Check-list - what's that? Checklist: example. Check-list check


2020-03-31 00:00:21




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Creative, careful and serious attitude to work is an important part of modern business. However, creativity has always been closely associated with unforeseen costs of the work time, the uncertainty in the estimation of labor, the need to clarify the value of the work performed.

a check sheet is

There are many tasks that do not require high qualifications and can be solved by accurate and high-quality execution of a sequence of simple actions. Checklist - this is a solution to the problem.

Area of application ideas

A Sequence of simple operations has application for both critical tasks performed by skilled professionals, and for other tasks, which can handle a normal working, a student or a schoolboy.

A Check-list is a sample of a correct algorithm for solving the problem recorded in a sequence as simple as possible, the most accurate and concise, but full of action, which need to be made, for example, to:

  • The plane took off;
  • Go to the store and buy what mom asked me;
  • To build;
  • To achieve some goal;
  • To check or do something for something.

The Pipeline once revolutionized the industry, and has proved useful in the manufacture not only of simple parts, but complex machinery, food products, sporting goods, clothing, shoes.

check sheet example

Ideally, when the check-list is a dozen minimum required, simple steps:

  • Perfect simple action - simple, unconditional instruction to do something;
  • Perfect policy does not create variants, but the following action is performed strictly according to the queue;
  • No erratic movements, everything is done strictly according to plan and the content of each item of the worksheet.

The Goal (task) is large, and on one sheet, not every solution can fit. However, nothing prevents to make a few check-lists that are executed consistently by different workers in a certain period of time.


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Plan objectives

Planning is an important component of any business. Check-list is also a plan, not only the solution of the problem. You can make a plan of action in case of emergency, a plan of conduct in case of accident or natural disaster, the daily routine in the children's camp. The schedule of classes or College or school too test the product on “simple intelligence”, because this kind of checklist there are conditions. For example, odd or even days, weeks.

test product

People always have everything planned out, what I was doing, but did it unconsciously. The emergence of the concept of “checklist” is an example of how the mundane and habitual unconscious falls within the competence of conscious, gets a new meaning and radically new quality.

By Itself, this term is relatively young, but the history of its ideas and its applications date back hundreds of years. Most likely, the first papyrus with the regulation of sequences of simple actions were used in ancient times, otherwise it is difficult to explain the moments of flourishing ancient civilizations, as well as the reasons of their fall.

Sample: checklist for installing the FTP daemon

This sample is written once and used many years. Nothing is decorated beautifully, written in Unicode style, but practical.

Author's example is not a picture

Generally speaking, these checklists are born as the result of long-term administration to be performed by the system administrator. As a rule, after two or three years, after hundreds of installations, the administrator writes himself and his colleagues a memo. This is a real check-list: ugly but practical.

A Sample of beautiful impractical checklist

The Author of this product work to the public. Looks all right, but this in no way makes the site a modern, decent, reliable and practical.

Author's example is not a picture

Here all is correctly written, but it's not a check-list. In particular, “Logo” is primarily a verb:

  • Create;
  • How to create;
  • To consider;
  • What to discard.

For each such verb should be a few recommendations.

The Appeal to the reasonable slogan, but the creation of a slogan - it works, and its verification is a long practice (in the real live Internet with the massive influx of visitors), neither to the checklist does not apply.

And so on each item.

Real “flying” the check-list (fragment) for Boeing 737

It should be issued a check-list. Phrase - simple answer. That is a simple action and a simple result.

Author's example is not a picture

This is only a fragment of a document written in English, but in this particular instance, language is important, and the accuracy of the Declaration action and check the result.

Test scope

Practical application a clear plan of action:

  • Sports;
  • Accounting;
  • Validation of the company's products;
  • Audit of the company;
  • Investigative activities;
  • Launch a space ship, etc.

Almost any area of life andhuman activities may be defined by a range of different small plans: a check-list of check No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 etc.

test case

A Special value of a strict regulation of the actions is in responsible areas of activity, for example in the preparation of the surgeon for surgery, when medical personnel all participating doctors and nurses - each in his competence - performs a strictly regimented list of activities. Usually everything is done in “automatic” however, professional ethics requires all actions to execute “paper”.

A checklist is an essential document for certification and regulation of the production and testing of food products, children's products, test the operation of machinery.

Internet technology and simple operation

Any surgery requires highly skilled surgeons. But it also requires proper execution of simple operations. In particular, all the instruments on the operating table must lie strictly in certain places, the patient should be prepared not only physically, but also mentally.

A Check-list (sample sequence) is not a program, not algorithm, and it is difficult to relate the programming in the truest sense of the word, but Internet technology has led to the need to create and execute the many routine but very important operations.

check sheet sample

Creation of a web resource requires a minimum of three Apache, PHP and MySQL or equivalent database on a different server, a different interpreter and database. The installation of this Trinity - the minimum required clear sequence of actions.

The Mistake here is fraught with the inability to work at all. The modern Internet programming is characterized by the fact that the algorithms of the server interpreter and a programming language browser «do not think” but what if “do not understand”, is definitely "not doing"!

An error Entry in the log definitely stated, but often recorded in the log enough to find the problem.

Web programming: simple solutions to complex problems

A checklist is a solution to the problem. Practice Internet programming in JavaScript and PHP, in particular, with object-oriented writing style allows only two options to solve the problem:

  • Professional intuition.
  • Test case.

The Third is not given. The test tools in programming a long time is very developed. Also, there are many additional means to validate the code, and the developers of programming languages have a lot of time and effort to create debugging tools and error detection.

But to define, in what place, at what level, in what subsystem of objects of the common system was a surprise, maybe only the Creator (author) of the code, or advanced well test case, which made the hand of an experienced master.

check check sheet

The Ideal solution is to do a check-list on the code level, when not a man, and he created the object it cares about doing its own functionality and controls its state and its relations with other objects.

Internet promotion, SEO

Ever Since the Internet became accessible to the average visitor (and the theme of "a check-list as a test product" has always been available to the masses), in the field of SEO, a flood of repetitive ideas. Proposed is absolutely trivial sequence, and from gullible buyers to extort real money on an empty and baseless grounds.

The authors of the check-lists focused on smart words:

  • Technical input;
  • Internal idealization of content;
  • Semantics of the kernel resource;
  • Content: as is and as should be;
  • Commercial time, the monetization of the resource;
  • External circumstances;
  • Region promotion;
  • Behavioral point in the image of the visitor, etc.

But the purpose of clever words was money. Unsuspecting buyers are paying “work” authors ' checklist, stimulated the production of these products, that is not good. But this process has led to the fact that the theme of the promotion was expanded to the maximum possible limit and created the conditions for consolidating information.

Reproduction in the field of information is a natural process, and whosoever receives the real advancement of their own resources in any form:

  • Minimum cost, through its own capacity;
  • Maximum costs, through skilled craftsmen.

A Check-list today is a real and effective tool to achieve the desired in its formal part and absolutely complete freedom in the creative moment achieve the goal.

Virtual space of simple ideas

Material component in life, at work, in the socio-economic sphere in General has gained stability. The fundamental reason for the successful achievement of desired became apparent. Check-list is an example of how the creative component is gone in a virtual space.

path in virtual space

The skill level of the consumers and the ideas of the authors has passed in new quality. This resets the position and led to the formation of a range of new challenges and need new solutions. The world was again perfect, and once again the new quality was due to the simple and natural step forward.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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