Breeding of ostrich in the home. Business plan ostrich breeding


2020-05-19 19:00:28




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One of the options for the effective conduct of their own business is the ostrich farm. The breeding of ostriches at home - it's exotic, popular, profitable.

Why breeding ostrich?

Every year, this type of farming is becoming increasingly popular, because it pays for itself quickly and begins to make a profit after one– two years.breeding ostrich
the Businessman, who decided on the breeding of ostriches in the home, in addition to the study of large amounts of information from various sources, it is recommended to visit several farms specializes in this kind of farming. You want it to form a correct impression of the planned business and a clear understanding of its optimal management.

Valuable products strausovodstva

Why the breeding of ostrich? Because it is:

  • Meat - delicious and healthy, dietary product, is rapidly gaining popularity thanks to the rich composition of microelements, high protein and minimal presence of fat. Reminiscent in taste to veal, ostrich meat lends itself to any heat treatments, it absorbs marinades and spices. The output of meat when butchering is about 25-30 pounds, and is 40% birds. One sold the carcass of an ostrich can bring above 500 dollars when that the price per kilogram of such meat in the European and American markets ranges from 15 to 25 dollars.
  • Fat, widely used in pharmacology and cosmetology as a component for the production of soap, balms, ointments, creams. The most valuable is the fat ostriches EMUs that have antibacterial, hypoallergenic, anti-inflammatory properties. The average adult bird can give from 7 to 15 kg of such a valuable product.
  • An Egg, the weight of which ranges from 450 to 1800 grams, which is equivalent to 25-40 chicken counterparts. The cost of this unusual giant that rivals anything a chicken egg and which is the exotic dining table is 10-15 dollars. For retention, the ostrich egg is also a record, as they are able to stay in the refrigerator for up to one year. A strong shell which is very difficult to break like porcelain and is in demand by artists as a subject of painting and engraving, as well as demand from master, make a variety of decorations. The most valuable are the fertilized eggs; the price of poultry up to $ 100 apiece. In a year it may reach 3.5 – 8.0 thousand dollars at the rate of one female per season is able to carry about 70 to start breeding ostriches
  • Pen, coupled with the meat the reason for the mass extinction of ostriches. The fashion for ladies ' hats with a feather in 1840 the impoverished South America, 1,000 kg of such a valuable commodity, and in 1910 this figure had increased to 370 thousand pounds. Today white ostrich feather growing on the back or in the tail of the males, willingly sold out designers, designers, dance groups, as well as visitors farms as a souvenir. Other feathers are used as filling for the pillows. The breeding of ostriches in Russia even benefits from the implementation of the pen of this bird that brings the farmer about 10% of the total profit.
  • Skin - is waterproof, elastic, with high service life (over 30 years), has in designers in high demand and is a material for making luxury models of bags, wallets, shoes, gloves, belts, purses and popular with Americans cowboy shoes. Ostrich leather, in its qualities equated with the snake and the crocodile, it is impossible to forge. Selling skins of the same ostrich, the price of which varies from 200 to 300 dollars apiece, entirely pays all expenses for the breeding birds.
  • Description – is also an important part of the income of the farmer. Usually sold breeding birds and individuals, which can then be used to derive future offspring. A five-day chick in Russia is about $ 100, month old ostrich can be bought for $ 200, a pair of adult ostriches will cost 3,5 thousand and above.

African ostrich – pet farmers

African ostrich – the largest species (weight 100 - 160 kg, height – about 3 meters), because of its simplicity in content is grown in more than 50 countries around the world. This bird is able to endure high and low temperature. Develop when running speed reaches 50 km/ h. ostrich EMU breedingOstrich, EMU farming in farming is less developed than the content of the African ostriches, does not require special care. It is important to know the behavior of this bird in the natural environment, then to an artificially created environment to optimize for the natural environment, the usual such exotic creatures.


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Outline of the birds

In the winter the bird can be kept in unheated rooms on deep litter for 6-month-old calves on cold days the room should warm up to a temperature of 12-18 degrees. A productive season from African ostrich - in the period from March to October. Egg production per female per season is 50 to 80 eggs, the weight of which is 1,3-1,8 kg. the Incubation period of the young, hatching which occurs simultaneously,is 45 days. Introduced ostriches have a weight up to 1 kilogram at the height 20-25 cm. Sexual maturity females reach 18 to 24 months, males at 24 to 30 months.

