Class B waste: storage and disposal


2020-05-20 21:20:14




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In the course of activity of medical institutions and other establishments of a similar nature there is a huge amount of waste, used materials and substances. They are a potential danger to the health of people with possible contact, and therefore the question of disposal and neutralization is quite acute.

Classification of wastes of medical origin. Group A and B

Depending on what degree of danger inherent in the substance, there are the following groups. The first group – the waste is class A. They are also called non-hazardous to humans. These include waste from administrative offices, materials that had direct contact with patients (body fluids on them do not exist), food waste (excluding infectious, venereal offices), furniture, tools and devices for diagnosis. The second group – the waste is class B. They are considered dangerous. This category includes all substances that got the blood or other bodily secretions of a sick person, food debris and other materials from infectious disease wards. If the laboratory performs the manipulation of microorganisms 3 or 4 groups of pathogenicity, its waste also belong to this category. Medical waste of class B and include biological materials after surgery.Waste class B

Waste of class b, G, D

Especially hazardous wastes belong to group B. this can be attributed to the materials that were used when working with people suffering from dangerous infections (including anaerobic). In addition, the sources of such types of waste laboratories are conducting studies of microorganisms 1-4 degrees of pathogenicity. Class G consists of those elements that represent a toxic hazard. It can be drugs with expired shelf life, such as disinfectants. Are unsafe drugs or devices, having in its composition of mercury. The last category – waste D class. This group includes those materials which are composed of radioactive components.Medical waste class B


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How is the waste collection B class

Medical waste of class B is collected in special bags or containers. They should be yellow, or have at least this marking. Collection of fluids or biological waste is held in a container, the lid which should fit snugly. It is necessary to exclude spontaneous opening of the containers. In a similar capacity for waste class B and collect sharp objects. Plastic bags are secured on special trucks. To fill them on ¾. Then the bags are tied so that the deposition of waste was excluded. It is strictly forbidden to move containers in the clear outside the unit. At the end of the package must be signed. Specifies the name of the organization, Department, name of the person who conducted the collection of materials. Be sure to put down the date. After all the manipulations to transport packages and containers for temporary storage.Containers for waste class B

Storage of waste class B

To method of storage of waste of a medical nature there are a number of requirements. First of all, they should be moved to a separate room. Not allowed to mix materials which belong to different safety classes. If pre-disinfection is not carried out, the waste is class B are placed in specialized chambers with low temperature. If the substances are not dangerous, may be stored in the open type, but not less than 25 metres away from the medical buildings and blocks are present in food. However, it happens that the area does not allow such to take place. In this case, for waste classes B and C allowable storage in the utility room (in freezer units). Entrance of unauthorized persons and the use of storage not intended is strictly prohibited. Exported waste class B for the boundaries of the medical institution in a sealed package.Storage of waste class B

Disinfection by chemical method

Because the risk of infection of medical personnel is high enough, all the waste is amenable to disinfection. One of the used methods – chemical. It provides for the processing of special solutions, the impact of which is directed to the inhibition of pathogenic flora. Is made directly to the site of accumulation of contaminated materials. However, chemical disinfection class B waste has significant drawbacks. First and foremost is the fact that health-care workers in direct contact with unsafe means. Besides an increase in the expenditures for their acquisition. Therefore, this method is used if there is no possibility to conduct high-quality disinfection with the help of machines for special purposes.

Hardware disinfection of the waste

Better and More efficient way to cleanse hazardous substances (before it will be held disposal of medical waste in class B) is hardware. Used room with a separate entrance, which at some level is supported by an appropriate microclimate. Humidity should be around 70%,the temperature inside – about 20 ºC (but not more than 25 ºC). The inner lining provides the possibility of its disinfection. Very important for such spaces ventilation system, the presence of watering valves. A significant advantage of this method is that it is allowed to take measures for disinfection at the source of medical debris. Also not to be disinfected biological remains after surgical interventions. Disposal of medical waste in class B of this type is the method of burial or cremation. There are businesses that spetsializiruyutsya on the collection, transportation and further processing of the products of activity of medical institutions.Disinfection waste class B

Security staff

In order to minimize the risk of infection, hospitals and similar establishments must adhere to certain rules. The use of gloves for any contact with waste is required. Prohibited any manipulation of the needles from syringes (for example to remove it after the injection, remove the needle holder). We cannot shift waste class B in other containers without airtight packaging. All sharp objects should be collected in a rigid container. Also it is forbidden to place containers for collection of hazardous substances near heaters. And, of course, prohibits the possession of such material is unpackaged.Disposal of medical waste in class B

Control over the performance of waste disposal

In each institution of a medical nature is appointed, the responsible officer for carrying out all the manipulations with the waste. Under the control of the production of a visual examination and documentary. Examined the presence of the container for waste is determined whether there are means for protection of personnel. Also control over the modes of disinfection and regularity of the transportation of the material. Records in special journals. Another type of control that occurs once a year – Microbiology. Is the measurement of climate parameters in the working room, the quality of disinfection. Also taking the air samples. With the help of analyses establishes the degree of contamination of toxic elements.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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