Personal protective equipment: GOST. Individual means of protection from shock. Individual means of protection is...


2018-03-18 13:10:38




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Personal protection – specialized tools or equipment, the primary purpose of which is to ensure human safety in case of threats from a variety of toxic, radioactive, bacterial and other means, which can carry harm to life and health. However, not everyone knows about what are these tools and where they in principle are used.

What are they?

individual means of protection is a

Depending on the purpose such funds are divided into the security of the skin and respiratory system. There is also a difference in principle as to how ensures the safety of the individual remedy – an insulating and filtering tools.

The Principle of filtering in this case is that the air that is required to maintain normal functioning of the human body, in the case of passing through specialized means of protection (for example, through a layer of activated charcoal) is completely purified from any contaminants.

The Device isolation provide a complete insulation of the human body from possible influence from the environment using specialized materials that are absolutely impermeable to air and various impurities which it contains.

Method of making

Also there is a difference by using what technology is made individual remedy – it is the simplest, improvised or industrial.

The Accumulation of the required number of personal protective equipment in industrial production, and preliminary preparation of a simple remedy, made of various scrap materials, – it's a pretty demanding job.


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personal protection GOST

It is Worth noting the fact that the critical event in this case is the storage of means of protection, because the storage locations need as much as possible to approximate to such conditions, which are present at the place of work of the employees of the facility, and if necessary, each employee must be in the shortest possible time provided an individual remedy – is one of the most important rules. In addition, storage conditions of the property must comply with the requirements, and to ensure its continued performance.

Mostly the funds are stored in specialized boxes unassembled. Thus, boxes of gas masks, which are sealed with special rubber stoppers and cap, lay down on the bottom of the box, then boxes stacked bags and the front part. These assets shall be periodically inspected, and if necessary, all issues should be resolved in a very short time. It is worth noting the fact that the facility should be a qualified specialist who will be watching stored personal protective equipment (GOST) – this is a very important requirement. Such a specialist should completely know all the rules of storage of such property.


In that case, if there is a threat, serving staff needs in a very short time to provide individual means of protection, after which they must be kept in constant readiness. Personnel of various economic objects, as well as employees and workers such funds are provided directly to those enterprises with employees which they are. Everything else non-working population, if desired, must obtain them at their place of residence or study.

The Filter masks

individual and personal means of protection

To ensure the effective protection of respiratory organs adult population can be used such filter masks like GP-4U, GP-5, GP-7 and others.

In accordance with the rules that should represent the individual means of protection (GOST), gas mask GP-5 is a specialized box and the front part. In addition, the package of this device includes a dedicated box equipped with anti-fog films, and bag. As the filter element, activated carbon is used.

For its size box GP-5 is almost two times smaller dimensions compared to GP-4, as its height is approximately 70 mm, while the diameter is 107 mm.

In accordance with how should look individual and personal means of protection, as the front part of the gas mask GP-5 uses a standard rubber helmet-mask with a tank and goggles, and special valve box having dyhatelnye and expiratory valves. Gas box must be screwed directly to the valve box.

How is the growth of a helmet-mask?

Hats-masks used in mask model GP-5, are five variations of growth, which necessarily must be applied on both sides of the helmet and be indicated by Arabic numeral enclosed in a circle.

In order to determine the exact height of the helmet-mask, it is necessary to measure the head size on the perimeter of the via such as cheek, chin and crown.

The Measurement heads is carried out with the help of special soft tailor's tape and the measurements shall be rounded to 0.5 cm.

How to test?

personal protection from the current

In accordance with the standards of the use of personal protective equipment, should be checked as follows:

  1. The Mask gets out of the bag.
  2. Checks the integrity of the glasses and the helmet mask.
  3. Gas box is Carefully inspected for the presence of various holes, dents, rust, checked the valves and their condition.

After conducting a detailed external examination will need to re-assemble the mask and to check out how it is sealed. For this the person has to wear a helmet mask, fully close the opening of the box with a rubber tube or just hold her hand, and then take a deep breath. In that case, if the air does under the helmet, the gas mask is in good condition. If was discovered any faulty or missing components, such personal protective equipment at workplaces must be completely replaced.

How to wear a filter mask?

According To the how to use individual means of protection of personnel, the filter mask can be worn in three major provisions:

  • Ready. Is only used if there is imminent threat of chemical, bacteriological or nuclear attack.
  • Hiking. Involves wearing a mask over his right shoulder on the left side in the case if at the moment there is no threat of enemy attack.
  • Combat.

When to wear a gas mask?

personal protection MoE

Initially, the use of a gas mask is provided in the process perform a variety of work associated with risk of the respiratory tract, or in the production process with similar risk.

Also according to the use of individual technical means of protection, a mask should be worn in advance in accordance with the order of a senior officer or the signal “a Radiation hazard”, “Gaza” or “gas alarm”.

Protection of the skin

There are Also specialized individual means of protection from the current and other lesions, which are intended to ensure safety of clothes, shoes, exposed areas of the body and various items of equipment. In addition, they allow you to hold the a-particles but also greatly reduce the impact of b-particles. Depending on the principle of the protective action of such means are divided into filtering and isolating.


personal protective equipment in workplaces

Insulating means are made from specialized breathable materials. Mainly used elastic, and resistant to low-temperature rubberized fabric. They can be unsealed or sealed, the latter allow us to fully close the entire body and provide protection even from drops S or vapors, while the leaking of funds expected to provide protection exclusively against drops S.

The insulating protection also includes specialized protective clothing and hazmat suit, and also this includes footwear. Personal protective equipment of this type are used in order to ensure the safety of personnel during works in the area affected by various toxic substances.


Filter protection represent a conventional linens and clothes in that if they are ...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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