Feeding ostriches

Ostriches, being omnivorous bird, eating what nature provides. Preference is given to vegetation (grass, leaves, fruits, roots). Do not disdain also a variety of animals, birds, small insects and lizards. In General, the poultry diet of 50% should consist of green forage, 30% from combined feed, 20% – at the discretion and capabilities of the farmer. Adult birds and young animals older than one year is required to feed 2 times a day, juveniles up to a year – at least 3 – 4 times.raising ostriches

Farm bird, the average daily diet is 3 kg of feed, get:

  • Green forage (clover, canola, alfalfa, quinoa, cabbage and forage, spinach, maize silage and cereals, mustard, nettles, beet leaves, carrot, mulberry).
  • Coarse fodder (hay, clover, alfalfa, grass, soybeans, seradella and straw cereals).
  • Roots, fruits and vegetables (pumpkin, radish, cucumbers, carrots, beets, apples, watermelon, bananas).
  • Cereals (corn, barley, oats, wheat, rye, millet, sorghum, sunflower).
  • Feed additives (meat and bone meal, bone and fish meal).
  • Minerals (shells, gravel, limestone, egg shells) that ostriches are very willing to find and fun to eat. It supports normal functioning of the digestive system. By the way, the farm should be thoroughly clean, since ostriches do not disdain any debris (nails, pieces of plastic).

System strausovodstva

The Modern ostrich adheres to three basic systems that underpin the breeding of these birds:

  • Intense. Raising ostriches is similar stall to care for the cattle on livestock farms. Birds are kept in a small area in complete their livelihoods staff of the farm, which has a positive effect on the development of livestock, especially calves. Close contact and regular care allow you to tame the bird and it is easy to manage. Under intensive system the eggs are removed from nests and innumerous that leads to a high rate of reproduction, allowing you to get from a laying up to 80 eggs a year.

    ostrich farming at home

  • Extensive. Breeding of ostrich as close as possible to natural conditions: the bird itself is more or less worried about himself. Females due to free movement can mate with different males, resulting in the number of fertilized eggs increases markedly.
  • Semi-intensive – combines the positive qualities of the above systems and it is recommended to novice breeders. There is one adult male has one female.

Where to start? Business plan

The Breeding of ostriches in Ukraine and Russia is a promising business, because the simplicity of this bird care and the high cost of production of strausovodstva will pay for a new business fairly quickly, starting to bring considerable profit within a short period.

The First step in starting your own farm business will be to find a suitable site for keeping ostriches. How to start breeding ostriches? The first steps are the improvement of the farm for their maintenance and purchase of young animals or adults.ostrich farming in RussiaOf Course, breeding ostrich will require some monetary investment, but they are worth it, as it will pay for itself in the first year of doing an ostrich farm. Although the ostrich is a hardy bird, however, the key to successful initiatives in the ostrich business will become, creating the most comfortable conditions.

Costly expenditure – the construction of a farm

Substantial costs will require the construction of a farm. The cost of investments will depend on local characteristics, personal and lease agreements, prices for construction materials and work salaried people.

You will Need to build:

  • Closed insulated room, bright and spacious, with an approximate area of 150 square meters for the maintenance of the average herd of about 30 adults goals: one specimen shall be at least 50 square metres of land;
  • Open-air cages with an area of 1500 square meters;
  • Fence;
  • Communications in ensuring the continuous functioning of the farm.

It is necessary to pay attention to the remoteness of the farm from the noisy highways, industries with hazardous emissions; it is also important protection from the wind and relief. Good road access and good water supply – necessary conditions for the smooth operation of the farm.

Search for less costly ways

In pole position are the farmers having their own land with buildings on it.

The Other way, with minimum investment is to find somewhere in the depths of an abandoned pigsty or the barn surrounded by pastures and water. Of course, the premises require repair (heating, Sewerage and ventilation) and equipment, but this option will save a significant portion of funds that will invest directly in the purchase of plan for the breeding of ostrichesPurchase 4 adults families and 6 – 8 females will cost 30 – 40 thousand dollars. You can purchase the grown Chicks, which will greatly reduce investment, but will delay the time period for receiving the first profit.

Breeding work – the right way to a healthy population

From the first days special attention should be paid to the selection, periodically updating the herd of good, productive poultry and culling of sick and unfit individuals. When forming families will need to consider mutual sympathy ostriches, because the mechanical connection of birds can be productive and be the cause of reduced egg production.

Definitely need to get an incubator, the cheapest of which, calculated on 45 eggs, worth $ 1,500.

Feeding the ostriches will be required to buy domestic feed for laying hens, including vitamin and mineral supplements. Also the bird would be happy to consume oats, corn, barley, millet, bran, hay and straw. In summer and autumn, the bird can be translated into green succulent forage: alfalfa and clover.

When a large bird population (500 and above) it is advisable to establish its own feed production, which will only reduce the cost of maintenance of ostriches. Your own feed can be realized neighboring farms.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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