The season in Bali. Bali: weather. Bali: the holiday season


2018-04-01 07:04:17




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Bali – this is probably the most popular Indonesian resort. Here every year attracts thousands of tourists from around the world. Pristine landscapes, vast white beaches, beautiful nature, unique culture of local people - all this attracts travelers. The tourist season in Bali is open all year round.

General information

a season in BaliBali is one of Islands of the Indonesian archipelago. The size of the island is relatively small. Its area is less than 6,000 km². The nature here is amazing. On site you can meet many types of rare plants. Banana and Fig trees, huge old trees, a tropical jungle - all are extremely. In Bali a lot of monkeys. You can often see them in human populations. Some of the locals have tamed them and kept as Pets. Balinese – very friendly people. They honor their traditions and customs, try to observe them strictly. It is necessary to consider the tourists visiting this resort. Respect for local orders – one of the main conditions of stay on the island.

The Climate in Bali

In this region the climate is Equatorial monsoonal in nature. This means that the change of seasons is not very noticeable. Most of the time in Bali is very hot. Temperatures often exceed +30 C, water - +26 C. In the lowlands and high mountain areas can be somewhat cooler. But on the coast and in the resort area, usually warm. The weather is measured only by the amount of precipitation. From April to October, it's dry and Sunny. From November to April the rains pour. But this is only a conventional division. Because in the summer it can suddenly start long rains, and in winter can be mounted warm and Sunny weather.


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Season in Bali by month

rainy season in BaliSpring in this region is considered the offseason. In March, as a rule, there are long rains. But it is very hot here. High humidity can create some difficulties for individuals. But in April, the season in Bali for all travelers can be considered open. May is set to Sunny and dry weather. The maximum temperature often exceeds 32 s. the Summer here is the most favorable time of year for any type of holiday. The shore is blowing a fresh breeze. So very strong heat is not felt. The water temperature is + 27 C. July and August are very dry. There is practically no rain. Many tourists consider this the best period to visit this region of Indonesia. Breathe easy. Humidity is minimal. Not very hot. In September, there is also clear and dry. The swimming season is in full swing. But at the end of September enhanced by the North wind. In October tourists on the coast are becoming less. The cause of increasing rainfall. At this time, it becomes unbearably hot. And high humidity supplements the list of deficiencies this season. The ocean becomes restless. Since the beginning of December to meet the winter, and the so-called summer. This time, a luxuriant growth of tropical plants, storm of 3-hour rainfall and heat. Here is so humid that some of the houses are covered with moss. The water in the ocean, like fresh milk. But the dip in the winter in Bali will be difficult. There is a strong wind, and with it high waves. Such a good weather for surfers.

Rains in Bali

Bali holiday seasonAs mentioned above, depending on wind strength and rainfall in this region is conditionally possible to allocate two periods. This so-called dry season and it is time strong rains on the island. What are they characterized by? The rainy season in Bali is generally from November to March. The rain showers are short and they go mostly at night. The morning often have all dries up. Because it is very hot. However, witnesses said that the rainiest months in the territory – January and February. At this time rainfall can be very long. Often they go all day. But the prices for tickets during this period are plummeting, that should please our compatriots. Thus, in the rainy season in Bali, you can save considerably on vacation. Many tourists come here in December-January to spend the new year holidays.

The Dry season in Bali

When is the best time to relax in the region? Of course, in the summer. The dry season in Bali is characterized by minimum rainfall and less hot weather. It lasts about six months: from June to October. This is the most favorable time to visit this island. Can become truly unforgettable holiday in Bali. In July here, usually has the highest concentration of tourists. This, in turn, contributes to increasing the cost of tickets, various services and stay in local hotels and Inns. What attracts travelers from around the world this region at this time? Plus the dry season is not only lack of rain but strong gusty wind, which is important for surfing. In addition, the period from June to October – this time many national holidays on the Indonesian island.

Local festivals

a season in Bali by monthTourist season in Bali is open practically roundyear. However, wishing to get on festival, you'll have to chose eventually. The Balinese live according to his own calendar. Among the local festivals here include the following:

  • Galungan. It lasts 10 days. And is celebrated every 210 days a year. The religious holiday. It is believed that on this day the gods visited the island for the triumph of good over evil. The streets are decorated panorami. During the celebration of the ceremony are numerous.
  • Day of silence Nyepi. This local New year. It takes place in March. In this day forbidden to work, play, and make noise. The entire island is immersed in the silence.
  • Festival of Vesak. Held in Borobudur for 4 days.

