Sales is what? System, organization and markets.


2020-05-29 06:00:11




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Concerted industrial and commercial processes in the company generating significant profits is impossible without productive sales organization. The main objective that must be put in front of the sales Department of every organization – the best choice of implementation options taking into account the planned volumes of sales in a particular market segment.

Thus, profit is due to meet the solvent consumer demand, taking into account their own economic

The Role of marketing in the market

Basically we can say that sales – directed activities in sales of finished products, which includes many diverse functions.

  1. Effective examination of the needs and consumer preferences.
  2. If necessary it sales network promotes adjustment of production processes aimed at improving qualitative characteristics of the goods. In addition, improved pre-sales preparation (the appearance and properties of the packaging, sorting, packing, and more).
  3. Maximum approximation all characteristics of the product to the taste preferences of consumers allows the manufacturer to significantly increase their competitiveness in the market.
  4. Optimised distribution system determines the best performance of the production process. It brings ultimately the most goods

Features sales policy in the implementation of the means of production

Sales arrangement involves first successful promotion of goods manufactured or purchased goods to the market and a clear organization of mutual settlements for them. The market system of relations determines the individual approach to the entire build system of industrial relations and personal contacts with consumers. The most important is the role specialization of personnel involved in sales activities, the implementation of specific products (to a greater extent this applies to high-tech and previously unknown products).

The System of sale of commodities differs considerably from the implementation of the means and objects of production. In the latter case, the entire infrastructure consists of a relatively small number of knowledgeable consumers. The result of the close relationships of manufacturers with customers becomes a certain kind of contractual relations and pricing with a fairly fixed percentage of profits. In this embodiment, the supply market to increase sales, you need regular visits to regular consumers having a potential interest in and have extensive knowledge about the product and its this


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The Relationship of constituent entities of the consumer market

Sales – a system of relationships between actors operating in the commodity-money sphere of exchange to meet their commercial needs. In this system the object is the commodity, and the market actors – buyers and sellers, and a variety of intermediaries, facilitating the functioning of all commodity-production relations. The main objective of competitor analysis is to obtain the necessary data to ensure advantage in this field.

The Choice of optimal solutions

In the study of the strengths and weaknesses of rivals is a study of their present market segments. When considering consumer response tools used by the competitors, are: analysis of enhancements to products, pricing policy, trademark and advertising company, development services, and more. Very closely studied material, financial and human capabilities of opponents and organization of management of production and trading activities. The result is a choice of:

  • The best options to achieve most favorable market position;
  • Strategic directions pricing to obtain a competitive advantage;
  • Trends in quality of products, goods and services.


Explore the potential opportunities

In addition to learning the competitors, a thorough research must be subjected to and the market of goods, the motivation of consumer behaviour within it and the factors that determine their actions, as well as the structure and nature of consumption and consumer demand. The actual result of this analysis is to determine the specific types of customers, development of models and their behavior in different situations and the expected level of demand. The best way to reduce business risks – the production of a product as accurately as possible the relevant queries of customers.

Detailing the work on the prediction of market preferences, you need to group all consumers and to select the most appropriate segments that will be the target marketing policy of the enterprise. Given the fact that marketing – this is one of the major marketing functions, strategic development of objectives and methods of their solutions increase the ability to control the consumption process. This is done by adjusting consumer preferences andconsumer properties of true

Marketing and promotion

Sales Promotion occurs with the use of appropriate methods of exposure, accelerating and intensifying the interest of the individual segments of the barter market.

Sales can be increased by enticing people to buy by:

  • Preferential pricing and promotions;
  • Demonstration;
  • Distribution of probes, samples, and coupons;
  • Proposals on the return of spent funds;
  • Bright and eye-catching packaging materials;
  • Organization of various contests and credit vouchers;
  • Offers premium goods and more.

Politics sales growth

marketing system

Stimulation of the trading sector is due to the use of credit for the purchase, distribution, free goods under certain conditions, conduct joint promotions and dealer contests. Interest trade-and-production personnel in the organization is achieved by the introduction of bonus and competitive programs, and conferences.

To encourage Resellers products make easily recognizable, given them a memorable image. The manufacturer is trying to increase the volumes and increase the interest of agents in active sales.

The choice of the best levers of influence on the consumer depends on the specific situation, but the accuracy and adequacy of marketing research can significantly increase the probability of getting leading position on the market of goods. Highly effective sales – is a collection of the most effective methods for implementation of consumer goods to ensure competitiveness of the company.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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