POST, GET: what is the difference between queries from each other


2018-12-10 04:00:34




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The Methods GET and POST in HTTP and HTTPS — two of the most popular method used to transfer data from the client to the server using the Protocol HTTP (hypertext transfer Protocol). And a GET and POST can be used for sending the request and receiving the response, but between them there is a significant difference.

The Difference between GET and POST requests in HTTP or HTTPS popular question in every interview for web programming. Because HTML does not depend on the web server, such as Java, ASP or PHP and HTTP is the primary Protocol in the Internet space, no one can ignore the importance of understanding the GET and POST methods. In this article we will look at what the HTTP GET method, what is the HTTP POST method when to use a particular query and what is the difference between them. Let us examine each concept separately.get post

What is HTML?

HTML is the language used to create web pages. Hypertext refers to links that may contain HTML page. A markup language is a way of using tags to define page layout and elements on the page.
The following is an example HTML that is used to define a basic web page with a title and one paragraph of text:

<! doctype html>
<Title> </ name>
</ HEAD>
<p> This is a sample paragraph in HTML. </ p>
</ Body>
</ Html>

The First line specifies the type of content contained in the document. <! doctype html> indicates that the page is written in HTML5. Properly formatted HTML pages should include the tags <html> <head> and <body>, all included in the example above. The page title, metadata and links to files bound are placed between the tags <head>. The actual page content is between the tags <body>.


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Over the past few decades, the network has gone through many changes, but HTML has always been the primary language used to develop web pages. Interestingly, although web sites have become more advanced and interactive, HTML made easy. If you compare the source of the HTML5 page with the same page written in HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0, the page HTML5 is less code. This is due to the fact that modern HTML based on cascading style sheets or JavaScript to format almost all elements inside the page.

Many dynamic web sites generate web pages "on the fly" using server-side scripting language such as PHP or ASP. However, even dynamic pages must be formatted using HTML. Therefore, scripting languages often generate HTML code that is sent to the web and get requests

What is HTTP?

The hypertext transfer Protocol HTTP is designed to communicate between clients and servers and works as a Protocol request-response.

The Web browser can be a client and the application on the computer that hosts the web site — server.

The Client (browser) sends an HTTP request to a server, the server returns a response that contains information about the status of the request and may also contain requested content.

Two methods GET and POST requests

Two commonly used methods for a request-response between client and server:

  • GET - requests data from a specified resource;

  • POST - submits data to be processed to the specified resource.

GET and POST Translation literally means receiving and post-processing.

Learn More about HTTP

HTTP is the Protocol used to transfer data over the Internet. Is part of the Internet Protocol and identifies the command and the services used for data transmission of the web page.

HTTP uses the model server-client. The client can be a home computer, laptop or mobile device. An HTTP server usually is a web host software web server, such as Apache or IIS. When the user accesses the website, the browser sends the request to the appropriate web server and responds with HTTP status code. If the URL is valid and connection is provided, the server will send the browser a web page and associated files.get post php

Common HTTP status codes include:

  • 200 — a successful request (a web page);

  • 301-moved permanently (often being redirected to the new URL);

  • 401-unauthorized request (login required)

  • 403-forbidden (access to the page or directory is not allowed);

  • 500-internal server error (often caused by improper server configuration).


Specifies the HTTP commands GET and POST, which are used to handle form submissions on web sites. CONNECT is used to facilitate a secure connection that is encrypted using SSL. Encrypted HTTP connections to occur over HTTPS — an HTTP extension designed to secure data transmissions.

URLS that start with “http://» available for standard transfer protocols and hypertext, by default, use port 80. URLS that begin with “https://» available through a secure HTTPS connection, and often use port 443.wordpress get posts


POST — a series of system checks performed by computers and other electronic devices when turned on. The test results can be displayed on the screenbe displayed through flashing LEDs or just join in. In computer systems the POST operation is performed at the beginning of the boot sequence. If all tests passed, the rest of the startup process will continue automatically.

Operating systems for Mac and Windows POST run every time the computer boots or restarts. The scan checks the hardware and ensures that CPU, memory, and storage devices will work correctly. If during the execution of a POST error occurs, the startup process may be suspended or completely stopped, and the monitor may receive a message about the emergency situation. PC POST error often appears on the information screen about the BIOS. They may be reported as cryptobia codes, such as “08”, or as a system message, for example, ‘missing: memory at offset”. On Mac errors POST often are indicated by simple graphics, for example, a broken folder icon that indicates that the boot device is not found.

