Your positive feedback about your company: sample letters


2020-04-06 00:20:24




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Positive reviews about the company — a sample of a successful completion of the services the client used.

Reviews are formal and informal. Examples of informal easy to find online on forums, social networking sites, at special sites, where people share their experience with the company, noting the attitude of employees to customers and solutions to problem situations and more.

positive feedback about the company sampleOpinion in the form of letters of thanks, sent via surface mail or electronic mail, is an official option.


How to write a positive review about the company? The sample is composed by the following rules will always help to achieve the goal, to strengthen good relations and contribute to the development of the business.

A Good review consists of four parts:

  1. S - information about the specific Situation.
  2. On - painting Service.
  3. P - a Problem and its solution by employees of the company.
  4. R - the Result.

Distinctive traits

You Can name three characteristics of a good review:

  • Focus,
  • Use the language of target audience
  • Emotionally.

how to write a positive review about the company sampleOpinion, having the structure of the oral mucous membrane, easily reaches a certain goal. Text sample positive opinion about the company, having no purpose, may have the following form:

With a firm's long-standing partnership. There are no complaints. We will continue to work”.

Of Course, such a review a pleasure to read. But if using opinion to emphasize the competitive advantages of the firm, its value will increase. Compare:

“Thanks to the developed in a short time the firm X selling website sales for the 2nd quarter increased by 82 %. The similar parameters of the old site over the same period was negative. The plan is to order the company developing two related projects”.

There is a structural approach:

  • Situation, which was firm (losses);
  • Painting service (short term);
  • Problem (the site does not sell);
  • The result (sales increased by 80 %).

The Text carries an emotional component, stresses the benefits of the work performed, the business language.

How to write

In business circles, it is customary to Express gratitude in the letter. As an example, consider the procedure of preparation of positive feedback about the company on the model, a structured RESIST the image.

The First question we must clearly answer: what purpose should pursue the review? Assume that the goal is the encouragement of employees of the company and establishing good business relationship for the future. Next, think about the language: you need to write a dry business language. And the third — an emotional component. You need to give positive leadership, leading to the desire to encourage the employees.

text of the positive opinion about the company sampleThe Desire to promote occurs when the employee has solved the existing problem, the responsibility for which shall be the head. So, the opinion must be reasonably described this problem and the detailed explanation of its consequences.


How to write a positive review about the company on the model of the structure of the oral mucous membrane, show the following algorithm. Proceed to the definition of the situation:

An agreement was signed for execution of the construction and repair works, among which the firm was obliged to replace the old tub for a new one.

positive feedback on bicycles and skate company sampleFailure of work or delay the timing provides punishment in the form of serious fines, as the premises have been preparing for the super important people and terms were hard.


Draw a picture of service. The work was carried out on schedule; construction materials consistent with the required quality; technology processes is strictly observed.


At the final stage of the work, when it was necessary to install a new tub, custom with various massage functions and musical illumination, it was found that the size of a bath more than doorways. Also supplied to the tub wiring needed replacement, as was done taking into account the size of a standard bath.

Delay the timing of execution of works under the contract, signed by the head of the company, threatened loss of reputation and serious money.


The Manufacturer works Ivan Ivanov used the window opening in order to make the bath, quickly replaced the wiring and as compensation did the wiring for stereos. Workwas delivered on time. VIP-the person was happy and satisfied.

Preparing a sample of positive opinion about the construction company will contain four recommended parts. The purpose of the review will be accomplished fully, when the leader read the words of gratitude for their employees Ivanov I. I.:

“we Express our gratitude to OOO «Stroybrig” for the preparation of the tight deadlines, the performance of which threatened to disrupt the important premises for operation, which was performed custom engineering work efforts of the foreman Ivanov I. I.”.

Design Rules

There was a letter to certain formatting and print ready form a positive opinion about the company on company letterhead. To specify the destination to put the appropriate treatment and completion.

reviews on sampleA complete sample of positive feedback about the company is sent to the user with all the intricacies of the office.

E-letters of gratitude

Sometimes you need to write an email with positive feedback about the company, a sample of which if you want you can build for the same PAIR scheme.

In the “subject”, you need to specify “Positive feedback about the company». Sample neutral character might look like this:

"Dear Konstantin!

We Express our gratitude to OOO «Stroybrig” for the timely performance of the works under the contract no. xxx.

