The state ecological expertise


2018-03-19 18:47:06




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It is well Known that different methods of expert estimations are quite common in ecology. Thus, it becomes possible to solve many tasks related to organization of nature protection. This provides a combination of territorial and branch principles.

The State ecological examination is carried out with respect to all projects of economic or other activity which may adversely affect the natural environment. The conclusions of experts are based on the information, containing assessment of the impact on the environment (EIA). This assessment produces the customer of the project. It includes the analysis, systematization and dissemination of information about impact. You also specify the descriptions of specific activities aimed at ensuring environmental protection. Impact assessment of ambient conditions is carried out in accordance with the environmental condition of the area in the place where you intend to place the object. The work is carried out from the perspectives of regional socio-economic development, types and capacities of influence on nature and man-made environment and requirements of existing environmental legislation.

The State ecological expertise for several tasks. First and foremost, its function is to determine the degree of danger anticipated (planned) or existing economic activities that may in the future (or present) to have a direct or indirect impact on human health and the natural environment. Along with this, the state ecological expertise provides for the verification of conformity activities of existing environmental legislation. In addition, it establishes the validity and sufficiency of the alleged project of conservation measures. State ecological expertise is implemented by Federal specially authorized state body in the relevant field (or its territorial office). Checks should be made the state ecological Committee of the Russian Federation, or the Ministry of nature protection. The competent authority is the Ministry of natural resources.


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State environmental expertise is carried out in accordance with the principles of legitimacy, comprehensiveness, scientific validity, transparency, along with the position of the public. The assessment should not involve persons who might be interested in the outcome. Appropriate participation of legal entities to verify the legitimacy and analysis of legal issues evaluation.

Objects of the state ecological expertise are not only industrial projects. The list of evaluated items is constantly expanding. So, for objects of expertise can be assigned various projects golanov, programmes, key points, concepts, schemes of placement of production capacities and sectors of the economy. In the category of gradable items may be included pre-planning documentation on the development of economic and other activities, the implementation of which could adversely affect the state of nature. In addition, these objects can be instructive-methodical, normative-technical acts and documents that reglamentary economic activity. Evaluation and verification shall be documentation on the creation and development of new technologies, equipment, substances, materials, including purchased abroad. The examination applies to the import or export from abroad items. Along with the assessment of the impact on the nature of the activities of enterprises operating in a certain area, it is appropriate to check the state of the environment and the region in General.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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