The company "Europlan": feedback from employees. Europlan, Moscow


2020-04-19 14:20:21




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Now have to figure out what gets the staff Europlan (Moscow). What is this company? What services she provides? Is it worth it to find a job here? Or is it better to refrain from this procedure? How the promises of the employer are true? What are the pros and cons of cooperation are in the company?


"evroplan" means a financial institution. More specifically, it is a leasing company that offers financing services population when acquiring a car lease. But this is not the only purpose of the company.staff Europlan Moscow

It is also engaged in insurance services, assessment and audit. Quite a useful organization. In Europlan, always in need of new workers. But whether or not to cooperate with the organization? What are the pros and cons it is possible to allocate the company before you decide finally with the manpower?


To begin, it is useful to know the address of the location of the organization. More specifically, the head office. It is there to contact if any serious complaints or requests.

"evroplan Leasing" address in Moscow features the following: Rocket Boulevard, 16. This office is located in Otradnoye district. To reach the organization will not be difficult. However, you must pay attention to the fact that the leasing company has not only in Moscow. In Russia, widespread branch of this financial institution. Therefore employed not only in the capital.


The promises given by Europlan? And how can they believe? The first impression of the company formed positive. A very large and successful leasing company, which is constantly gaining new members.


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Promises of this employer are not much different from similar offerings. They look standard. Namely, promises:

  • The formalization of work;
  • Social protection;
  • Decent pay;
  • Friendly team;
  • Opportunities for career growth and self-development;
  • A flexible and convenient schedule;
  • Experience in a stable and successful company;
  • Free training.

Accordingly, those proposals, many citizens are attracted to him. People hope that "evroplan-Leasing" (Moscow) will perform their promises fully. But is it really?ZAO Europlan Moscow

About the job

"evroplan" reviews of staff (Moscow, Rocket Boulevard, 16) has a mixed overall. Rarely, but people still talk about posted job openings. What are you talking about?

The Thing is that often for employment in Europlan required staff. For example, sales managers or employees in the office. But senior positions are not available.

All this causes employees and applicants several negative emotions. Some people have expressed their suspicions about what leadership positions assign people to either an acquaintance or someone of "their". Do although sometimes there are vacancies to which each child wants to climb. But it is a great rarity. And "take" the place very quickly.

Accordingly, it is necessary to work as a member of the staff. It should not scare you - not everyone can be leaders. The main work and the "face" of the company is still on a member of staff. Therefore, even the sales Manager is a critical frame.

Official employment

Staff Europlan (Moscow) varied. Often, the opinions indicate that organizations do have formal employment. But it is possible only after the training-internships, during which many refuse to work. This period does not paid.evroplan feedback from staff Moscow, rocket Boulevard

In General, Europlan is a large and very successful organization. She tries to act in all situations according to the established laws. Therefore draws each of his subordinates in an official capacity.

A Small disadvantage is the employment of pregnant women. Or girls who plan to have children/with young children. Such employees are treated with fear. In practice, they try not to invite for an interview. Or denied employment for one reason or another. It is quite normal for most employers.

The Interview

ZAO Europlan (Moscow) not the best feedback often receives for his interview. This process is described by many as "silly chat and filling in a template of psychological tests". Nothing special. Some workers cheat on the interview or not at all culturally communicate with their potential colleagues.

Along with this, there are opinions indicating that the first meeting with the employer takes place in a friendly atmosphere, in a cozy office. Managers recruiters will explain all the details of the employment, and then answer all the questions. Yes, filling out a template questionnaire of the applicant takes place, but it's part of the job.

What to believe? Some suggest that the interview at ZAO Europlan (Moscow) is "it depends". No one is immune from rudeness, rudeness and human factors. But it is preferable to hope for the best. Interviews often take place withoutspecific complaints. What next?


"evroplan" (Moscow) about the work the company gets a variety. Not too flattering staff say about training. In any case, in the initial stages it may seem that this process is useless. And even to some extent, false.

The Thing is that, on average, in the "Evroplan" teach for about 2 weeks. During this period you have to actually work, but under the strict supervision of a mentor. This work will not be paid. What else gets "evroplan Leasing" staff? Moscow - city, which is the company. What is waiting for new frames?evroplan leasing Moscow

After the training course need to be tested for knowledge of the rules. Only in case of success writing will turn out without special work to join the firm in an official capacity. Otherwise, the employee will need another job.

Staff Europlan (Moscow) indicated that the training period is a real test. Do not think it would be easy. But along with this you can pay attention to what the coaches are trying to help applicants to adapt to new working conditions. Although ZAO Europlan (Moscow, Rocket Boulevard, 16) often the reviews are received, which States that learning takes place, depending on the personality of the tutor, as anyone lucky. It could be beautiful and maybe not. It is better to mentally prepare for the fact that at the stage of learning will have to prove himself.

Working Conditions

Working Conditions in principle, many encouraging. In their offices it has everything you may need for comfortable work. To stand all day on my feet don't have to have the opportunity to enjoy a lunch break.

