Bentonite - what is it? The production of bentonite, the application of


2020-05-26 01:00:15




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bentonite what is

Humanity to meet their needs have learned to use minerals from the bowels of the planet.

And if coal, oil and other widely known gifts are used in the industry for a long time, the beneficial properties of some minerals were investigated only recently.

These include a substance such as bentonite. What is this mineral and why it is used? Below we will try to understand this issue in more detail.

Concept and origin

Bentonite — it klinoobrazno minerals of the sedimentary type, having water-absorbing and adsorbent properties. When wet its volume will increase in several times of its original size.

The Name of the mineral owes the American city of Benton, located in Montana, where it was first discovered deposits of this mineral.

The Formation of bentonite occurred in the later stages of the geological development of our planet. The reason for its emergence was the transformation of volcanic sedimentary rocks under the influence of moisture and high temperature.

Variety of fields

It Should be noted that in addition to the hydrothermal process on the occurrence of deposits was influenced by many external factors. Why in the world has a huge number of places where the mining of bentonite clays. But they have different properties and are used in different industries.


In the modern mining industry development of bentonite clays produced mainly by the open pit method. This is due to the occurrence of this sedimentary rock, the location of which is usually not more than 100 meters. Bentonite production begins only after research of the field.


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bentonite application

Analysis and exploration evaluate the economic feasibility start of development, and then carried out the autopsy deposits. If this estimated production volume should exceed several million tons. Only in this case the quarry will be profitable.

Each field gives a special bentonite. What is this species and where are they used?


The Most common applications of this mineral are:

  • Agriculture. In the industry widely used bentonite. Using it for land reclamation and as an absorbent element in conducting field work is difficult to overestimate.
  • Bentonite for wine making and fruit juice production. Did not immediately come to the idea of using the mineral in this industry. In winemaking often used by bentonite clarification of different wines and natural beverages.
  • Steel industry. It is indispensable in foundries for the manufacture of various molding compounds. In addition, purification of bentonite clay is an integral element of the production of alloys of ferrous metals.

purification by bentonite

  • Perfume production and manufacture household products. The bentonite does not contain any toxic additives and has excellent absorbing properties. It is widely used in the manufacture of cosmetics, toilet water, emulsions and various additives that prevent corrosion. The cost of the raw materials even of the highest quality is significantly lower than vegetable and animal additives used in the production of household chemicals. Therefore, the use of bentonite can significantly reduce the cost of purchase of raw materials.
  • Light industry. Bentonite is cheap and high quality substitute of starch and is commonly used for the manufacture of products made of fabric.
  • Oil Refining industry. It requires a separate bentonite. What is this kind? The fact that the products resulting from the processing of oil, greatly improve its quality if was previously held their purification by bentonite. This removes all unnecessary impurities.

Below is a look at the use of bentonite in individual sectors in more detail.

Wine industry

Bleaching bentonite

Bentonite for wine in recent years is almost the main element of the technological process. It's hard to imagine now how I ever did without it.

It mainly used in the following cases:

  • By bentonite clarification of wine and fruit juice;
  • Processing of wine must to remove from it a variety of enzymes and protein compounds;
  • Treatment of wine and juice materials with a view to their stabilization.

Typically, cleaning of the bentonite used in the wine industry independently. But in some cases, the use of other auxiliary substances, which are involved in the process as a catalyst.

Benefits of bentonite when used in the wine industry

First advantage. The use of this mineral in the production of wine, in addition to its low cost, allows to achieve great benefits in the process. Mineral can significantly reduce the amount of adhesive waste whenthe treatment:

  • Legkoatletichesky materials. For this purpose, the bentonite is mixed with a small amount of baking soda.
  • Mash the technological process of manufacturing of white and sparkling wines. To do this, a bentonite solution is prepared without adding sodium. This allows to obtain a dense precipitate, which completely lacks any protein compounds.

bentonite for wine

Second benefit. Bentonite is easily applied in production. The resulting solution does not form round joints, allowing you to easily pair it with wine products. However, he has a large ratio of clarification and stabilization of the finished product.

Third benefit. Low cost bentonite clays compared to the same substances. The consumption norms of raw materials for whitening products, in some cases, even lower than similar sorbents. This reduces the production costs, which reduces cost and increases profit margins for the company.

Fourth benefit. Dry bentonite powder makes it easy to prepare a solution of any consistency. This is done by adding the required amount of liquid.

The Fifth advantage. There is a possibility to bentonite of any kind and category. Enough to contact the supplier of this raw material and to see the characteristics of this mineral, and then make the necessary choice.

Use in horizontal directional drilling (HDD)

Often applied the bentonite for HDD. So, when doing excavation work associated with drilling, there are cases of shedding of the walls of the drilled holes. To strengthen the barrel and used bentonite clay. In addition, hydrophobic properties of building materials, containing in its composition, this mineral, may be used to enhance the walls of trenches during excavation work carried out below the groundwater level in any particular area.

Bentonite for drilling in the horizontal direction is used in connection with its high astringent properties. Water, coming into contact with this substance, which fills in this void. The result is a swelling of the mixture and increase its volume several times.

production of bentonite

With the proper observance of the required proportions of powder and liquid homogeneous viscous substance which has thixotropic properties. This means that the bentonite readily absorbs water and becomes pliable, which facilitates the work with him. In the absence of a mechanical impact, it hardens to form a waterproof barrier.

A Special solution of bentonite clay is indispensable when drilling in loose and floating soils. It allows you to strengthen the walls get well and to prevent sticking of parts of the soil in the drilling fixture.

Using in the fight against quicksand

bentonite for drilling

Bentonite is also used when drilling in case of quicksand. As you know, quicksand — it is ground, mixed with water, which affects the borehole wall and causes a permanent collapse.

It Typically consists of sand and pieces of clay, which form the so-called “creeping water”. When the well reaches the place of formation of quicksand, violation of the integrity of his shell leads to filling the whole space outside the walls of the well, which does not allow to continue. The volume of fluid may be so large that even the use of a pump for pumping the slurry does not solve the problem.

To neutralize the negative impact of the quicksand and used bentonite clay. It is pumped into the annulus. After swelling the mixture forms a waterproofing mass, which does not allow liquid to fill the well.

Bentonite in modern drilling operations — is the wand, especially when drilling for water. In addition to hydrophobic properties, it has lubricating properties, which allows to increase the resource of the rig and the cutters directly.


In this article it was about a piece of material such as bentonite, that is, what is it used for, in what industries and for what purpose it is used, as is its production. More detail about its physical properties can be obtained in specialized publications.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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