How To Do A Haircut


2019-08-02 23:00:21




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Choice of hairstyle is absolutely responsible. As well as right chosen hairstyle can hide some defects of appearance of its owner and hide the flaws, so the error in the choice of hairstyles can lead to catastrophic consequences. Fortunately, all such effects are temporary, but the troubles will manage to deliver a lot.

So what to do prichesku that it is perfectly consistent with all individual features specific fun naughty girl or a solid serious lady? How to get a haircut?

First of all, it should be noted that a simple and totally mindless copying of trendy haircuts from a glossy magazine of type "want it" completely hopeless and can never bring good results. Hairstyle or haircut on the cover, of course, can not fail to appeal to young enthusiastic fashionistas, but it is designed exactly for the model that was photographed for the cover of the glossy magazine and meets all the individual features of the model.

So how to make hair style? Actually it is not such an idle question from the multiple questions that literally ask hundreds of onlookers. When choosing the most suitable hairstyles it is advisable to proceed not just from “...but I saw a distant relative of a friend of my cousin's hairstyle that..." and in good faith to consider the quality and hair type, face shape, and even height and body proportions.

That's when all these conditions it is possible to choose a hairstyle that will not just enliven and beautify the appearance of any girl or women and will give a completely unique charm, but will also help to create exclusive image. What kind of a haircut? Are there any General rules that you can choose a hairstyle virtually error-free?


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Yes, there are such rules. The very first need when choosing a new haircut to take into account the shape and characteristic facial features, and hair quality.

For Example, for fine hair it is better to choose a voluminous hairstyle, and the volume is usually achieved by means of profiling strands. And unruly hair it is better to make an elongated cut.

The Selection of hairstyles can directly depend on the individual facial features. So when undernotes nose hair is better combed up, and if the nozzle is small, it is best to do a hairstyle with an abundance of small curls. The long neck is to simply close hair, large ears — too, but about half. With close-set eyes, lateral strands, arranged along the cheeks and lifted up the hair, luxuriantly reclining on the temples, will allow to disguise this shortcoming.

If you still have any doubts, how to do a haircut, choosing necessary to pay attention not only on the individual facial features, but also its type.

For a long narrow face is better to pick up something from short cuts — luxurious styling in this case strongly will not work. But the haircut is short, but lush curls down to the middle of the cheeks will make the face a little wider. Visually shorten the face will allow the bangs up to eyebrows and long, below the ears, the curls.

And if the face is round, then it will go too short hair, when straight hair covering a portion of the neck and reach the corners of the lower jaw. Great for a round face fit and long straight shoulder-length hair with a side parting that covers about half of the cheeks.

What to get a haircut — it may depend on the shape type. Of course, the most important factors when choosing a haircut are the type of person and individual characteristics of the hair, but hair should naturally be in harmony with the figure.

So a straight slender figure, wide hips, narrow waist and large Breasts with the help of hairstyles you can add some bend in order to smooth out the straight lines of the figure. In this case, the best option would be hair styling a medium length so that they hang down with light air waves.

And yet when choosing a hairstyle need not be guided by some rules — we'll just have to take note of and will use as sort of a starting point and, above all, their own sense of Beautiful.

Well, if there is no such feeling?

Then   unfortunately...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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