Information legal relationship: concept, types, structure, classification


2018-03-27 21:19:21




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Information legal relations in the Russian legal science do not form a single legal industry. It is rather a totality of social relations and concepts that make up a multi-sectoral discipline. In other words, the grounds for the informational relations are different legal terms and elements. This article will provide details on the structure, purpose, roles and characteristics of information the legal sphere in the Russian Federation.

Relationship Information

The Purpose of information legal relations is the study and the study of social relations, the subject of which - information. Consider the type of law appeared recently and is currently being actively developed. With all the provisions and concepts of the information law field are in the formative stage.

Property law, intellectual property, copyright or patent relations - this is closely related to the concept of information relations. Due to the dynamic development of the legal sphere increasing day by day and the impact of information standards in the life of society and the state. These rules gradually acquire social significance, forming the special status of public law. Special role is played by cross-border institutions - procedures for obtaining public norms from different States of the "international"status.

Thus, information legal relations is a public relations, possessing the technical and organizational sheath and socially oriented content. Most often considered is the relationship between the working faces during the collecting, recording, transporting, processing or storing various information.


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An Object

Easy to guess that the subject of information relations is information. Is a collection of personal data recorded in any tangible medium. Information should reflect information about a particular person. Available information must directly or indirectly identify an individual person. The identifier may serve as a specific number, combination of characters, image, etc. Information link points to the mental, physical, cultural, mental, financial or any other identity of a person.relationship information

The Existing array of personal data is an organized set of information about an indeterminate number of subjects of information relations. In this array there may be file cabinets, archives, electronic databases, and more.

Objects of the legal sector may become relevant, that is, to change in accordance with applicable laws. Also they can be blocked, limited, or eliminated to depersonalize. All these operations must be applied with the consent of the data subject. And who is the subject? This will be discussed next.


The Subject of informational relations acts as the owner of information resources. This can be the person owning the storage of intangible property, the owner of the technology or means of providing an information database or the user information. The owner of the respective resources, technologies or databases in full exercises the powers of possession, disposal and use. Of course, the extent to which such powers are limited to the laws of the Russian Federation.

Information the user is referred to as a subject of legal relations, which refers to a system storing the defined information. Thus it is necessary to distinguish between certain types of users. It can be holders or beneficiaries.

Holders, they are also the owners private information should exercise professional working with arrays of personal data. Such activities on a legal basis. The role holder, as a rule, the Federal or regional authorities, local self-government authority, and also defined by the Russian government of a legal entity.

The Recipient of information referred to as a legal entity, which may be state or local government authorities. Such persons disclosed amounts of personal data for review. To work with the available information to recipients is not necessary.

Formation and elimination of the information area

Any relationship has a specific legal content. The granting of a particular legal branch of the content occurs with the adoption of a regulation. It is worth while to note that the content of the law includes a set of rights and obligations of subjects of

A major role in the development of the information sphere is played by the notion of juridical fact. We are talking about the specific act of creating something. It can be an invention, design, work of authorship or any other thing, whose appearance begin to act pending legal. Legal facts are closely connected with the processes of search, collection, storage, processing and use of information resources. The onset of relations can be considered as requests, petitions, statements or specific actions of individuals or legal entities.

And whatthere are reasons for the elimination of legal relations? It could be acts of unlawful nature, as well as oral waivers, termination documentation, procedures, layoffs, or natural disasters, death of individuals, reforming, and much more. To sum up all the factors, we formed two groups of grounds for liquidation of legal information: it is the presence of illegal acts, and individual cases of influence on the content of legal relations. In the latter case we are talking about incomplete execution, lack of execution or implementation of previously set goals.


Various experts in the field of jurisprudence distinguish between different types of considered public relations. There are several classifications, which allows to divide the relationship by the individual groups. One of the classifications allows you to group the types of information legal relations in the following way:

  • Spiritual relationship. This group contains information that affect the mental state of the subjects of this right. Information from this group can form or change people's worldview.
  • Commodity-money relations. Contain information about the quality of the goods, services or object of the rights of ownership of intellectual character.
  • Relationships, which are associated with everyday communication. This group is a collection of information that people can share at any time.
  • The Relations connected with the state and social control. Messages and information are in the form of legal influence on subjects to ensure proper behavior.
  • Relationships associated with the management of technical systems. In this case we are talking about access to information, inherent in the machines. In fact, in such a relationship, contact occurs between staff, whose responsibilities include maintenance of vehicles, and owners of information systems.

access to information

Allocates and another classification of information relations. Here the relations are divided into ten groups, each of which acts as the subject of information law. These groups:

  • International exchange of information;
  • Online relationship;
  • Implementation of informational freedoms, interests and rights of man and citizen in Russia;
  • The media organization;
  • Library and archives;
  • Information security;
  • Processing of personal data;
  • Electronic circulation of documentation;
  • E-Commerce and business;
  • Disputes in the area of information law.

