How to buy, exchange, and how to create things in "DotA 2"


2018-12-12 17:00:39




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"DotA 2" is a game which I heard about almost every gamer, and many people, indifferently related to computer games, you know at least approximately what it is. And is this project a MOBA, then there is a battle in the battle arena. This means that there is no story, no expanded game world, and there are only arena in which gamers can fight each other. A distinctive feature of this game is the abundance of characters, which you can choose, and variety in their leveling. All of this allows this seemingly limited the game to offer an almost inexhaustible scenarios. Besides, excitement adds the fact that it has an incredible variety of game objects that you can use in battle. Moreover, they can rotate and other actions. How to buy or exchange these items? How to create things in "DotA 2"?

Items in "DotA 2"

how to create things in DotA 2

If you are a long time playing "the Bunker", then you will not be a secret, the items here are very important - they give gamers advantages over others, so some things here can break out real battles. But to get items not only in the game, so you need to learn how to create things in "DotA 2", and their buy, sell and exchange. Then you will be able to make your character the most powerful or direct all their efforts to earn money by playing your favorite project. So, the objects in "DotA" you can drop from slain enemies, and also appear in other places in the arena, they give you a raise in any skills, to help you better handle the skill and so on. So some of them will be very useful. And before you start considering how to create things in "DotA 2", you need to deal with the situation when the engraved item, you simply do not need. Then you need to go to the marketplace.


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Trade items

betting DotA 2 items

Of Course, many people dream about to learn how to create things in "DotA 2", but this process can be extremely complex. So first you need to study those items that are already in the game to have some idea about what's most valued. And what to do with things that got you in the battle, but is absolutely not necessary? Or, conversely, how to purchase an item you can not beat the game? It's pretty simple - in "DotA 2" recently played mainly through the platform "Steam", and it has its own private marketplace. There players buy and sell trading cards, and items from games such as Team Fortress, Counter Strike and, of course, from "DotA". Therefore, if you are still not registered in the "Incentive" you need to go through the procedure, go to the trading platform and to place the announcement of sale of item with specific price that you request or to find a subject that you need, and purchase it at the best price. In fact, this process is not anything complicated, a simple bet. "DotA 2", things can get everyone, and is a platform for earnings, because you can get a stable, albeit small profit on items you find in the game.

Share things in the "Pillbox"

immortal things DotA 2

Of Course, not everything in the world sold for money. Of course, it is more convenient to use the gaming of the bet. "DotA 2", things which are very diverse, is a perfect place for sales, especially if you use "Steam". But in some situations, players may not want to sell the item for the money - you may not need Finance. But in this area supports the possibility of exchange of items and collectable cards, and not only their sale and purchase. Therefore, not all limited to only the bets - you can share things if it will be beneficial for both parties. So don't rush to buy anything - first find out, maybe someone he is, and that someone wants to get any of the items available to you. Then you can make a deal that is beneficial for both. This is especially true of any immortal-items - "DotA 2" and contains such items that are among the most rare. To buy them can be very difficult, but exchange - much easier.

Create your own things

DotA 2 how to share things

It's time to talk about the most exciting point concerning things in "DotA" - how to create them. Naturally, you will not be able to make their own immortal-items - "DotA 2", of course, open to creativity from the fans, but not so. So what is this process? Surely each person can create their own object which then will be in the game? This is true, but do not think that the objects created by users, directly into the game. Periodically, the team looks at everything that is offered users, and among those options choose the best. The Creator is doubly lucky - first, his will now appear in the game, it will be able to get other players and use it.Secondly, the Creator will receive a certain percentage from the sales of his things, carried out on the trading floor. So, do not think that creating things is something useless. A literate subject, which is not like the others and attracts attention, will interest the developers of the game "DotA 2". How to share things, you know, you also know how to buy and sell. Now it's time to consider in detail the process of creation.

General plan of creation of the object

how to get things DotA 2

Everyone knows how to get things - "DotA 2" is not the way in which this process can be difficult. But creating your own things - it is a much more complex process that consists of several stages and requires a serious approach. So, first you need to act on a specific plan of creating things. You need to come up with the concept of their subject, to make his sketch, and then turn it into a full three-dimensional model. Of course, this model then you will need to deploy and apply on it the required number of textures, and then upload the finished result in the shop "Stim." After that, you have nothing to depend on - you will need to wait for the decision of the developers of "DotA". You have to forget about the cheats - "DotA 2" does not recognize the interference in the code, so you will need to play fair if you want your item also appeared in the game.

Adding items in the game

cheats things DotA 2

So you downloaded the model you create things in the workshop and applied in accordance with where you would like your creation was in the game. After that you will have to wait a bit as developers need time to review and discuss all applications. If you are lucky and your model was selected by the developers, then the fun begins. Contact you and offer to introduce your subject in a test mode, and if everything runs smoothly, then your creation becomes public. And, as mentioned above, part of the proceeds from its sales will go to you as the Creator. Here is the best event in the game "DotA 2". How to do things - this is a question that everyone should ask themselves, because it is not only fun but also profitable.

How to create your own three-dimensional model?

codes on things DotA 2

The Whole process should now be clear. You have to understand that you can no longer use codes on things, "DotA 2" now for you is a place of honest work, and in such circumstances no cheating may not be acceptable. Everyone needs to realize that wanting hundreds, but only a few select things, so that in the first place to the creation of objects should be approached as a pleasant hobby, and the publication of your subject is seen as a useful bonus. It is now possible to consider in more detail some of the points that can cause difficulties. For example, not everyone owns good skills of three-dimensional modeling. But do not worry because this is not the most difficult stage, although it looks like one. If you spend a little time and learn some tutorials and videos on high-speed simulation, you will quickly master this skill and be able to create three-dimensional models.

Problems with style

Many of the items rejected by the developers on a fairly banal reason - a mismatch playing style. People send in their work, but if they are not suitable for the concept of "Pillboxes" that you will not have a chance. Even if the model is executed perfectly, her idea is brilliant, it will still be rejected as not fit in the game. So to start, it is recommended to find several guides on the playing style, texture and shading of the "Dots" to avoid wasting your time on creating high-quality, but inappropriate model.


Wishing to create their own model often wonder about whether there are restrictions on the software that is used in the process. The answer is short and clear - no restrictions. You can use absolutely all the available paid and free programs. You can create a model in one program and textures to keep her in the other - here you have no limits.

Other reasons for the rejection

Anyone who wants to promote their thing in the game, should understand that he will meet with a huge number of constraints. About matching style already stated, but also there can be no obscenity, the model must be fully created by you, that is not to violate copyright law, should be harmonious, that is, not to distort the silhouette of the hero and not to change the animation of his movements and facial expressions. In General, you need to carefully monitor that your item was original, unique and harmonious.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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