Notice of commencement of business activities and end


2020-05-17 03:00:19




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Notification of commencement of business activities – a necessary document when applying to the competent court if you wish to open your business, regardless of your chosen field of work. What exactly it represents and how to officially notify the relevant authorities about the closure of the business, we detail and describe below.

Features notification

Notice of businessAs you know many novice businessmen, business start-up requires a mandatory notification procedure when performing certain types of work. This document is the organization or individual entrepreneur takes after the procedure of state registration of its newly formed structure and after tax registration, however, until such time when the company proceeded directly to the beginning of his work.

There are certain exceptions was to the first half of 2009 legal entities, for them to apply on starting a business in General is not required only in the case of open units in Russia.

Activities that require notification procedure

a statement about the beginning of entrepreneurial activityTo Notify the competent authorities about the fact that your company started working, in those cases, if it is employed in areas such as:

  • Hotel services;
  • Household and services;
  • Food;
  • Wholesale and retail trade of goods of wide consumption;
  • Personal and freight transport;
  • Manufacture of wearing apparel;
  • Production of construction materials and furnishings;
  • Publishing and printing;
  • Information technology
  • Manufacture of food products;
  • Social sphere;
  • Housing;
  • Tourism.

So, if you are planning to work in one of these areas, you must report the commencement of business activities of one of the authorized structures.


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Where to send the required documentation?

How to start a businessNotification on commencement of business activities depending on its scope must be submitted in one of the following bodies:

  • The Federal service;
  • Medical-biological Agency;
  • Supervision (in the provision of transportation services);
  • Fes (at production facilities);
  • Ministry of emergency situations (if we are talking about the manufacturing of fire protection system and other products protective nature);
  • Rosstandart;
  • The Executive authority of the region (housing Inspectorate or other authority, depending on the region of the country).

How to find a territorial authority of a particular instance in the regions?

Notice of commencement of business activitiesIf you plan to start your own business in the regions, then the notification on commencement of business activities have to bear the place of registration of the legal person in the local authority or another authorized entity.

To find the local branch of the same CPS or Fes, you should visit the website of the Department you are interested in, enter your region and select from the proposed list of suitable branches according to the determination of the future of the company. There is also a contact information: you can call and confirm the time of reception of the representatives of the structure.

Under current law, the notification procedure for starting business activities is solely at the place of registration and actual work future business.

Penalties in the absence of presenting information

About the beginning of entrepreneurial activityNotification on commencement of business activities is a prerequisite for opening a business. In the absence of the filing of this document is the owner of the company can be imposed penalties, as such action with respect to an administrative offence.

Their size in the absence of application depends on who taxed them – a legal entity or individual entrepreneur and ranges from 3 to 20 thousand rubles.

If the document was filed but contained invalid data, then the sanction will be from 5 to 30 thousand rubles, respectively. It is therefore better to fill out all the information on the basis of fact and to submit documentation in accordance with required deadlines. Remember that the representatives of the competent agencies to check the veracity of these data is very simple, and extremely undesirable to resort to deception.

Form notifications

Under the law, there is a special form of such a document as a notification about business activity. It is subject to signing by the head of the company or individual businessman. Further it would be necessary to seal the newly made organization, if any has already been made, so this is optional.

The Notification consists of the following itemsas:

  • The name of the body, where it is served;
  • Date of signature;
  • Last name and initials, as well as the position of the head of the new legal entity.

And only after approval of the document determines the date of commencement of business, which you assign yourself. It can be submitted electronically to the destination, and print, then fill out the form in two copies and transmit to an authorized person.

the date of commencement of business

What data can include a notification about the beginning of entrepreneurial activity?

In Addition to the above points, a document confirming the start of entrepreneurial activities, also includes data such as OGG and INN, the location as legal entity and direct the implementation of works (sometimes they coincide). Also requires the mail address of the principal office and place of branches and representative offices, if we are talking about the network business.

If the form fills an individual entrepreneur who has no plans in the near future to open branches, then it is enough to specify information about where activities will be carried out by his company. In other words, to specify the address of the location of the future cafe, service centre, beauty salon, etc.

You will Also need to amend the document, a field in which you plan to open a business, and the list of activities to be performed by you or under your supervision. Please note that you can specify multiple, if they are very different from each other, the notification on commencement of business activities should be presented to different authorities depending on the kind of organizations.

Submission document

Many interested in how to start business, will recognize about filing appropriate notification to the competent authorities. So, the document itself can be sent with the necessary authority the most appropriate way for you:

  • In person at an authorized structure;
  • The email notifications with the description of the attachment, while the filing date is the date of sending of correspondence;
  • Email provided assurances document with a digital stamp from the applicant.

The Last option could be done through a Single portal of public services, this possibility is provided by law. It will probably be acceptable for those who don't have time for a hike in certain instances.

In those cases, if you have to send documentation you choose a more traditional method, on paper it should make a notification in two copies.

Notification procedure for starting business activities

Order-of-sight and additional documentation

Please note that current legislation does not provide for the payment of the applicant for filing a notice of commencement of business activities.

When the document is in the hands of the representative of the authorized entity, he is obliged to register it and put a mark on the sighting, the date and specify the registration number. One copy remains with him, the second is given to the applicant. Sent an electronic notice will be confirmed via the electronic registration, the sender receives a notification via the portal.

So, should submit such documents as:

  • Notice of business activities;
  • Enable transport and other infrastructure (grounds, buildings, rooms, etc.) the future of the company in the appropriate register;
  • Extract from the state register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
  • The certificate on statement on the tax account.

In some cases, the applicant can refuse permission for entrepreneurship?

Sometimes, an applicant may be denied admission notice of commencement of business operation. For this there are a number of reasons, such as the following:

  • If the document was filed, being composed not in the statutory form. In this case, it is returned to the applicant and he is advised to finalise and re-provide.
  • In cases where notice was given on the authority which does not match the selected occupation. In such cases, the applicant receives a document certifying the refusal of the application, a denial also included information and details of the authorized body where he should send it.

Please note that the failure in both cases is not final, but only a basis for revision of existing documentation or supply it to the necessary authority.

What if I changed the address of the company?

If because of certain circumstances after obtaining permission for the implementation of an activity, the entrepreneur has changed the legal or actual address or were reorganized the company and changed the form of ownership, then information about these changes should be reported to the same agencies, which submitted the notification.

To order this report, you need to make in any form a statement and provide to the appropriate authority withinten working days after changing address or details. This can be done by personal appeal or by a remote method through a Single portal of public services.

The Application need to support this document, as evidence of a change of data in the Unified state register of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

If the information was not filed in a timely manner, the owner of the company, or the businessman could face a fine from 100 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the ownership (or the wrong flow of data).

How to notify the termination of business activities?

So, we already know how and where to file a notice of beginning of business, and we will now consider what to do to stop it.

The End of the work, may be due to different reasons. For example, the business does not pay off, the invested funds have not brought the expected profits. Also people may want to change the scope of work, to do business in another country or prefer wage or better paid work.

According to the tax code of the Russian Federation, if the activity was carried out with a simplified tax system, its suspension need to inform the appropriate authority indicating the specific date of completion of work of the company.

Notice constitutes an approved form, which shall be submitted not later than within fifteen working days from the date specified in the document.

As you can see, opening your own business is accompanied by the need for collection and submission of certain documents to different authorities, in particular, notifications of start of business activities.

However, at the present time it is possible to significantly save time if you choose a remote method to send all required information via the Internet. The savings in running time can be great to use for organizational issues when starting a business.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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