Sandalwood oil: properties and application in cosmetics


2019-07-26 14:20:34




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In cosmetology are different types of oils. Each product has its own properties to the skin of the face and body, as well as on the condition of the hair. Useful properties of sandalwood oil. About the benefits and features of its application discussed in the article.

What is it?

Sandalwood & ndash; a plant native to India. But it grows in the Eastern part of Asia, Egypt, China. In height can reach 9 meters, it is narrow and rare leaves, yellow flowers have red stripes. Fruits like beans. Valuable Red sandalwood, it is oil, furniture, Souvenirs.

sandalwood oil

The Benefits were first discovered by the ancient Hindus. They created their oil and included it in the composition of embalming fluids. Oil was used in the treatment of diseases of the kidneys, liver, and gall bladder. Product of Sri Lanka's popular in the West.

To obtain sandalwood essential oil is not used trees up to 15 years, otherwise it will not be valuable. Available to use is a product from Egypt, created from white sandalwood. To date, very few trees, so products based on its fruit and wood the most valuable and unique.


Sandalwood oil obtained from the wood of red or white sandal with the help of distillation. Trees choose color – dark it turns out more product than with light. The composition includes:

  • Santalol;
  • Pinene;
  • Santalova acid;
  • Tarantella acid.

The Product is presented in the form of a viscous colorless liquid, but the shade can be light yellow. His exotic, long-lasting, heavy scent. Sandalwood oil is combined with other esters such as roses, juniper, Mimosa, cypress, geranium, fennel, worlds, palmarosa.


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It is Known the use of sandalwood oil in medicine, cosmetics, perfumery and aromatherapy. The special value of the product is due to its unique composition, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory action. It is used in treating cystitis, respiratory illnesses, alleviate the symptoms of vascular dystonia, prevention of varicose veins, to enhance immunity.

sandalwood oil application

To the beneficial properties include:

  • A positive impact on women's health;
  • Treatment of infertility;
  • Elimination of scabies;
  • Treatment of infections of the respiratory tract;
  • Hypertension treatment;
  • Destruction of viruses and bacteria;
  • Improvement of aging skin.

The Product can have a positive influence on the psycho-emotional state as eliminates tearfulness, nervousness, increases self-esteem. Oil is used for inhalations, with him doing the compresses, added to the bath, cosmetics.


Sandalwood oil in cosmetics is valued for its beneficial effects on the skin and protection against occurrence of wrinkles. It can be used in the treatment of acne, pimples, inflammations. The tool is ideal for different skin types.

Regular use and properties of sandalwood oil help to improve hair condition and to normalize blood circulation to enrich hair follicles nutritional components. Cosmetologists recommend to perform massage the product – it is necessary for improving skin elasticity and shaping. Such procedures will be useful for the treatment of diseases of the back, blood vessels, and joints.

Without the other components of the application sandalwood oil is prohibited, it must be added to the base oil. The product is added to the composition of finished cosmetic products, but because of the unnatural ingredients reduced its effectiveness.


It is Known to use sandalwood oil for the face, it will get rid of facial wrinkles, improve the elasticity of skin and tighten it. The product regenerates the epidermis. It is effective for oily skin type. But the masks can be used for dry and mixed type. Then the oil is mixed with egg yolk applied on the skin and leave for 10 minutes.

The Tool can be used against age-related changes – for rejuvenation. With it smoothed mesh of wrinkles around eyes, eliminates sagging skin. It is added in creams and lotions.

sandalwood oil for face

Properties of sandalwood essential oil allow it to whiten the skin. Applying the lotion form is provided by a dual action: receive the natural shade and moisture. Products are used for skin around the eyes. To increase the effect allows mixing with jojoba extract.


As for face sandalwood oil is efficiently used for making masks. And quite often. For example:

  1. If you need fading cream (2 tbsp) oil, sandalwood (3 drops), almond (1 tsp), fine oat flakes (1.5 tbsp), rose ether (1 drop). Components are mixed until a homogeneous mass. The composition spread over the face, performing a light massage, and after 25 minutes rinse. At the end of the wipe face decoction of chamomile. Mask for neck and decollete.
  2. You Can prepare a nutrient medium banana, yoghurt (3 tablespoons), sandalwood oil (3 drops), patchouli (1 drop), coconut (1 tbsp). First, you need to mash the banana and then add the other components. The mask is applied topre-cleansed face and wash off after half an hour.
  3. To prepare the scrub you will need the sugar (1 tbsp), almond oil (1 tbsp), sandalwood (2 drops), juniper (1 drop), cinnamon. After mixing, the composition is applied on the face. To skrabirovanie need 3 minutes and another 2 minutes to wash off. Such procedures eliminate dead skin particles and smoothes the skin.
  4. To eliminate pimples, apply a special mask from the ether sandalwood (3 drops), almonds (1 tbsp), lemon juice (1 tbsp) brandy (1 tsp), sour cream (1 tbsp), strawberry (2 PCs.) First you have to knead the strawberries, then mix with other components. Apply for half an hour, and then rinse with water and treat with ice.
  5. If you have dry skin too has its own mask. It consists of a yolk, olive oil (2 tablespoons), sandalwood (3 drops), geranium and rose (1 drop). The yolk, beat and mix with other ingredients. The mask is applied for 20 minutes.

