Gratuitous use of immovable property: registration of documents


2018-03-20 00:09:13




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For business activity the company's different assets. It is not necessary to purchase the facilities and property. The company may obtain asset in the uncompensated fixed term use. We next consider the nuances of this procedure. gratuitous use of real estate

General information

The Transfer to the gratuitous use has a number of specific features. In practice it is often confused with free space. However, between these procedures there is a fundamental difference. Free fixed asset acquisition involves the transfer of ownership to the receiving party, and in the provision of facilities for free use the original owner is not changed.

Item transactions

The Right of free use applies only to individually defined thing. As part of the transaction, there may be different objects. Currently quite popular the free use of real property. It includes land plots, enterprises, buildings, building complexes, separate objects of nature, etc. These things should be potreblenie – does not lose its natural characteristics during operation. This rule provides the guarantee of fulfillment of obligations by the recipient on return of the object. Using this restriction, the parties to the relationship should understand that importance will be not so much the properties of the object per se, as correlation with the specifics of its use under the terms of the agreement. That is, the operation object does not preclude its return in kind. For example, the food – it undoubtedly consumed things. However, this does not preclude transfer of their Express use for display at an agricultural show. Equally important is the individual certainty of things. This property allows to evaluate, as to whether the recipient of the obligation to return the object in nature or not. use of premises


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Exclusive deals

Grant use of real estate has a number of limitations. Article 607 GK contains links to special laws on certain terms and conditions. In particular, we are talking about the possibility of establishing the list of facilities, free rental of which is restricted, prohibited or is carried out according to special rules. In paragraph 2 of the said rules provides for the establishment of a special regime for land plots and other separate natural complexes. Such laws are referenced in the article are of an exceptional character. As such, they are to contracts of donation can not be treated, if they contain the relevant instructions. Given the optionality rules are not excluded, at first glance, contradictory situation. For example, the items, the rental of which is prohibited may be transferred to the free operation. Moreover, under certain conditions in the transaction can participate objects, withdrawn from circulation. Such situations are defined by the fact that the free use of immovable property or by other means suggests limited powers in relation to things in comparison with an urgent operation for a fee.


As of the subject, providing the object can be a person entitled to dispose. Accordingly, the recipient can be someone who has the legal possibility to operate the thing under the agreement. The first party devoted to article 690 of the civil code. Is normally present an indication of the ability of the property only by owners or other persons authorized by them or by law. In this case the owner of the object may be some limitations. For example, article 346 of the civil code stipulates that the mortgagor may provide the object to the gratuitous use only with the consent of the mortgagee. Entity authorized by the owner can be an agent that acts within the order. A lesser amount of legal opportunities provided to the Trustee. It can perform various transactions, implement the free use of real property, but only in the interests of the beneficiary. transfer for gratuitous use


The fact that the provision of the facility loan agreement is free of charge, needs to restrict in some cases the possibility of its conclusion. According to the General rules, bans aimed at protecting the interests not only of the entity entering into the transaction, but also other parties. as the last primarily creditors, but also members of other economic partnerships and societies. One of the restrictions present in article 690 of the civil code. The norm shall not be granted a commercial organization for free use of articles, the person who is its founder, leader, participant, member of the Supervisory or administrative body. This is due to the fact that these actors can either directly or indirectly to influence the will of the society. For example, to influence the borrower to sign an agreement aimed at realizing benefits for the persons listed in article 690, paragraph 2, contrary tothe interests of the enterprise with which they are associated. In such cases will take into account the nature of the transaction, obviously not corresponding to the basic goals of the organization. In addition, limitations may apply to the representation. Article 37 of the CC, the second paragraph provides that the Trustees and guardians enough opportunities to dispose of objects belonging to the ward. However, the list of transactions that can be committed or to which the representatives can agree only with a permit from the state Agency. free rental


As a rule, grounds to set limits for the second participant of the transaction do not exist. Moreover, given the fact that the agreement is in the interests primarily of the recipient, the legislator in some cases, considers it reasonable and necessary removal of existing prohibitions. For example, not allowing the conclusion of transactions by the Trustees/guardians, spouses and relatives with clients, article 37, paragraph three provides an opportunity to convey the latest property in the free use and as a gift.

Special cases

In GK there is a special rule, which is aimed at preserving the agreement when one of its members. It's about the fact that the lender has the right to alienate the subject of the contract or produce it in gratuitous use. St. 700 of the civil code provides in this case a special regime. In particular, the purchase or rental of premises/buildings/buildings and other objects suggest a change of the legal possibilities to the new owner or the operator according to the previously concluded loan agreement. This sets the appropriate encumbrance. The article also provides for different types of succession on the part of the lender. In case of death of a person or the reorganization of the company, their responsibilities and the legal opportunities are transferred to the heir or other person with appropriate authority. Specifically addressed the fact that when you convert any type of rights and obligations gets the person acting as the successor, if other does not follow from the meaning of the loan agreement. Additional rules apply to purchaser. So, in case of death of the citizen or reorganisation of a company, the effect of the loan agreement is terminated, unless otherwise provided by its terms. gratuitous use

The Contract of uncompensated use: sample

The agreement is carried out by the parties voluntarily. It should be noted that the gratuitousness assumes certain responsibilities for institutions acting as lenders. For example, in accordance with the Federal law "On librarianship", the possibility of every company and citizen to time any documents of the institutions, partially or wholly funded from Federal, regional or local budget. In Chapter 36 GK does not contain any special rules governing the order in which there must be agreement, and to determine its form. In addition, article 609 not included in the list of articles referenced in article 689, paragraph 2. In this regard, when drawing up the agreement should be guided by the General rules. In particular, this means that if there is a free rent, the cost of which is not less than 10 times higher than the minimum wage, the deal between citizens is made in writing. If the agreement is between the individual and the company, such form is required regardless of the purchase price. In other cases, the oral clearance of the transaction, as well as by constructive (pointing to the relevant intention) of action. In writing of the agreement indicate the subject of the transaction, the rights and obligations of the parties, the period during which you will be using premises or other object, responsibility of participants, return policy. the right of free use


In the case of violation of requirements about obligatory written registration of the consequences provided by item 162 GK. In particular, in the event of dispute it is forbidden to refer to the testimony in confirmation of the transaction and establish the terms and conditions. As prescribed by articles 164 and 131 of the civil code and Federal law, the contract on gratuitous use shall be registered. As a General rule, the agreement will come into effect after this procedure.


Fixed assets received for free use, should be reflected on off-balance account 001. When all OS are issued the relevant documents. As one of them is the act of transmission. A sample of this document serves as the basis for recording the estimated value on the debit Sch. 001. In addition, the object inventory card is filled at f. OS-6. It is a corresponding note about the free use and allocation of funds to off-balance account. Inventory cards for these objects should be stored separately. At the conclusion of the agreement and return OS follows:

  1. To Issue an act on f. OS-1.
  2. To Make the inventory card, record of withdrawal of the asset from off-balance sheet accounts.
  3. Debit to the credit Sch. 001the value of the property.  the act of transferring the sample


In the process of use of the property may be harmed. Responsibility for its application is set to CH 36. Article 697 provides it for the lender if he can prove that the damage is caused by gross negligence or intent of the recipient or person from whom the subject was with his consent. The basis for removal of liability from the tortfeasor acts in the absence of his guilt. This provision establishes article 1064 of the civil code (p. 2). The lender thus, can be guided by this norm, if at the same time is missing and the fault of the recipient, and his own.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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