Khan: biography. Dynasty Gireiev


2018-03-22 21:22:15




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Dynasty Gireiev almost 350 years of rule of the Crimean khanate. She revealed to the world many famous people, some of whom were prominent statesmen and others found their calling in the service of science and culture. To the latter belonged the famous art historian and ethnographer Sultan Khan-Girey. The biography of this man and the history of the Giray dynasty as a whole will be the subject of our discussion.

Khan Kherson

Biography of Khan-Girey

Sultan Khan-Girey was born in 1808 on the territory of modern Adygeya. He was the third son of the Crimean Tatar aristocrat who descended from the Khan family - of Mehmed Giray Khan. In addition, in his veins flowed the Sultan and Circassian blood. The best qualities of these two Nations is intertwined in it.

After reaching 29 years of age participated in a number of wars of the Russian Empire, with the rank of officer and command of a separate division. But in the Caucasian war, while tearing his homeland, did not participate, although, of course, this tragic conflict echoed in his heart.

Giray Khan wrote a number of works on Ethnography, folklore and art of the Circassian people, who received international fame. Among them, “Notes on Cherkessia” and “Circassian traditions”. He is also the author of a number of works of art. But most of his works were published only after his death. Giray Khan also known as the composer of the Adyghe alphabet.

In 1841, he carried on an active propaganda among the highlanders (on behalf of the Russian government) with a view to their reconciliation. However, his attempts ended in nothing. Died Giray Khan at the age of 34 years, in 1842, in his homeland.


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Khan Girey

This extraordinary man left behind a son – Sultan Murat Giray born in the year of the death of his father. But the contribution of Sultan Khan-Girey in the development of Circassian culture and literature – priceless.

According to one version, it was in honor of him, the Crimean Tatars want to rename in Khan-Girey Kherson.

Let's find out who were the ancestors of such an eminent personality.

Foundation dynasty

The founder of the dynasty of the rulers of the Crimea was Haji Giray. He came from a family Tukhtamuradov – one of the branches of the descendants of Genghis Khan. According to another version, the roots of the Giray dynasty was descended from the Mongolian kind Kireev, and by Genghiskhan they were assigned too late, to justify their right to rule.

Haji Giray was born about 1397 in the territory of modern Belarus, at that time belonged to the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL).

Khan biography

In that period, the Golden Horde was going through hard times, in fact, disintegrated into several independent States. Power in the Crimea with the support of the Lithuanian Grand Duke was succeeded in 1441 to capture Haji-Gireau. Thus, he became the founder of a dynasty which ruled in the Crimea for almost 350 years.

Sources of power

Mengli-Girey-Khan, who laid the Foundation of the power of the Crimean khanate. He was the son of Haji-Giray, after whose death (1466) a struggle for power between the children.

Initially, the Khan was the eldest son of Haji-Giray – Nur-Devlet. But Mengli Giray decided to challenge this law. Several times in the course of this internecine struggle of the Crimean khanate changed the ruler. If Nur-Devlet to his claim was based on the forces of the Golden Horde and the Ottoman Empire, Mengli bet on local Crimean know. Later, the fight was joined by another brother – the eider. In 1477 the throne managed to seize Jani beg, who does not belong to the dynasty Gireiev.

Finally, in 1478, Mengli-Giray was able to finally beat their rivals and to establish themselves in power. It was he who laid the foundations of the power of the Crimean khanate. However, in the course of struggle with other contenders he had to accept vassalage of the state from the Ottoman Empire and to give the South of Crimea, which colonized his allies the Genoese, in direct control of the Turks.

Mengli Giray Khan

The Crimean Khan Mengli Giray entered into an Alliance with Muscovy against the Great Horde (successor of the Golden Horde) and Lithuania. In 1482 his troops destroyed Kiev, which at that time belonged on. With him, the Crimean Tatars have made a massive foray into the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the framework of the provisions of the Treaty with Moscow. In 1502 Mengli Giray finally destroyed the Great Horde.

Died, Mengli-Giray, in 1515.

Further strengthening of the Khan's power

Further strengthened the state Mehmed Giray-Khan, who ruled after the death of Mengli-Giray, and was a son to him. Unlike his father, he from his youth was about to become a ruler, with the title – kalga, which was consistent with the title of crown Prince. Mehmed Giray led many campaigns and raids, organized Mengli Giray.

By the time of his accession to the throne he had held in his hands all the threads of government, so that attempts of his brothers to raise a rebellion was doomed to failure.