The Use of natural product will get rid of many defects of the skin. Procedures must be performed regularly.


Use sandalwood oil for hair. With it will eliminate dandruff, strengthen roots of hair and to restore growth. Product include air-conditioners, shampoos, and balms. The air is applied to the comb, and so he, too, will be applied to the hair. After such procedures the hair becomes healthy and shiny.

sandalwood oil for hair

The Tool is especially useful in the winter as in the summer with it heavier hair. Procedures improve the blood circulation of the scalp, so they should be included in continuous care.

Hair Masks

There are several therapeutic agents with their own properties:

  1. When the hair needs oil sandalwood (4 drops), castor oil, burdock and coconut (1 tsp). Components you need to mix and heat on a water bath for 2 minutes. The mask spread over the curls, not touching the roots at 1 cm is Necessary to wear a shower cap and wash your hair with shampoo. Thereafter, the tresses rinsed the vinegar solution.
  2. If hair is dry and damaged, then you need to make a mask of milk (2 tbsp) liquid honey (1 tbsp), oil of castor oil (2 tablespoons), sandalwood (4 drops), egg yolks. First beat the yolks and add remaining ingredients. You need to retreat from the roots of 1 cm and apply the mask. After conditioning under the hood is 1 hour and wash off with water, using shampoo and conditioner.
  3. To get the firming mask, you will need jojoba oil (1 tbsp), rose (3 drops), sandalwood (3 drops), milk (1 tbsp), egg. Protein whip and mix with other components. The tool is distributed through the hair and leave for 1 hour.

Regular treatments strengthen the hair, gives them volume. The use of additional components to enhance the properties of any masks.


Effective sandalwood oil for body skin. It enhances its elasticity, allows to get rid of cellulite. There are some proven tools to solve specific problems:

  1. Cellulite is a special scrub of sandalwood oil (4 drops), patchouli (2 drops), cedar (1 drop), almonds (2 tbsp), sugar cane (2 tbsp), salt (0.5 tsp.). Components must be mixed until a thick tool. The composition is distributed on areas of the body. The scrubbing is performed 5-7 minutes, and in 2 minutes you can wash off with a stiff sponge. Procedures restore blood flow, eliminate orange peel in the short term.
  2. You Can prepare a rejuvenating mask made of white clay, sour cream (2 tablespoons), sandalwood oil (4 drops), lavender and juniper (1 drop). Initially, diluted clay and then add other components. The mask is thinly applied, performing a gentle massage. In 10 minutes you can wash off.


Providing anti-inflammatory effect, the product protects from unpleasant consequences of edging manicure. Strengthens the nail plate. To do this, in vegetable oil add a few drops of ether sandalwood, and then rubbed into the nails. The remains can be removed with a napkin.

sandalwood oil in cosmetics

You Can make a tool for cleaning the plates, removing the breakage and saturation of nutrients. This requires the esters of eucalyptus, tea tree (2-3 drops), sandalwood (1 drop) and lavender (3 drops). The mixture can be used for rubbing 2 times a week.


Adding product into the bathroom to positively affect body and the human condition. Treatments to relax, soothe, tone. For the preparation of the means used emulsifier-carrier, water-soluble, since the drug cannot dissolve.

On the air (5-7 drops) add milk, honey, sea salt. After shaking, the remedy is added to water whose temperature is 37-38 degrees. To take a bath to 15 minutes.


The Product has a list of contraindications for oral. It cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age and kidney diseases. Before use, inside need to consult with a specialist.

properties sandalwood essential oil

When applied topically can be allergic, so it is important to check for portability. To do this, apply the product on a separate area of the skin. If after atime there were not negative reactions, the product is suitable for therapeutic procedures.


The Product is prohibited to take inside at this time. But as aromatherapy it will be useful, as it reduces fear, calms the body. Can also be used to obtain masks and scrubs that protect against the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.


As the raw material reserves rapidly depleted, and restored for a long time, natural oil is expensive. 5 ml will have to pay 150 rubles. The price may be different depending on the company, of the city. To buy natural products, you need to focus on the supplier. The most popular include:

  1. Bergland-Pharma.
  2. Styx Ages.
  3. Aromaterapie Karel Hadek.
  4. Vivasan.
sandalwood oil for the face

When buying you should pay attention to:

  1. Container. Capacity needs to be dark and twisted tightly with a glass stopper and valve.
  2. Color – homogeneous, without delamination and inclusions.
  3. Fragrance – not sharp.
  4. Paper, the sample – a drop evaporates from the paper almost without a trace, and the smell disappears quickly.

To Store the product necessary in warm conditions. The temperature should be from +15 to +40 degrees. If an extract was created from high-quality raw materials, it can be stored for years. It is advisable to leave it in the dark, even if it's dark bottles. Must be tube. Products in containers with lids, plastic must not be selected.

You can Purchase the product in the store, and online store. The use of natural oil is especially valued in cosmetics. Regular treatments improve the condition of skin and hair.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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