As Bali – is a travel and tour the region, many festivals are focused on the tourists coming here. During the celebration, travelers can learn the art of dancing and ancient rituals. So, in Ubud in September the 6-day festival of literature. And in Denpasar in early June kicks off the art festival Pesta Kesenian Bali.

Season of surfing

tourist season in BaliWhere you can relax while exercising? Of course, Bali. The holiday season here is open year-round. Thousands of surfers from around the world seeking to visit the island. The only thing you need to pay attention to the tourist, who wants to “tame” swift wave is that at a certain point the space reserved for this sport, may not be suitable. For example, in the rainy season the surf spots in the South-West of the island often are not functioning due to low demand from the population and tourists. And that in itself is time-not the best time to slip on the waves. In the rainy season in Bali, the beaches become dirty, and the waves of the ocean muddy. Great places for surfing in this period, Keramas, Serangan, Lembang, Padang galak and others. In the dry season is best to visit spots in the South-West coast, those that are not worked in winter.


In Bali, you can find many magnificent sandy beaches of all shades, from Golden and white to dark brown (of volcanic origin). The water here is always warm. Its average temperature is +26...+28 °C. Holiday in Bali in may, perhaps, be considered one of the most comfortable weather conditions. But the lovers lie on a Sunny beach in the storm period here should not go. Because in addition to the heavy rains at this time on the coast is not a rare heavy storm. The water in the ocean as a result becomes turbid, “dirty”. Seaweed and debris washed up on the shores. Talking about swimming here, it is worth mentioning the phenomenon of the tides. They occur every day throughout the year, only at different times. Throughout the summer the weather on the island is beautiful. Stay in August in Bali will delight the gentle warm waves, bright sunshine and a light refreshing breeze.

Best time to take

holiday in Bali in JulyThe island has many beautiful Buddhist temples, ancient buildings, capable of hitting its extraordinary architecture, and many other attractions. To see all of them, not enough for a 2 week holiday in Bali. The holiday season lasts all year. But, as a rule, tourists prefer to discover the summer months of the dry season. Many of them travel to the island in the late spring or early autumn, when it is not so hot. And for those who cannot handle the heat, we can recommend the train inland. Where are the acres of rice terraces. There is always fresh and cool.

Wedding in Bali

Bali in JuneHundreds of loving couples every year choose this region to conduct the marriage ceremony. It should be noted that the legislation of the Islands not officially registers the unions Catholics and Christians. But a symbolic wedding ceremony in this Paradise will give unforgettable moments to all the newly wives and husbands. Typically, the peak season is the summer months. There are many who want to combine a honeymoon and holiday in Bali. In June there is held the largest number of marriage ceremonies. However, for this to happen as you want, you should take care to this event. For 6-7 months before the date of the ceremony need to submit an application to the organizer and pay for the service.

How to save money on vacation in Bali?

Despite the fact that in December and January in this territory falls very high rainfall, some tourists prefer to visit Bali at this time. Prices are plummeting. However, heavy and prolonged rains can ruin an entire vacation. But wishing to save much you may prefer to relax during this period in the town of Denpasar. It has a very favourable microclimate. Even in the wet season the rains are very rare. It should be noted that December, January and February – this is not the best time for vacation in the highlands. This period is rather cool (average +20). In March, the rains become short-term. They do not go often. Therefore it is necessary to schedule a vacation at this time. After all, prices are still low. By the way, March is Nyepi Day. It's a Balinese New year. When else can you plan a holiday in Bali? In April you can comfortably travel around the island. Clear, Sunny weather, warm sea - all has a comfortable pastime. In may and June rains inthe region is not observed. The flow of tourists wishing to spend their vacation here will increase. All of this leads to higher prices for services and accommodation in hotels. Therefore, in order to save money, you can delay the train for Oct–Nov. At this time humidity is low. In this warm and not so crowded on the streets.

The Tourist season in Bali is open all year round. This island Paradise is always ready to receive guests and to please your guests.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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