Best regards,


In this case, no RE-approach makes the review pointless and faceless, similar to an ordinary unsubscription.

Informal opinion

Today, the reviews are in great demand among the Internet users and business owners. To collect information about companies is not difficult: the information is available for a wide range, and its distribution can be compared to an avalanche that will build clients for the company, or, conversely, discourage them.

A Sample example of positive feedback about the company can serve as a post on the women's forum:

“my son is allergic to eggs. Hard to find a bakery that manufactures diet cakes. I ordered cake for birthday of my son.

Beautifully Designed, decorated with cream, marzipan cars and helicopters. Look appetizing and attractive. I was looking forward to the joy and delight of the son: he's a fan of all sorts of cars and airplanes.

Its Packed in a clear plastic box, and it suddenly dawned on me that home I'm going to take: the cream will melt from the heat. The horror! Feelings of confusion and confusion was reflected on my face: “What to do? How to save the cake?” Tatiana Ivanova, a nice woman who understood my problem and offered additional heat-resistant packing with foil and foam. It saved me!

positive feedback on company letter sampleBirthday party for my son went great!!! Cake finished the feast, I drove without any damages and flaws. Made it without eggs (!), as was ordered, but the taste didn't suffer from it: he liked all the guests. I wish the team “Sweet” all the best! A huge thank you for your business!”

After Reading this review, other moms began to ask questions: where is this place, it is possible to order a cake for diabetics, how far in advance you need to order, can I order by phone and other comments relating to this situation. The conversation lasted for several days, and even months later, some thoughtful mothers of families have found this review and called the bakery to order a cake.

Perhaps such a reaction to the opinion the most desirable: discussion, questions, answers. The text is composed according to all rules. It is clearly structured: a woman described my situation (looking for an opportunity to order a cake without eggs), painted a picture of the service (cake made beautiful, Packed), identified the problem (the cream will melt in the heat) offered by the employee of the confectionery solution (heat-resistant packaging), and showed the result (the PD took place).

Given a sample of positive feedback about the company possesses all the necessary characteristics. Clearly identified the purpose of writing — to tell that there are places where made the diet cakes. Questions about the possibility of ordering cakes for people with certain dietary needs that were asked to this post, clearly indicate the achievement of the goal.

The Opinion was written for a women's forum in the language of a caring mom that is understandable to all target audiences in this particular case.

And finally, the emotional coloration has touched the souls of others participating in the forum. After all, they too are experiencing the same emotions as you prepare family events, communicate with their loved ones, worried about their health.

Motivation writing reviews

In conclusion, shouldto determine what motivates man when he undertakes to write a review. Often the reviews about the company — sample of human emotions.

“Clinic — great! Listened carefully, did a full examination, did all the tests and found the problem! Now I am healthy thanks to doctor Mikhail Alexandrovich! Bow!” - a strong positive emotion.

Another example: “People! Take care of your health! Do not go to the clinic “3X”. Waited half an hour in vain. Manager — a boor. Money for the reception and did not return” has a negative emotional color.

With no emotion, people will not waste time to Express their opinions, except the desire to Express themselves. If you have a customer who understands the intricacies of the case, you may notice a new emphasis, focus or emphasis on any previously unnoticed elements, he can with pleasure demonstrate their knowledge by writing a review.

positive feedback about the company sample sampleHead, reacting to the positive reviews about the company - example of leader who cares for the main implementation to date marketing tasks: promotion of firms in the market and strengthen ties with customers.

Ways of obtaining feedback

Many companies have realized the benefits that give positive feedback about the campaign, an example of which is the desire to obtain them in any way. They are willing to pay money to those who make a solid opinion about the organization or the product. This approach helps in the initial stage to gather opinion, but if the real work does not match the purchased review, the opinions of dissatisfied customers will not wait. But one negative review has a weight ten times more positive.

Some managers charged with a responsibility to its employees to request to leave feedback on the work to satisfied clients. The downside is that such responses are usually neutral. They do not perform tasks of business promotion, they do not inspire those who read.

Perhaps, getting the most effective feedback contribute to solving non-trivial tasks facing the employees, often not included in the list of their services, as was the case with the candy store. In a normal person, of course, there is a sense of gratitude, which can turn into positive feedback.

Complete guide is a reminder that the sincere expression of feedback is worth a lot. His money can not buy. Therefore, to Express my gratitude to the worthy and highly value those who are able to Express it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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