How to come up with a name for an online store?


2020-04-03 06:00:20




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Ideas of names for an online store in the Network hovering enough. Most of them suffers from repeated repetitions on a variety of web resources. And so you want to opening own business, something unusual and, most importantly, effective. How, for example, should be a good name for an online clothing store? After all, the phrase "How you name the boat..." despite the banality, its relevance is not lost.

The Sonorous and the original name of the Internet-shop you should choose once and for all. To change it along the way is not recommended. Let us define the main factors needing attention in the selection.

A Feature of Internet shops is that each of them has domain. That is, the address of the website which is a "working platform". Domain indicated in the address bar in a certain set of letters, and the name of your offspring should be selected with an eye to this factor.

How to choose?

Let's look at the basic criteria, to neglect that when you choose not worth it. And they are:

  • The Name of your site must reach the target audience.
  • Exactly match the goods that you intend to sell.
  • Should Not be a problem remembering due to the complexity.
  • The Factors of associativity and eloquence exactly the same has not been canceled.
  • Needless to say, the name must be unique.
  • Don't forget about the concept of the stoplist.

the name for the online store

What does it all mean?

Now let us decipher all of the above in more detail. What it means to reach the target audience? This is to bring your idea to meet a number of factors, including age and gender, price and social (i.e. membership of a particular group or stratum).

As for price range, basically three of them. Low products cheap market segment, the middle one is a bit more expensive, and high - with the emphasis on quality and prestige of the brand. Most shops, including virtual, focused on the middle-class buyers.

Your task is to clearly define, to whom you will sell your product. Name for an online store should convey a sense of its price range. So, goods of economy class will be an organic look under the comic guise of playful, casual and simple enough. If your goal is the establishment of expensive and prestigious online store the name you should choose a more pathetic and exclusive.

Differences by gender suggest the orientation on the gender of the buyer. Title women's online shops - elegant, Flirty, gentle. Products for men to sell officially under the strict guise. Name for a children's online store - comic, evocative with the fairy tales.


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Big or small

Consider dividing customers according to age. Here, too, there are several categories:

  • Teenage audience (younger than 21).
  • Buyers are a young active age (21-30 years).
  • Customers of middle age (approximately 30 to 45 years).

We might imagine that shopping in a virtual environment is typical mainly for the young generation - up to 30 years. If you sell goods to people in middle age, your sign needs to be calm, dignified and harmonious. Name for an online store youth products may contain spoken phrase with elements of slang.

the name for the online clothing store

Other details

Take into Account the social factor is even more difficult because it involves division by interest, lifestyle, preferred religion, and even subcultures.

To the name as fully as possible consistent with the product, widely used principle of associativity. So, perfumes have many mentally causes feeling of tenderness, underwear - sexuality. Achieving occurrence in the brain of a buyer of the necessary associations, you will make a giant leap toward your goal.

In Any case, the title should not be too difficult. "Peremudril", you risk the buyer just do not going to be able to remember it. Not to mention the problems with SEO-optimization.

What can you advise further

Another key point is uniqueness. Biggest mistake in copying the signs of competitors. Your case is isolated, remember that.

A language Feature that all domain names are written in Latin. Meanwhile, many people it is hard to absorb foreign words. Unfortunately, this is another trap. Creating a name with a complex combination of letters, you run the risk of ruining the idea in the Bud.

What is the stop list? Try once and for all get rid of the words included in the list of long ago bored and do not cause nothing but irritation. Most often it is due to all the teeth of the consoles best, vip, elite, shop, top, or designate a product gift, perfume, books, CD.

the name of the Internet shop of children's clothes

Looking for the name. How and where?

Here are some tips which can help you in this difficult task:

  • Can make up a name for an online store named the best selling the main product.
  • In the case are long "deceased" brands - their signs get a second life.
  • Try to contact the couple. Who are they? Experts who for a fee will write you the name for everything - the company, brand, store and so on.
  • Corny, butoperates - to sort out known beautiful combination of foreign words. Sometimes it sounds quite stylish.
  • To Use my real name. So did many of the now popular brands. As a rule, such names are more easily remembered and do not have problems with uniqueness. Complexity can be only when attempting to write translit. Not every user will type the desired word in the search box. Just because not every name, even the beautiful and sonorous, would be appropriate as signs of the online store.

What else?

  • To Beat as the name of the main group of goods. Example - a flower shop called "Tsvetkoff". Though rather corny, but it looks very advantageous.
  • If nothing comes to mind, resort to natural items. Take some exotic place on earth - island, river, mountain - like Fiji or Malibu. This name always sounds impressive.

a title for a children's online store

  • Sometimes you have to creatively beat the words, sometimes even assuming the "accidental" typo within reason.
  • Often the name of the product (shoes, clothes and the like) is transferred to another foreign language (Spanish, Italian, French). The meaning is the same, and sound is completely different, mysterious and enigmatic.
  • The Word-names complement unexpected prefixes or suffixes (podarkos).

