The fungicide is Fungicidal... drugs. Treatment fungicides


2018-04-01 20:48:18




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Modern gardening, rarely do without soil and plants with special preparations-fungicides. The literal translation of this term from Latin means “killing fungi”. fungicide-itBut the practice of application of plant protection has significantly expanded this concept by combining substances that are toxic not only to fungi, but the drugs that fight against other pathogens of crops. The fungicides – chemical or biological preparations used for prevention, prophylaxis or treatment of diseases of horticultural crops.

A Little history

Different plant diseases – spot, rust, rot, familiar to man ever since, as people learned to grow certain crops. Even then, there were the first recommendations for the necessary protection. More BC Homer mentioned the suppression of plant diseases through fumigation with sulfur, as Democritus pointed out to the prevention of rot with crop spraying infusion of olives. With the beginning of a new era people learned how to prevent disease grains, impregnating them with wine or keeping in the crushed foliage of the cypress tree. In the middle ages known at the time of the disease and methods of treatment have been described and classified.

A Breakthrough came with the development of the chemical industry, and active research, the etiology of many diseases and biological features of pathogens. The majority of currently available fungicides was synthesized quite recently-in the 20th century. Modern means of plant protection – single component or combination of drugs - can achieve considerable success, however, the problem of disease is not yet gone and requires constant improvement of technologies, methods and means of the processing of crops.


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How to apply fungicides?

They destroy the spores or mycelium of fungi and microorganisms that cause various diseases. These plant protection products are classified according to the nature of the impact, the intended use, the nature and selectivity of action and distribution in plants.

Classification fungicides

plant protection products

Due To the fact that the same fungicide can have different influence on different cultures, the classification is very conditional. In addition, the use of different doses in different periods varies significantly. However, fungicides are divided into:

  • Protective equipment used to handle healthy plants to prevent disease.
  • Curative (eradicating) drugs treatment that is needed after the plants showed signs of disease. The active ingredient of this fungicide stops the growth of pathogenic sphere that caused the problem, what leads to recovery culture.
  • Systemic fungicides-are chemicals absorbed by the plant and moving through its vascular system and protect the new shoots that grew after treatment. These fungicides have curative and preventive effect.
  • Contact preparations, protect only those plant parts with which they come in contact. Such fungicides – it means having only a protective effect, they always depend on the rain.
  • Disinfectants of seed — chemicals used in pre-sowing soaking of seeds to protect the future seedlings from diseases and pests, as well as in the treatment of bulbs, tubers, corms and rhizomes of the plants, before planting. Today there are drugs as narrow spectrum of activity or prevention of possible diseases or microorganisms against pests and integrated combining both of these areas.

The Toxicity of drugs and precautions in their use

The Fungicides – toxic drugs, and needs to be confident in the appropriateness of their use in the home. Before using such drugs, you should familiarize yourself with the safety precautions for their use. Horus fungicideThere are a few immutable rules, the implementation of which is mandatory in order to avoid poisoning, which can cause a fungicide. The instructions for each drug offers:

  • Store medicines separately from food and medicines in a dry, dark, cool place at a temperature not exceeding 35 °C and not below -10 °C;
  • To ensure inaccessibility to children and animals;
  • Preparation of working solution not to produce in the dishes, used in the kitchen;
  • The solution should be used immediately, it is not stored;
  • To carry out the treatment in the absence of children and animals;
  • For such work to prepare a special clothes;
  • During operation, do not eat, drink or smoke;
  • At the end of the treatment, wash your face and hands;
  • Of the container used for solution preparation and details of the sprayer to be rinsed in running water.

Essential aid for poisoning

Topaz fungicide

If caution when working with drugs have not been respected, should immediately take the necessary measures. If the drug is accidentally ingested, you need to drink 0.5 liters of water and induce vomiting. In contact with the skin the activesubstances it has been washed under running water for at least 10 minutes. Very dangerous is getting the drug to the lungs or eyes. In such cases, the eye was washed with water and a two-percentage solution of hydrogen peroxide and inhaling volatile substances is removed to fresh air. Despite the rendered first aid, it will be useful to contact the facility, taking the packaging label of the drug used.

Modern protective equipment

The Application of fungicides has now become a necessity, so we need to know exactly what drugs can be used in some cases, and some others. We list the most common modern fungicides, take a look at their operation, advantages and disadvantages.

