Mustard as a green manure greens – harvest ripe excellent!


2020-06-04 08:20:10




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The green manure is good because it performs several useful functions. He holds within permeated with roots soil nutrients, not allowing them to clean up. The long roots of the green manure, pulls to deep soil layers, acting as pump, pumping nutrients upward. This contributes to the accumulation of soil humus and improves its properties. Needless to say how great the role of humus to enrich soil with useful microflora. Add to this that the green mass through their organic residues contributes to soil nitrogen and other nutrients, decomposing faster than other organic fertilizers, the basis of which is cellulose.

What is a good white mustard

Mustard as a green manureAll the above characteristics in full possession of mustard as green manure, more precisely, white mustard. It is good for fast growth. Its vegetation period is short: before the start of mass flowering is 45-60 days to complete maturation of seeds of white mustard - 80-90 days. If the development of the plant takes place at +29...+35 degrees, then after 37-40 days after germination it can be cut.

Earliness mustard is complemented by a resistance to cold. Once the temperature rises above zero by one to two degrees, the seeds are ready to sprout. White mustard as a green manure insensitive to late frosts to -5 degrees; autumn +3...+4 - is not a hindrance to the development of the plant. Why so broad a time period of sowing white mustard (late March - mid September).

Another thing - the soil for seeding: it must be cultivated. The best option - sod-podzolic soil previously fertilized with organic matter. A little worse for sowing white mustard good sandy loam and peat cultivated soil. Regardless of the temperature, the plant needs abundant watering in the phases of seed germination and Bud formation.


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Preparation and planting

How to sow mustard as a green manureBefore you can sow mustard as a green manure in the spring, you need to calculate the time so that before planting vegetables was a month. When the time comes for potatoes and other root crops, green mass mustard is cut and left in place. In summer, the white mustard in the aisles "will work" by the phytosanitary officer, discouraging pests of vegetable crops. Importantly, the development of the latter did not prevent weight green mustard. The greatest benefit it brings, if it is sown after the harvest until August 10.

A seeding rate of mustard for green manure is 120-150 g per hundred. But if it is sown in furrows with row-spacing width of 15 cm If the plan loose, then consumption of seeds will increase to 300-400 g. All of them should be covered with a soil layer of 2-3 cm.

In the field And on the table

the Norm of sowing of mustard for green manureIn their green mass of mustard as a green manure contains a storehouse of useful minerals, including 22% organic matter and 0.71% of nitrogen. The last element it is, of course, accumulates worse than plants of the legume family, but the "conversion" of sparingly soluble nutrients in a readily available equal still need to look. With one hundred it is possible to remove up to 400 kg of green mass of white mustard. This is equivalent to introducing into the soil almost the same weight of manure.

Essential volatile oil contained in all parts of the plant, reducing populations of wireworm, slugs, moth, nematodes, prevent the development of fungal infections. Sown in the cultivated soil, mustard as green manure suppresses weeds. However, before and after plants of the cabbage family, which include white mustard, it can not be planted: from precaution to not make it a distributor of the cabbage Clubroot.

To complete the "Eulogy song" white mustard, it is necessary to mention that she is an excellent honey plant, medicinal plant, and its young leaves are used in cooking.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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