Despite this, the workplace is not always a friendly atmosphere. It is because of her Europlan (Moscow) reviews gets not the best. In some cases, to work in a stressful environment is not as easy as it seems.

It is Also noted that the execution of labour duties is performing repetitive work. Often the work is sedentary, it is accompanied by paperwork, and so not many people like. But overall no complaints. The employer did everything possible to ensure that the working comfort.

The Team

ZAO Europlan (Moscow) is one of the organizations where the common corporate ethics. The staff here is really friendly. This is indicated by many workers. Some are not the friendly personality are also. Just as a rule, they are not too much. Often have to work only with open and friendly colleagues who are willing to give, to help and to help. "Evroplan" - a great place to meet new people.

Also, as already mentioned, the company has corporate ethics. Quite often organized collective activities to bring together staff. However, the user never gets in disputes between subordinates. This is both good and not. Anyway, people here learn to interact with each other. And, as has been said, you can really find good new friends.Europlan Moscow reviews


It is Clear, what in General gets Europlan staff (Moscow). But it's not everything. Many of the claims levelled at the authorities. And not necessarily leaders. Often, even the coaches, beginners are not encouraging.

What statements can be found? The leadership of the organization called rude and unfair. To subordinates, especially to new attitude a little cruel, not as people. Feedback from employees about company Europlan (Moscow) indicate that you agree with the boss about something impossible. Leadership is arrogant people who do not believe the rank and file employees for the people. The normal staff work load without giving any concessions.

Mentors for the beginners while training is not always encouraging. There are, of course, really kind and helpful people. But, as a rule, most of the mentors just loads a new frame work and different tasks, only specifies what to do, almost without explaining what and how is executed.

Nothing surprising in this - the situation is typical of most employers. Good news is that there is no evidence but negative reviews this is no. So we can hope for the best but prepare for the worst. If diligence in their work, no significant problems with the management and coaches will not occur.


ZAO Europlan (Moscow) the staff gets mixed well as the proposed earnings. It is noted that initially all applicants offered a high salary. The reality is somewhat different.

The small Official salary. Hence not the highest vacation pay, and sick leave payments. It alienates some employees. After initially promise high profits. For the sake of it many are willing to put up with difficult working day, and with unjust authorities.

But there are prospects for additional income. And practiced the "grey" salary. You can for certain achieve and exceed established plan to obtain allowances and bonuses. "Grey" earnings and attracts and repels. But it is often expressed in a negative light. No one knows whether or not the employee inthe end of the month will give the required cash. Or will have to do only the official salary, the size of which few people are satisfied with? After all, guarantees "grey" earnings are no does not. This fact will have to take into account. But no need to be afraid of - in most organizations, such a system of remuneration takes place. Now to find a employer who will pay the high "white" salary is extremely difficult. So you have to agree to any from employees about company Europlan Moscow

Work Schedule

Reviews of the company Europlan (Moscow) mixed left over schedule. Mentioned that initially promise a stable job with a flexible schedule. But is it really?

Not quite. Initially, all terms of cooperation are prescribed in the employment contract. But in practice it turns out that the output is provided in accordance with the rules, but in the working days have to work a lot. Indicated that many remain to voluntary and forced overtime. And he often does not pay.

Overall schedule if you have clients stressful. And have to work for 12-14 hours. It's not many people happy. Especially considering the fact that the weekend is not enough. And rest is simply not possible.

Workers have, for unknown reasons to stay late at the workplace. Very often the work responsibilities continues even beyond the office. For example, in personal hours the employee can call with various questions. Will have to answer and work. Such receives feedback from employees Europlan (Moscow).


Career growth is often of interest to many citizens. After all, some go to work not only for the sake of the team or earnings, it is important for professional and personal development. What gets Europlan staff (Moscow, Rocket Boulevard, 16 - head office address of the company) in this area?

They are ambiguous. Some suggest that the organization can really develop and rise to senior positions. But this is not so easy. Have worked long and hard to show their best side.

And there are opinions that contradict everything previously said. It is noted that real career prospects here. In any case, they are extremely small. To use them is not given to everyone.

On the second situation will have to expect new employees. Because of the increase achieved in "the Europlan" is almost impossible. Often employees just nobody pays attention. And achieve a career growth is possible only when people will manifest themselves.evroplan leasing staff Moscow


Some are wondering what the Bank "Europlan" in Moscow reviews gets. If we consider the previously mentioned company (which usually mean a Bank), the opinions are left ambiguous.

"evroplan" is a large and very successful company. But this is not the best employer. It offers good working conditions, while still at first, not quite honest with applicants. Some of the reviews served as a signal to place the organization in the black list of employers.

If you look at the negative opinions about the organization "evroplan", it can be concluded that most of the claims seem a bit cliché. They speak against virtually any employer. It should therefore be concluded that the work in the Europlan and to earn here you can. Important to have stress resistance and aging.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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