St. 23 of the administrative code with comments. Chapter 23. Judges, bodies, officials empowered to consider cases on administrative offences


2018-06-07 03:00:23




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Since the beginning of 2015 came into force the new Code, which highlights innovations regarding the administrative offences of Russia with modifications and changes. The code is presented in a more expanded content and features a new classification regarding the degree of the offense. Also changes were made to officials, the ability to conduct administrative business. Here we consider only some of the public authorities, in whose competence of an administrative offense according to article 23 of the administrative code.

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In accordance with article 23 of the administrative code regulated duties and the scope of upolnomochennoy in cases of offences of an administrative nature. St 23 administrative codeChanged conditions of consideration and management processes to the world of arbitrators. Increased competence of staff of the Commission on Affairs of minors, is regulated by the activities of the Federal service for financial and budget control and it departments, customs, police and other services responsible for the socio-economic sphere of the Russian Federation.


Actions and competence of judges is reflected in the administrative code (article 23.1). It is about those offences of an administrative nature, to consider which are the right judges of different categories, including world, arbitration and judges of military courts. Judges of common courts hear administrative cases, citizens, organizations, arising from administrative relations. The list of articles for a specific categories of judges specified in the approved Code. According to the article, the offender, having military duty and serving in a particular military unit will be responsible in the military garrison court, which geographically belongs to this military deployment.23 article 3 of the administrative code of the Russian Federation the arbitrator engaged to resolve disputes of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs behind them as enshrined in the articles of the offences reflected in this article. All other offences may be considered magistrates, if they do not fall under article defined in the competence of other categories of judges.


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Minors and Cao

The Commission on Affairs of minors and protection of their rights regulates part 2 of this article. Their competence review of all administrative cases involving minors. According to the article, violations of articles 5.35, 5.34 and a number of articles of the administrative code of the Russian Federation also addressed the Commission in addition to the Government Decree on the work of their authority.St 23 administrative code with commentsIn addition, violations of article 11, part 18, on ticketless travel, can also be in the area of competence of the Commission on Affairs of minors and protection of their rights, if the officials at air, rail, road and sea transport will record the offense involving minors.


The Work of internal Affairs bodies (police) governed by article 23, part 3. The police performs the basic functions on the territory of the state: proceedings, control over the execution of punishment in the field of administrative offences and the control over the observance of laws of the Russian Federation. Using these functions, the police performs the main task - to protect the honor and rights of Russian citizens, foreigners and persons without citizenship located on the territory of the Russian Federation. St. 23. 3 administrative code contains the jurisdictions of the individual officers, the police Department, i.e., violations of terms of operation, construction of railway crossings and the roadway should be considered in the framework of the administrative case and rule only the heads of the state inspectors of road supervision. A decision by other officials in these matters will be invalid.bodies of internal Affairs police

The Chiefs of shifts of linear police is entitled to apply as sanctions for violation of administrative warnings and fines up to two thousand rubles. This should take into account the degree of responsibility that will comply with these sanctions, which are the lightest.

Bodies and institutions of criminal-Executive system

Institutions of the penal system are allowed to apply measures of administrative responsibility, although it is rather limited precedents for accountability. Such precedents are resisting citizens with a court order, violation of discipline in the prison and escort. In cases determined by the officials having the right to this procedure. These are the chiefs of prisons, colonies, and houses of arrest and detention. Participation of other persons of the criminal Executive system is a violation of the law under article 23 of the administrative code with comments.

Tax authorities

A Separate official unit of the tax authorities also have the right to conduct the procedure on administrative offences. These include heads and Deputy bodies on the Federal level for taxes and levies, regional, state and city values.Commission for the Affairs of nesovershennoletnih protection of their rights In the main, those types of offenses are violationsreporting, registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, incorrect financial reporting; and provide information to the tax agencies.

Budget and Finance

The Federal body of Executive power exercising functions on control and supervision in financially-budgetary sphere, considers the administrative case under article 15, paragraphs 14, 15 and 16. By analogy with the tax authorities identified officials on a territorial scale able to hear cases on administrative violations. It is the leaders and their deputies are the Executive body. Decisions by other officials illegal, but the legal responsibility for a do not involve.