Physical appearance

In some cases, the computer screen may not even be included before the error POST. If this happens, error codes can be displayed through a flashing led, or audible signals. For example, the Apple iMac will play three consecutive tones, pause five seconds and then repeat the tones, when during start-up detected bad RAM. Most PC also emit an audible signal upon detection of errors POST, although each manufacturer uses their own codes.http get post

POST — a rather technical term that only use computer equipment on a regular basis. However, it is a good abbreviation, because it helps to better understand the error messages that can appear on computers or other electronic devices. If the computer does not start because of an error in a POST, you can use another device to search for the values and cause of the error from the web site of the manufacturer. You can then take the appropriate action — removing the memory module or re-install the video card, and restarting equipment.


POST is also a method of transmission of HTML form variables from one web page to another, not displaying them in the address bar. Alternative method — the GET, which adds the values in the URL. The HTTP POST requests provide additional data from client (browser) to the server in the message body. In contrast, GET requests include all required data in the URL. Forms in HTML can use either method by specifying method = POST or method = GET (the default) in the element <form>. This method determines how the form data is sent to the server. When using the GET method, all form data is encoded in the URL as query string parameters. POST the form data appears in the message body of the HTTP request.

Differences in form view

The request Method POST requests to the web server for reception and storage of data enclosed in the message body of the request. Often used when loading a file or when sending the completed web form.

The HTTP request Method GET retrieves information from the server. Within the GET request, some data can be passed in the query string of the URL indicating the search terms, date ranges or other information that identifies the request.

Within the framework of a POST request an arbitrary amount of data of any type can be sent to the server in the message body of the request. Header field in the POST request typically indicates the type of Internet media of the message body.

The Main difference between GET and POST is that they correspond to different HTTP requests, as defined in the HTTP specifications. The process of applying both methods starts the same way: the dataset is created by the browser and is then encoded with a method specified by the enctype attribute. For METHOD = "POST attribute can be enctype multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded, whereas for METHOD =" GET " only runs via application/x-www-form-urlencoded. These form data set is then passed to the server.

To submit the form using METHOD = "GET", the browser constructs a URL by taking the value of the action attribute and adding to it a set of form data, encoded using the content type application/x-www-form-urlencoded). The browser then processes this URL, as if it referred to the link (or, if the user has typed the URL manually). The browser divides the URL into parts and recognizes a host, then sends to that host a GET request to the rest URL as the argument. It is important to note that this process means that the form data are restricted to ASCII codes. Special attention should be paid to the encoding and decoding of other types of characters to the URL in ASCII format.

Representation of a form with METHOD = “POST” is sending a POST request using the value of the action attribute and a message created in accordance with the content type specified by the enctype attribute.get post translation


PHP is the language for the web scripts embedded in the HTML. This means that PHP code can be inserted into an HTML page. The PHP code is read or parsed by the server on which the page is located. The output functions GET and POST in PHP on the page are typically returned as HTML code, which can be read by the browser. Because PHP code is converted to HTML until the page is loaded, users cannot view the PHP code on the page. This makes the PHP page is sufficient to access databases and other protected information.

Mostpart of the syntax of PHP is borrowed from other languages such as C, Java and Perl. However, PHP has a number of unique features and special functions. The purpose of this language — to give the opportunity to web developers to easily and quickly write dynamically generated page.


WordPress is a free content management system used to create and maintain web sites. Its ease of use and unique features of blogging have helped him to become the most popular tool for blogging on the Internet.

The WordPress Interface allows anyone, who has no experience with web development, to create and publish a web site. Built-in tools for blogging provide an easy way to track individual messages, visitors, and user comments.

Despite the fact that the thousands of available WordPress templates and plugins, the system POST GET WordPress still has its limitations. Since this service is based on templates, the user must start with a previously created website, but not to create pages from scratch. In addition, there is no way to insert scripts or maintain a database with the same level of control, which offers custom web site.get post id

POST_GET_ID Tool () allows you to use scripts to control, as it has a unique identifier, and when sending it in the form using these methods drop-down list will be sent with a unique identifier, which allows the script to tell how the publication works. Alternatively can be sent a hidden variable that will allow the script to see how the publication relates to performance.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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