Strawberries: planting and care in the open field and in the greenhouse


2020-07-03 01:48:21




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Strawberries are grown on their suburban areas many gardeners. Due to the popularity of this culture is above all a great taste of fruits and high yield. Planting and care of strawberries, according to many gardeners — the procedure is relatively simple.

When to start to make beds

Planted this plant in the open ground usually in late summer or early fall. Optimal time of transfer of seedlings to a permanent place in the middle zone of Russia is considered to be the period approximately from 25 July to 5 September. But sometimes strawberries are planted in early spring. At this time to bring the seedlings to the garden preferably in the period from 15 April to 5 may.

In the southern regions of Russia in the spring strawberries are starting to plant in open ground in early March. In autumn, this procedure is carried out, starting in September and ending end of October.


How to get quality seedlings from seed

Cultivated strawberry in the suburban areas can:

  • Seed;
  • Using sockets, obtained from the parent plant.

Also, sometimes this culture is propagated by division of a Mature plant into several pieces.

Those gardeners who want to grow on your plot, for example, some new, not too common variety, used to produce seedlings of strawberry seeds. Planting and caring for growing plants in this case should be subject to this technology:

  • Planting material are laid on a cotton disk and hydrate melt or rain water;

  • The second cover seeds moist cotton pad;

  • Stack the disks of planting material in plastic containers with lids, perforated, using a thick sewing needle;

  • Place the container in a warm place (+22...+25 °C) for a couple of days;

  • The seeds are planted in boxes filled with ordinary garden earth, mixed with peat.

strawberry Seedlings

Before planting the germinated cotton seed disks the soil in the box carefully compacted. Next, on the surface make shallow grooves at a distance of 5-6 cm and lay the seeds in increments of 2 cm covered with soil planting material of strawberry is not necessary. Seeds of this crop grow well in the light.


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Pour a little strawberry with such frequency that the land under it was always slightly damp. The cover from the container from time to time removed for ventilation plants.

How to get good sockets

From seeds to grow strawberries is possible, but quite difficult because of low germination for this planting material. Therefore, most of the strawberries in the suburban areas propagated with the use of sockets. In order to grow this planting material by yourself, you need:

  • In the autumn to select the most healthy and best of all otplodonosivshih the bushes and mark it with ropes or sticks;

  • In the spring to dig the selected bushes and plant them in a separate patch;

  • As it appeared to remove from the mother plants appearing on them flowers.

Deprived of the opportunity to bear fruit, selected for breeding bushes all his strength will be thrown to the formation of whiskers. Outlet around these plants begin to appear usually in the spring. Of them to use as seedling subsequently choose the most strong and healthy.

Reproduction dividing the Bush

When using this technology it is also possible to raise healthy and well protonotary strawberries. However, using this method of propagation usually is a shortage of outlets as planting material. Also, this technique is often used in the cultivation of strawberries, not giving a mustache.

This culture is Propagated by dividing the Bush in the following way:

  • Choose the strongest plants, with two or three tops with outlet;

  • Selected the bushes carefully dig, taking care not to damage the roots;

  • Divide the strawberries by the number of outlets;

  • Drop the separated pieces on the beds in a permanent place, not buried growth point.
Care for strawberries

How to plant in a permanent location

An hour before transfer to a bed of seedlings, rosettes or parts of the Bush are soaked in a growth stimulator or just in the water. A good strawberry seedlings should have 3-4 healthy leaves. The rest of the bushes need to be removed.

Planting strawberries it is recommended that on a Sunny, well-ventilated place. The beds in this culture, prepare the following:

  • Clear a place for the planting of plants;

  • Dug up the ground with a bayonet spade.

  • Is mixed to the ground in the garden rotted manure (preferably chicken) and a little ash.

  • Equip bumpers;

  • Spread a bed.

Many gardeners are interested in how to properly place the bushes thus in order to facilitate their cultivation, and care. Planting strawberries in the suburban area can be done in several ways:

  1. Free-standing bushes. Using this technology, the plants are placed on a bed in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 40-65 cm from each other.This method of planting allows you to grow very large berries.

  2. In the ranks. In this case, the plants are planted in the garden in straight lines in increments of 15-20 cm Distance between the rows leave 35-40, see This planting technique not only facilitates further care for strawberries, but also provides a bountiful harvest.

  3. Nests. This is another way, planting in the open ground strawberries and caring for it in the next few facilitate. According to such methods in the garden are planted one Bush. Then place it around another 6 plants in a hexagon at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other. Thus form several nests with step in in 25-30 cm

Planting strawberries

How to care for young plants

Just moved to the garden of plants, of course, will require very careful maintenance. Planting strawberries in the spring or autumn — actually, the procedure itself is simple. However when growing plants in later can lead to significant reductions in yield.

