Fishing in Adygea: where to go on vacation?


2019-03-01 08:00:30




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Adygeya — a real dream for those who love a relaxing holiday in nature without unnecessary turmoil. Here you can not only have a great time communing with nature, but also to go to fascinating fishing. Good places for the great multitude, and they are able to please even the most demanding angler.

What you need to know before you go fishing in Adygea?

For Those who have decided to spend your summer holidays in Adygeya and definitely go to fish, you should familiarize yourself with some of the intricacies of this case in the area. Fish are abundance, you can catch almost everything, however it is important to determine the location.

Fishing in Adygea will certainly give you unforgettable impressions wherever you go. A catch here in the mountain rivers and lakes, ponds. In the plains are also reservoirs which are quite suitable for fishing. Everyone chooses a place on your taste and focusing on those gear, which are available or which are accustomed to catch.

Fish Species in reservoirs of the Republic of Adygea

A Variety in the Republic of Adygea places for fishing and varieties of fish that can be caught in the process. It can be:

  • Carp;
  • Perch;
  • Kutum;
  • ASP;
  • Carp;
  • White-eye and many other species of fish.

There are rare species of fish and are accustomed to many anglers.

Stay in Adygea

Going to Adygea fishing, you can bring the whole family. Guaranteed all remain happy. Not only beautiful nature attracts tourists at any time of year, even the locals are in awe of the local delights. Some go to improve their health, some just want to relax from the urban bustle, and someone really wants to catch the fish of your dreams. Fishing, rest in Adygea will not leave indifferent even the most demanding guest.


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fishing in Adygea

Before you start the vacation on the pond, you should ask about his status. Because some of them are leased, and stay on them may charge a fee. On public water you can be free, including fishing.

If you're worried about where to stay during your vacation, then there are in Adygea base. If this option does not suit you or will not find suitable, the locals will gladly rent housing.

October reservoir of the Republic of Adygea

In 1964, was built October reservoir on the river Sups. On its shore is the village takhtamukay. The reservoir not only protects the part of the land from the floods, but also serves for fishing. Fishing in October reservoir of Adygea open to locals and guests of the village.

Fishing in October reservoir of Adygea

A Trophy in these places can be lewicki, skimmers, crucians and a lot of other more interesting fish. It is only important to prepare well and to choose the place for fishing. You should also know that at certain times of spawning a ban on fishing in the reservoir, so before to go there, is to ask the question.

White River in Adygea

River with the same name are pretty common, but that which is in this country, is special. Here you can catch such trophies, which in other places would not even dream of. Fishing in the Adygea Republic is beautiful not only on the reservoirs and lakes but also on rivers.

Fishing on the White river Adygea

What could be more beautiful mountain raging river flowing from the peaks of mountains? And in vain, many think that to catch it is only in the plains that a strong current caught nothing. Fishing on the White river (Adygeya) shows quite the opposite: the greatest success of the fisherman in the upper reaches. Here you can vstretiti:

  • Halaula;
  • Lesa;
  • Forall;
  • Sudaka;
  • Usaca;
  • Pescara;
  • Plotwise.

As bait for these fish it is possible to apply the usual and ordinary bait: bread crumb, worms, crustaceans. The bite lasts from dusk till dawn, good fishing also at night.

As for the plain part of the river, the fish bite much worse, and the sizes are much smaller. Although if you manage to get into the pit, you can catch a pretty good copies.

Places for paid fishing in Adygea

To Catch fish, and you can relax not only on the banks of mountain rivers, but also on the artificial ponds, as well as tourism bases. It is no less exciting and beautiful, but will appeal to those who like a more civilized guests. It will, rather, pay fishing in Adygea, as artificial ponds and camp sites are either leased or in private ownership. The cost may depend on the level of comfort and service.

fee fishing in Adygea

If you opt for paid fishing camp site, you will provide experienced guides, consultants. This will especially be useful for beginners and will not allow them to remain without a catch. The most popular is base "Poplar". The hotel has a wonderful pond with large quantity and diversity of fish, the approximate cost of fishingis 150 rubles. Even a novice angler will not stay here without a catch. In addition, there are barbecues, gazebos, walkways, contributing not only fishing, but also a wonderful holiday.

Another popular paid base is the "Magic garden". Here is an opportunity not only excellent fishing on the White river, but also excursions to visit historical places, admire the charming nature of the mountainous region. Also provided comfortable accommodation, the opportunity to swim in the healing springs.

Fishing on the lakes of Adygea

Fishing in the lakes can be as a fee, or for free. Mainly on natural lakes you can catch for free. The most popular lake band of Oaks that are right on the border with Krasnodar region.

Zaryblenny here is just perfect, the bite is wonderful, it is possible to catch trophy fish. In addition, the clean air and wonderful nature will help still and relax, to improve your health.

Adygeya base

It is Very popular as lake Lure. It is also located at the border with Krasnodar region, and has a fairly large area. The number of fish in these places are huge, so the main thing is to decide what you want to fish, choose the appropriate bait and tackle and get down to business.

How to spend your holiday in Adygea

If you are planning to spend time not only fishing, but also to relax, the Dakota will give you such opportunity. It takes pride of place in the list of world natural heritage, so tourists have something to surprise and please. At your service there are fabulous landscapes, excellent climatic conditions, use of the mineral springs have healing, nature reserves and many other natural wonders.

Adygea fishing sites

Sometimes you just wonder how so much beauty could be in one place. If you come here once, you will want to repeat the journey again and again. Because here you can travel along the mountain paths, skiing or sledding, to swim in mountain rivers. If you love nature and want to spend time away from city's dust and bustle, then you definitely will like these charming beauty of the place.

fishing holidays in Adygeya

As you can see, fishing in Adygea can be perfectly combined with other leisure activities, and even complement each other. You can come here as a group of friends and the whole family for a wonderful and useful pastime. Children always you can make interesting excursions and different stories from the history of this amazing region.

Almost all recreation provide access to the Internet and TV, so you will not feel completely cut off from civilization. Even while staying here you can share with your friends photos to surprise them, communicate on social networks.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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