The name of the Internet-shops: list of sample options

That's the most win-win words for always and everywhere:

  • The Name for the online clothing store (female) - "Lady", "Glamour", "Face", "Versailles", "Chic", "Pretty", "Flirty", "Ecstasy", "eve", "World of beauty".
  • Suitable For men following options - a "Gentleman", "Aesthete", "the Big people" (for "Royal" sizes).
  • The name of the Internet-shop of children's clothes - "top-Top", "Baby", "Baby", "Bambi", "Pups", "Casper".
  • In the name of a Shoe store you can use the words "Shoe", "Step", "top-Top", "boat".
  • When it comes to lingerie - "Ecstasy", "Cleopatra", "Magnolia", "eve", "Tenderness", "Temptation", "Sex", "Orchid".

beautiful name of online store

  • For a furniture store - "Interior", "Elite", "Comfort", "Continent", "Your House", "Imperiya", "Comfort", "Harmony", "Area", "Aesthete".
  • For flower "Lotus flower", "Gardenia", "Oasis", "Flower world (or heaven)", "Camellia", "flora", "Edelweiss", "Fantasy", "Orchid", "Flamingo", "Florence".

Other examples online stores

  • If you are going to trade household cleaning products - "Shine," "Snow white", "Alternative", "Fairy", "Cinderella", "Freshness", "Lotus", "Neat", "the Shining", "Moydodyr", "Fairy", "Aroma".
  • For an online store of gifts suitable words - "Miracle", "Chest", "Positive", "Present".
  • Options for those who sell computers and office equipment, - "Bit", "omega", "Bytes", "Ultra", "Hacker", "Virus", "Spectrum", "Portal", "Forum", "enter".
  • Selling building materials - "Megastroy", "decor", "Master", "Evrostroy", "Pyramid", "Economy Builder", "Master", "Stroygid".

The Task of inventing names - in a good combining the right words with the easy transliteration it in a domain name. The problem is that most of the existing domains has long been firmly occupied. Many wanted to purchase a fitting name. If you - one of them, you should know that such a service can provide its specialized agencies.

How to choose a domain name?

When choosing its owners allowed many serious mistakes. The main thing that it coincided with the name of the store. Then the address of your site will be easier to remember and type in the search string.

title women online shopping

Is it possible to do without any title, limited to, say, ip address? At the same time saving on the domain name!

Figures to the client, as a rule, do not say anything and rarely remembered. Spend to buy a decent domain with a sonorous, memorable and easy name, we will make for our online store a lot.

It's no secret that shorter names are remembered easier. By cybersquatters (hunters domain names) is buying a sonorous and short names and their subsequent resale for a very decent money. A long name is good only when the site is extremely narrow topics include the main keyword. In this case, a good SEO shop you provided.

About the importance of pronunciation

Even a short name to be associated with something. It may not be just a set of meaningless letters or numbers. In a pinch, a good acronym from the first letters of the name of the store (if it is, for example, of three or more words).

The pronunciation of the domain name in the Russian language version should also be unambiguous. Many Latin letters Russian-speaking users read differently (especially those who are not good at languages). In such cases, there is a risk that what you say on the phone the name when typing in the address bar will shamelessly distort and will not be on your website.

To use Cyrillic domain name is not recommended. She's still so stuck on the Internet that various programs can be reflected as a set of special characters that are meaningless to me.

examples of online stores

Order not to breaklanguage

Unpronounceable names requiring letter-by-letter dictation by phone almost every second customer is, should also be avoided. Possible prefer domains that do not contain hyphens or numbers. The latter should be used only when they are common sense. For example, 24 (mode of operation your company - around the clock). In other cases, the numbers in the domain that do not contain any meaning, it is unnecessary.

The domain Name as the name for the online store must match the severity of the site. Unless you're planning to sell balloons and crackers, and avoid "gay" slang words which will significantly reduce the prestige of your decent online store especially when it comes to selling expensive equipment, jewelry or HVAC equipment.

Try the part of the domain name does not include geographical terms, mentions of the city and region. Who knows what will unfold your business through another year. Perhaps you will come to a completely new level. The name of the native settlement in the address bar will significantly limit you in the search for new customers.

Down with negativity

Negative and regressive words and prefixes "not" in the title is best avoided, and superstition here at anything. Human minds tend to "ignore" these consoles, and the meaning is just the opposite. Better to focus on a positive and cheerful attitude.

Lack of originality - are also a serious problem. How not to get lost among the many shops of competitors? Anyway, the head smash will have. At least, not a sin to splurge on the services of specialists for naming.

All of the selected options check the above criteria and think about which of them maximally work. You do not have to change it quickly after some time? Can ideally work under a given name for an unlimited time? Of course, domain is subject to change. Technically, it is easy to do. But if you are looking to turn their name into a brand, such replacement you absolutely nowhere. Better to spend some time, money and efforts on recruitment the most successful and beautiful name online store now than a year later to change the logo, re-print business cards can also be used to edit the ads contextual advertising.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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