In that case, if the strawberries were planted in garden beds in the spring, all appearing on young bushes tendrils and flowers in the first year will need to ruthlessly remove. The main task in this period is not to produce a crop, and good rooting of plants.

When planting strawberries in the autumn of caring for it we need to start mulching. In the spring, this operation can be postponed until the rooting of bushes. But at this time to cover the beds with strawberries mulch is desirable immediately. The best soil for this culture will close the fallen needles. But if you want you can use straw, dried grass, sawdust or leaves.

Two weeks after planting young seedlings you will also need to be sure to feed. As a fertilizer you can use an infusion of chicken manure or grass.

Care for strawberries in the spring, starting from the second year

For the next season after planting new strawberry beds it will be possible to obtain the first harvest. Spring gardeners who grow this crop, you will need:

  • Remove the humus from the garden for winter mulch;

  • To correct the roll;

  • Feed the strawberries

  • Process plants against diseases;

  • Again the mulch the flower bed.

Fertilize strawberries in the spring is usually a mixture of:

  • Ammonium sulfate — 1 tbsp;

  • Mullein — 2 C.;

  • Water — 10 l.

You can Also use for strawberries at this time and just the infusion of mullein or chicken droppings.

Removal of whiskers strawberries

Summer job: how to water

In the warm season this culture, of course, also requires very careful maintenance. Planting of garden strawberries in open ground, because the plant is unpretentious, allows to obtain good yields. But of course, collect a lot of berries from the bushes in the subsequent it will be possible only under condition of their timely watering.

Hydrate beds under the strawberries, it is recommended to begin in mid-April. Finish watering this crop in late summer or early fall. Until the end of July the garden with this plant usually moisturize three times a month. Since early August, reduce watering to 2 times per 30 days. It is believed that it is best to moisten the soil under strawberries in the early morning. You can also perform this procedure in the evening.

At every watering at 1 m2 the area of planting of strawberries should account for approximately 25 liters of water. To complete the process of wetting the beds with this culture relies when the soil is saturated with moisture into approximately 25 cm

What to feed

Planting and care of strawberries — the operation is relatively simple. But without timely fertilizing, and without irrigation, a good yield of this crop to is, of course, impossible. For the season strawberries fertilize usually three times. The first feeding, as mentioned, carried out in the spring. The second time fertilizer in a flower bed making at the end of June, after the end of the fruiting plants. This time use a mixture:

  • Nitrophoska — 2 tbsp;

  • Potassium sulfate — 1 tsp;

  • Water — 10 liters.

For each plant in the summer, pour approximately 0.5 liter of this solution. Fall strawberries are fed about the middle of September. At the same time use a mixture:

  • Mullein — part 1

  • Water — 10 parts;

  • Ash — approximately 0.5 article.

How to place the strawberries in the garden

Preparing for winter

Today, gardeners Grow mainly cold-resistant varieties of strawberry. Therefore, in the middle of Russia in winter, this plant most often do not cover. To strawberry well survived the cold, usually just a bed richly covered with mulch. Also in the winter at the landing site of this culture is possible from time to time to throw snow.

Planting and care of strawberries in the greenhouse

Cultivated strawberry domestic gardeners are most often outdoors. But if you wish to get early crops, of course, you can plant the seedlings of this culture and in the greenhouse. In this case, vacationers will need to be attentive to the choice of strawberry varieties. Planting and care of this crop in greenhouses are produced in approximately the same technology as in the open.

The Most suitable forcultivation in a greenhouse in Russia varieties of strawberries are:

  1. "Queen Elizabeth 2". This everbearing variety is domestic gardeners consider the best in terms of crop yield on the territory of the former CIS to date.

  2. "Albion". This variety was bred in America and has earned its popularity among Russian gardeners primarily for the great taste of fruit.

Many local gardeners are grown on their plots in greenhouses and Brighton - also everbearing strawberries. Planting and care of this kind can be carried out by standard techniques. Harvest from this class vacationers typically get very large. Besides the berries so strawberries grow large and have excellent flavor.

You Can choose for growing in the greenhouse, of course, and other good varieties. Planting and caring for strawberries in greenhouses will give good results, for example, by growing the hybrids "Charlotte", "diva F1", "diamond", etc.

How to grow strawberries in the garden

Most Often, the strawberries cultivated in the greenhouse in the usual way — on a prepared bed. But sometimes for cultivation of this crop in greenhouses using other techniques. For example, very good results in the greenhouse in the technology of growing the plants in pots that are installed in several tiers. The use of this method of planting and care of strawberries saves space and thus to obtain very high yields.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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