Installation blast: the principle of


2020-04-29 17:00:18




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Mechanical impact of fine abrasives has long proved its effectiveness in the treatment of various surfaces. Even a small size pneumatic gun allows you to clean up complex traces of corrosion destruction, scale and consequences of chemical burns. However, in large-scale construction or industrial production capacities and scope of manual sandblasting units can be enough. In such situations, a shot-blasting installation that can operate on the same principle of the flow of the abrasives, but with different operating parameters.

installation shot-blasting

What is tobeme?

To understand the purpose and characteristics of such aggregates is to consider the principle of operation of abrasive blast machines as such. Through the special nozzle small pistols served on the working surface of the sand when confronted with the material being treated provides its purification. Force for the abrasive material can be provided by different methods. The most common supply of compressed air provided by the compressor unit. Less popular direction of the water jet, which contains the same particles of sand. However, to work with large amounts of both technologies are not suitable. In the decision of such tasks is used to install blast acting on the principle of mechanical abrasive material with special blades. The peculiarities of aggregates of this type include the use of metal particles as the active cleaning component.

General arrangement of blast units

Virtually any shot blast unit contains the basis of the impeller, provided with blades, feeding the abrasive. This is the main functional component, which is subjected to the greatest physical stress. Therefore, the blades and the base of the wheel are made of high-alloy cast iron with high resistance to abrasion. In addition, the installation of blast is equipped with a durable bearing material which is designed for operation in conditions of intensive mechanical action. The fact that the wheel and the adjacent worker nodes directly interact with working abrasives from metal. Work is performed at high speed, and therefore stresses in the materials are considerable. The wheel is in a special cell made of alloy steel. This camera fits the target, and then start processing.


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blast machine working principle

Main features of the equipment

The Quality of cleaning, as in the case of manual peskostruya, is determined by the capacity of the unit. But if in the operation of conventional pneumatic devices performance depends on the function of the compressor, the efficiency of drobotov is determined by the capacity of the electric motor, which actuates a wheel with blades. The power potential of the engine on average is 10-15 kW. Such power, for example, includes shot-blasting unit for cleaning of sheet metal and metal construction, available for placement in the chamber. The average parameters of products available for cleaning of such equipment, are in the order of 700 x 700 x 1200 mm. There are restrictions on the weight of the loaded items – typically, the maximum weight is 1 T. as for performance of the installation, it reaches a rate of 100-150 kg/min. While the same cell can service several machines.

shot blast unit to clean the sheet metal

The Principle of operation of suspension units

It aggregates from tunnels that are used during the cleaning of workpieces. The suspension principle of operation is effective due to the fact that work may be carried out from different sides. Design, fixing a product that serves a special conveyor, which moves in the tunnel. The operator can use the shot blast machine hanger type according to the principle of flow, that is to perform serial processing of parts. However, the possibility of such operation depends on the collection system of discarded metal particles – abrasives. The fact that the classic blast machine is designed for one-time operation.

At least, after processing a single item takes a short period of time to complete collecting hardware. Moreover, the time it takes and the process of separating the abrasive mass of contaminants that were discarded as a result of submitting the active material. Sometimes is provided for automatic operation on blast installations, in which there is a continuous process of collection, treatment and release of hardware.

blast-through installations

Working Principle of bushing models

This is a basic model, included in the group of drobotov continuous operation. Its functional basis is a metal mesh conveyor which moves the workpiece inside the chamber cleaning. The process is carried out in a closed working chamber, which can be provided with different number of turbines. The advantages possessed by the shot blast unit through, you can ensure the thorough and uniform treatment of parts. Especiallyit is important that the workflow does not require turning of the element. Thanks to the shutters and mechanisms, ensures you can count on high quality cleaning. Bushing assemblies are extensively used today for machining parts to engineering production, when cleaning building metal sheets, fabrication of aluminium alloys, etc.

work at blast installations

Working Principle of drum drobotov

This is a very practical unit, which is often used in the metallurgical industry for final processing of the obtained alloys. For example, the system may save the surface from traces of molding solutions, dross and burned-on food. Moreover, when selecting the appropriate abrasive to provide roughness of the surface with the desired characteristics. So, in the working process involved two main components: a hydraulic lift which goes to sleep workpiece, and the drum, where it is clear. In the progress of the operation capacity, made of perforated metal strip rotates, allowing you to handle products from different sides. Accordingly, wheel blast tumblast machine also allows you to output efficiently cleaned items. The moving drum of the turbine, the operator can carry out manually or by means of special control panels. However, control systems should be considered separately.

blast tumblast machine

System management equipment

The Latest versions of such equipment include the use of special controllers based on programmable module. This means that the user can pre-set the working parameters of operation of the machinery. The main indicators that you can manipulate in this manner include: feed rate, intensity of movement within the working chamber and the time of finding one piece in the vehicle. Method of operator interaction with the controller depends on what kind of construction is itself a blast machine. The principle of operation may provide a small size, allowing you to equip control to the basic design. If the equipment is included in the General production line, that the point of view of control Cabinet can be located at a considerable distance from the site of the operation.

What to consider in choosing the installation?

Pay attention when choosing Drobeta should be on a few parameters. Primarily determined by the capacity and design of the equipment. It is important to understand what materials will work the unit – this may be sheet metal, and wire and small parts that require delicate cleaning. With regard to the design, it may involve the integration of the industrial complex or act as a separate technological area. For example, through shot-blasting installation suitable for batch processing parts of different sizes, so they are useful in conditions of large enterprises. It is also worth considering the presence of additional functions, including automatic Assembly and released abrasive cleaning of parts during processing.

shot blast unit, transmission type


Familiar to many machinists and painters sandblasting machines for processing quality in some versions correspond dramamama. The main difference from the point of view of the characteristics of the result comes down to coverage. That is, the processing quality may be equal, but in one session the installation of blast served a few times more detail than conventional pneumatic devices. This is due to the prevalence of abrasive blast equipment of its kind in the industry and on major construction projects. In small batch format purification, the use of such equipment impractical, primarily for reasons of efficiency.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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