Thus, information law are relatively young, but very complex and incredibly vast legal industry. This proves many classifications that indicate the variety of types of legal relations.

Appearance responsibilities

The subjects of information law may have certain rights and responsibilities. However, everything will depend on the nature of legal relations. Thus, the available data may be limited in access. The activities of persons working with this kind of information is strictly regulated by law. For violation of restrictions to the subject may face administrative or even criminal liability. Here what are the duties of the subjects is in this case to allocate:

  • Establishment information which is not classified as restricted information;
  • Determination of the composition information;
  • Licensing activities of employees, processing information with limited access;
  • Imposing additional constraints;
  • Protection of the existing information;
  • Establishment of responsibility for violation of rules, etc.

view legal information

The group duties, related to limited access to information is an example only. Such groups there is an enormous number, and they are all connected with the activities of entities.

Lawyers can give a brief description of such duties. So, the subjects of information law must act in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the employment contract. All powers must be performed in accordance with the principles of freedom of speech and integrity.

The Content of legal relations

The structure of information legal relations is composed of objects, subjects and content of the right. Having dealt with the objects and subjects, should proceed to the consideration of the content of information legal relations.

The Content includes the powers and duties of the constituent entities of the considered branch of law. The activity of the subjects depends on the rules of information and legal nature, which Express the basic features of the law. So, for information the legal industry is characterized by such features as the constitutionality, focus on the protection of freedoms, rights and interests of man and citizen, the development of technology and more.

The Powers of the subjects of this right incredibly much. They are grouped by classifications, however, is only the most basic. So, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Restriction, prohibition or elimination of harmful information;
  • Execution of any copyrights, patents or other contracts;
  • The creation of works of science or art;
  • The right to restrict access to certain types ofinformation;
  • The development of information resources and their use (subject to their registration in the relevant state authorities);
  • Right to protection of dignity and honor, to freedom of expression, public awareness, etc.

the concept of information relations

All submitted powers are only a small part of what is called content information rights. It should be remembered that all the actions in this sphere must comply with the provisions of the law. But where are these rules recorded? What is the legal basis for the considered branch of law? More on that later.

Constitution as the main legal source

The Considered branch of law is based on a set of legal acts by which the government creates, modifies, or removes the relevant information standards. In the Russian Federation of information legislation appeared not so long ago, but quickly got its development. This suggests that the government assigns an important role of information relations, assigns them a special, socially important qualities.

The First and most famous source here will be the basic law - the Constitution. It should draw attention to article 71, paragraph "I", which refers to information and communication as essential components that contribute to the protection of the rights and freedoms of people in Russia. The law says that any information system should work for the benefit of the state and society. And for that she should be provided with and be subject to regulation.

Law Information

The Second place after the Constitution is a separate Federal law. They have the highest legal force, and therefore regulate the most important relations. These regulations have a permanent or long action. In accordance with the Federal laws line up with all other laws and regulations.

Among the regulations governing the information environment, particularly stand out presidential decrees and governmental acts. In these documents, contains clear instructions or specific instructions.the structure of information legal relations

There are also local regulations. They are agreements, decrees, or collections of rules, published in the same organization (and sometimes within the organizational system). Finally the last group of sources are the international regulations. These are documents issued by the major confederal or international associations which are obliged to ratify the various countries. As a rule, in international sources indicates the most common rules and requirements. They can touch the world of information security, protection from hacking, attacks, etc.

The Law "About protection of information"

Among the other legal sources, which is based on information law, in a special way allocated the Federal law "On protection of information". According to the normative act regulating the whole complex of social relations that arise in the following points:

  • Create and use informational technologies and their security;
  • Protection of information and rights of subjects who participate in privatization processes and information;
  • Formation and use of information resources and databases as well as storage, legal use, distribution, and providing consumers with the different elements from the respective databases.

In the second Chapter of the law reveals the order of formation and granting of information resources by categories of access. The third Chapter describes about the regulation of relations connected with the realization of the right to access to information databases. In the Chapter about Informatization refers to the need to pay special attention to the development of technologies and information security.objects of information relations

The law is not presented examples of informational relations, however they can easily be made on the basis of the data contained in the relevant regulations. The simplest example of the considered relations will register. Man provides private information about yourself in order to receive certain services.

In fact, the social ties of this sort are everywhere around us. By registering on private or public websites to obtain private information we enter in the information relationship. The same thing happens when a person provides information about himself to government agencies or independent companies. The last time to implement the reporting relationship became much easier, because all necessary information is stored in computer systems.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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