In 1519, the Crimean khanate has increased significantly, because on its territory settled part of the Nogai Horde. This was due to the fact that Nogai broke the Kazakhs, and even had to seek asylum from Mehmed Giray.

When Mehmed was a change of courseforeign policy of the Crimean khanate. After Most of the Horde was defeated by his father, the need for Union with the Moscow princedom anymore, so Mehmed Giray Khan made an Alliance with Lithuania against Russia. It was with him in 1521, was organized the first major campaign of the Crimean Tatars in Muscovy.

Mehmed Giray managed to sit on the throne of Kazan khanate his brother – Sahib Giray, thereby extending its influence in the middle Volga region. In 1522 he captures Astrakhan khanate. Thus, Mehmed Giray actually managed to subdue a considerable part of the former Golden Horde.

But, being in Astrakhan, Khan was so drunk with power that dissolved the army, which was used by detractors, who organized the conspiracy against Mehmed Giray and killed him in 1523.Devlet Giray, the Crimean Khan

Peak power

In the period from 1523 to 1551 were alternately ruled by the brothers and sons of Mehmed Giray. This time was full of intense struggle within the Crimean khanate. But in 1551, came to power, Devlet Giray the son of Mubarak, which, in turn, was the offspring of Mengli Giray. It was during his reign the Crimean khanate reached its peak of power.

Devlet Giray – the Crimean Khan, who especially became famous for the raids on the Russian state. His campaign in 1571 culminated in even the burning of Moscow.

Devlet-Giray had been in power for 26 years and died in 1577.

The Weakening khanate

If the son of Devlet Giray to Mehmed II still managed to hold the prestige of the Crimean khanate, under his successors the importance of the Tatar state in the international arena dropped significantly. He Mehmed II in 1584 was overthrown by the Turkish Sultan, but instead planted the brother of islyam-weight. Following the Crimean khans were little remarkable rulers, and in the state of unrest were frequent.

In 1648 the arena of high politics tried to get islyam-Girey III, an Alliance with the Zaporozhian Cossacks in the liberation war against the Commonwealth. But this Union was soon dissolved, and the Hetman became the allegiance to the Russian Tsar.Khan Shahin Giray

The ruler

The Last ruler of the Crimean khanate was Khan Shahin Giray. Even during the reign of his predecessor Devlet Giray IV, in 1774, the Crimean khanate gained independence from the Ottoman Empire, and recognized the protectorate of Russia. It was one of the conditions of Kuchuk Kainarji, which completed another Russo-Turkish war.

Crimean Khan Shagin-Girey came to power in 1777 as a protege of Russia. He was elevated to the throne instead of the configured Pro-Turkish Devlet Giray IV. However, even supported by Russian arms, on the throne he was sitting loosely. This is evidenced by the fact that in 1782, he was deposed from the throne his brother Bahadir Giray, who came to power on a wave of popular uprising. With the help of Russian troops Shahin Giray managed to regain the throne, but his reign became a fiction, since the real power he already had.

coins of Khan Girey

In 1783, this fiction was eliminated. Shahin Giray signed the abdication, and the Crimean khanate was annexed to the Russian Empire. Thus ended the reign of Giray in the Crimea. Evidence of the reign of Shagin can now serve is that of the coins of Khan Girey, the image of which you can watch above.

Shahin Giray after the abdication of the first lived in Russia but then moved to Turkey, where in 1787, was executed by order of the Sultan.

Giray after the loss of power

Sultan Giray Khan – not the sole representative of the genus, which became widely known after the loss of power of the dynasty over the Crimea. Famous were his brothers – Sultan Adil Giray Sagat and Sultan Giray, who became famous in the military field for the benefit of the Russian Empire.

Nephew of the Khan Giray Sultan Davlet-Girey became the founder of the Circassian theatre. The brother of the last, Robes of Crimea Giray, was Chairman of the Committee of the cavalry division. Both were killed in 1918 by the Bolsheviks.

Currently, the title of the Crimean Khan nominally claimed by Jezzar Pamir Giray, who lives in London.Mehmed Giray Khan

Value Giray kind in world history

Rod Giray left a noticeable trace in the history of the Crimea, and the history of the world in General. The name of this dynasty is almost inextricably linked the existence of the Crimean khanate-the state, which in its time played a leading role in Eastern Europe.

The Giray remembers the current generation of the Crimean Tatars, associating this genus with the glorious times in the history of the people. No wonder they had the initiative to rename the Giray Khan Kherson.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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