“Fundazol": usage instructions

“Fundazol" (powder) – extensive systemic fungicide effect against many types of fungal diseases. Suitable for preventive and curative sprays when the risk of fungal infections. Used as seed dressing before planting. Has a slight unpleasant odor. Hazard class – 3. The active ingredient of fundazol – benomyl, penetrating the plant through the roots or aerial parts and converted into carbendazim-substance, having excellent fungicidal properties. A large part of fundazol is accumulated on the surface of plants, and a smaller, penetrating into able to protect not even interacting with the drug areas.

Ways to use “Fundazol”

Treatment with fungicides, in particular ‘Fundazol”, can be conducted in different ways:

  • In conjunction with irrigation;
  • Spraying the plants during the growing season;
  • A seed treatment before planting.

fundazol usage instructions

“Fundazol" of the instruction manual which is attached to each box, dissolve 1 g in 1 l of water. This is a working solution. Use it no more than twice per season.

The seed Treatment recommended for a month before planting. Combines with the ‘Fundazol” watering needed if you experience symptoms of plant diseases and spraying are preventive measures that take even before the emergence of disease.

"Topaz": fungicide based on penconazole

"Topaz" (emulsion concentrate), and “Fundazol”, is a systemic fungicide curative and preventive action for the protection of plants from fungal diseases such as powdery mildew, rust, oidium, etc. "Topaz” – fungicide, odorless, moderately dangerous to humans, animals and fish, but not toxic to birds and insects. It is strictly prohibited to processing plants during flowering. Hazard class — 3.

The Most effective "Topaz" to protect stone fruits, fruit, berry, vegetable and ornamental crops as well as grapes from powdery mildew and other fungi and infections. Conducted with an interval of 7-14 days preventive treatment of overwhelming infections caused by pathogens of various diseases at the beginning of the growing season, show the best results.

How to apply "Topaz"?

treatment fungicides

Normalized consumption of the fungicide depending on the phase of development in which the plant and the degree of his defeat. Weak solutions are used in the beginning of the growing season or at low infectious background; stronger – in the finished period in the development sheet or a significant defeat infection. After treatment of the culture with a drug to strengthen the result, it is advisable to use contact fungicides. In the instructions for use "Topaz" makes the following recommendations:

  • For fruit trees and bushes (currant, gooseberry, peach, grapes) and vegetables and strawberries the contents of one ampoule of the drug is dissolved in 10 l of water;
  • Flower crops (roses, carnations, asters, etc.) the solution is more concentrated – one ampoule means is dissolved in 5 l of water.

"Topaz" - fungicide, the price of which is small, and the benefits from its proper application is invaluable. Spraying the plants should be done in windless, dry weather, uniformly treating the entire surface of the plant. The solution is prepared immediately before performing the work. Following treatment, if there is such a need, is carried out after 10-14 days, when the protection period.

Fungicide "chorus"

For the protection of stone fruit trees, vineyards and strawberry from scab, brown rot and powdery mildew fungicide is applied "chorus", developed based on cyprodinil and produced in the form of water soluble granules. "chorus" - the fungicide successfully used to combat kokkomikoza, shot-hole disease and moniliales fruit rot on plum and cherry, with fruit rot and scab on pears and the Apple trees.

Treatment ‘chorus" is made by spraying, the first of which is carried out before flowering, the second during the growing season, but not later than 2 weeks prior to harvest. Better second treatment to hold after 2 weeks after culture withered. The working solution is prepared in the following proportions: in 10 liters of water dissolve 3 grams. drug. The average consumption of resources per tree ranges from 2 to 5 liters of solution depends on the size of tree and type of sprayer.use of fungicides

"chorus" - fungicide, a feature of the application is that the greatest efficiency it shows at low temperatures (3-10 °C), which is an advantage of this drug because it can be successfully used during early spring, when, basically, there is an infection of horticultural crops fruit rot. Experienced gardeners is not recommended to treat the trees when the temperature of the air in excess of 22 °C. the Protective period after treatment continues 7-10 days. Another advantage of the use of "chorus" is its high therapeutic effect in already infected plants.

Standards for the use of a fungicide called "chorus"

For different plants, the concentration of working solutions are different. For the treatment of Apple and pear trees require a solution prepared from 2 g of product per 10 liters of water. Spraying of stone fruit crops efficiently with a solution of 3 g per 10 liters of water. The concentration of the solution for processing strawberry for 1 bit - 6 g per 5 l of water.fungicide instruction

Fungicides for grapes, in particular "chorus" is prepared in the same proportions as for the strawberry – 6 g per 10 liters of water. The maximum number of treatments per season for strawberries is 2, stone fruits (except plums) and grapes - 3; pome fruits and plums - 4 times.

Timely and competent handling of crops helps growers and suburban areas from cleansing agents of various infections and to increase crop quality and healthy fruit.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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