remarkable areas of the Appalachian mountains, located to the West of them. This so-called Young mountains, or the Belt ridges and valleys. Here are some interesting terrain features of North America. Sedimentary rocks of the Paleozoic era is composed of all the territory: ranges - shales and sandstones, valley - Dolomites and limestones. Stretched for hundreds of kilometers from the South-West to North-East through the stretch of mountains and broad valleys interspersed with flat-top or with a narrow comb ridges. At an altitude of 500-600 m is the bottom of a valley. The tops of the ridges reach 1-1,2 km. of the Valley tectonically represent anticlinoria, and the ridges are synclinoria. That is, in this place there is a clear discrepancy between the type of tectonic structures of the modern form which has the relief of North America. Photo of the Appalachian mountains is presented below.

North America terrain

This is an example of inverted, or the inversion of the type of terrain. It is found in the mountains is quite rare and is represented most clearly in the Appalachians. This type of relief by analogy became known as the "Appalachian relief". Zone of "young mountains" from the West to interrupt the Appalachian plateau (Cumberland, Allegiance). It is a protrusion with a height of 300-400 m. This plateau is significantly higher Piedmont. The surface near the Eastern edge lies at an altitude of about 1.2 km, and West of 500 m. the Plateau in places deeply dissected by the valleys of the various rivers (gorges with narrow bottoms and steep slopes).

Well, now that the topography of North America brieflybeen reviewed in this article, hopefully, you will find it easier to make your own picture of it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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