Customs authorities

The Customs authorities share on Federal customs service (FCS), regional customs offices, customs offices and customs posts. All together is a uniform Federal network. Regulates the actions of customs authorities article 23.8 of the administrative code. The service is accountable to the Government of the Russian Federation. The appointment of the head of the Federal customs service is also carried out by the Government. Chiefs and heads of regional administrations appointed by the head of the FCS. Regarding the competence in administrative cases, the senior units has the right to participate in decision-making, in addition to article 16.1 (concealment of goods from customs).St 23 1 KoAP of the Russian Federation With the degree of hazard and possible damage to health in this article, consideration and decision carried out by a judge. To apply sanctions against offenders and to draw up protocols with confiscation can all senior officers of the units in accordance with the territorial distribution of powers, including the chiefs of customs offices, if the offense is committed by individuals. Order of the FCS of Russia from 01.03.2012 room 368 offers a list of the officers of the customs authorities that can draw up reports and make the arrest with confiscation.

Export control Authorities

St. 23 of the administrative code imposes duties on administrative offences. Currently, the export control by the Federal service for technical and export control (FSTEC). Offences under articles 14.20, 19.4.4, 19.5.2 empowered to take control of the leaders, deputies, Federal, regional scale and local significance. These provisions are reflected in the administrative code (article 23) . FSTEC controlled by the Ministry of defence, and its activity is controlled by the President of the Russian Federation. The Director shall designate those individuals who can make reports, if the offence provides for forfeiture, the case is transferred to arbitration. Executive officers of the units, be empowered to draw up protocols are allowed to examine things on the legal entity or entrepreneur, vehicles, documents, seizure of property and seizure.

Border authorities

The Code of administrative offences regulates the activities of border authorities of article 23.10. On the border authorities responsible for the protection and control of use of aquatic biological resources, licensing of the activity connected with use of natural environment, as well as compliance with international treaties.St 23 8 customs

For officials engaged in administrative proceedings according to the article, include the head and Vice of the Federal Executive authority in the area of security departments in the sphere of border protection; the chiefs and inspectors of the marine biological objects, chiefs of boundary commandant's office and guard ships, captains of boats and other guiding units. They are allowed to carry out an assessment of the offence under articles about poaching, illegal fishing and unlicensed use of wildlife and marine biological objects, the extermination of rare species of animals and plants, inadequate protection of protected areas and territories of migratory flows of animals. Official units of the border authorities only have the right to warn or penalize for violation. Penalties involving the confiscation of instruments of offences or deportation from the state foreign citizens is issued only by decision of the judge.

Computer courses

Military commissariats was established by decision of the Ministry of defence on all regional actors. Military commissioners, chiefs of departments of military commissariats and their departments can examine administrative violation of rights. It is provided by article 23 of the administrative code. The duties of military commissariats included primary military records, the implementation of military conscription, control over the provision of military transport and mobilization forces. When violations in these areas of competence of the officials of the Commissariat make the Protocol and then betray him to the higher officials for consideration of an administrative offense.

The Bodies exercising state sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision

Conducting business on offenses is the main sanitary doctors and their deputies of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, cities and regions. The same powers of sanitary inspectors in the field of Executive authorities activities of the national guard, mobilization, particularlyhazardous industries and others. They consider cases in the sphere of violations of sanitary-epidemiological norms, violations of consumer rights.

Cao and ecology

The Bodies exercising state environmental control, designed to monitor the ecological condition of specially protected areas of the Russian Federation, to monitor the production and reproduction of animal subjects, engaged in geological study and rational use of natural resources, exercise control at the offshore facility. The service also monitors authorities in relation to the use of the latest authorities on water relations. There are two services: the Federal service in the sphere of nature use and Federal service for ecological, technological and nuclear supervision.

Violations of an administrative nature requires a clear jurisdiction, but it still allows you to hear cases of administrative offences by authorised persons of both services. To the authorized persons are: chief inspector for environmental protection of the Russian Federation, principal and senior inspector in separate directions of protection and deputies the listed officers.

The state Inspectorate for small vessels of

The Bodies of state Inspectorate for small vessels subordinate to the MOE. The structure is designed to control the release operation of small ships, compliance with the regulations of pollutant emissions, the noise; the order of registration of small ship and its use. Identified in this area of the offense has the right to consider authorized persons such as the main state inspector on small size vessels of the Federal and regional importance and their deputies. These leaders may draw up reports, but in separate paragraphs specified in article 23 of the administrative code, the imposition of administrative punishment is carried out without Protocol.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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