The benefits of walking. Hiking in the fresh air to promote health


2018-03-18 21:01:28




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It would Seem that the benefits of walking have been explained by doctors, and she recommended trainers. However, most people are still going to the store, looking through the eyes of a minibus. Some even in a stall behind cigarettes driving. And all the while complain of “beer” the belly, the irregular heart, and weakness in the legs, if you have to stand in line.benefits of walking

Lose Weight without problems

The list of what a useful walk, the most attractive point for many will be getting rid of excess weight. Health people usually start to think, when he start the problem, but the attractiveness is bothering them almost since the beginning of loss. And it's even good: starting to walk for weight loss, a person along with your health will strengthen.

The Researchers found that the benefits of walking for the attainment of harmony is much higher than from regular visits to the gym. Walking more effective diets, and gives a more stable result, of course, if not accompanied by overeating. With pedestrian movement for half an hour “burns” as much fat, how much you spend in the gym for an hour. And at the same time for such training you pay is not necessary. In addition, the load during walking is natural and evenly distributed. Don't worry about the "soreness" or overload individual muscle groups. And an added bonus can be considered to improve posture, if at first you train yourself to walk with detailed shoulders. By the way, to make it easy: it is enough to wear on both straps a bit loaded backpack.the useful walk


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Old age Say “no”

The Undoubted benefits of walking is observed for those who want to postpone the onset of senility. The most common cause of age-related mortality – strokes and heart attacks. And they are caused by weakness of the blood vessels and heart muscle. To strengthen them static loads – lifting weights, classes at the gym and stuff – not too fit. But the clean air, the rhythmic movement and the uniformity of the load job on “excellent”. Pressure stabiliziruemost – the vessels no longer experience excessive exposure. Heart catches the rhythm and does not restart, simultaneously strengthened.

Struggling with apathy and depression

Another reason for rapid aging – stress, without which our life is complete, even if diligently to avoid unpleasant experiences and sensations. The benefits of walking in the fact that it is quickly and drug-free eliminates the effects of nervous shock.

European doctors conducted a large-scale study in the age group of 40 to 65 years. It was held for many years and gave stunning results: the risk of heart disease drops by almost half if people about three hours daily just walking at a spirited pace. In addition, among the fans of walking was observed senile dementia, atherosclerosis and other diseases frequent in that age.clean air

Prevent dangerous diseases

A List of benefits of walking, is long and convincing. His most compelling points are as follows:

  1. Decline “harmful” cholesterol in the blood naturally to a minimum. So – preventing the emergence of related diseases.
  2. At Least one-third decreases the likelihood of diabetes.
  3. Women Have a markedly reduced risk of getting mammary cancer, in men-prostate cancer, both – cancer of the intestines.
  4. Without medical interventions (including medications) normalizes the GI tract.
  5. The Risk of developing glaucoma drops almost to zero.
  6. Strengthening the skeleton and joints, prevents osteoporosis, arthritis and rheumatism.
  7. Exponentially increasing immunity. "walkers" don't pick up the virus even in the midst of epidemics.

However, to achieve such results require a daily walk. The use of one-time trips is much to walk

How much should you walk?

The Average person emerging from the house just for the Shuttle bus service and tram to shop, the working day makes no more than 3 thousand steps. It is so little that is unpleasant consequences for the organism can be considered secured.

If the person is more conscious and travels to work (nearby) on foot, he walks about 5 thousand times. Better-but still not enough. In order not to lose this nature is required daily to do at least 10 thousand steps, amounting to a distance of approximately 7.5 km At the average speed of traffic travelling approximately two hours – and your health will not leave you.the promenades

Where and how to walk?

It is Advisable to choose wisely for walks. Of course, if you combine the walk with a campaign to work, too to adjust the route fail. However, a walk in your free time allow you to choose the “useful” the trajectory of motion. It is best suitable for this purpose the parks: here nezagazovannogo, clean air, fairly straight paths, it is suitable for walking, plus at least some nature. If there is no nearby Park, choose a route away from traffic arteries. At least in the courtyards of houses.

In addition, the use of the foot is observed only in the case if a person goes vigorously. When you walk slowly and sadly, your body works in a mode, a little different from the rest.

No special equipment for walking is required. The only thing you should pay attention, – shoes. Flip-flops or heels is clearly not suitable for a long and brisk walk.

Fresh air!

I would Like to note that walking on the street can not be replaced using the treadmill at the sports club, even in the most intensive mode. Only need to walk on the street: here you get your dose of the sun, which causes your body to produce vitamin D. Without it, the healing effect will be much lower, although diet would remain at the same level. And no need to evade clouds. Even on a cloudy day sunlight is sufficient to stimulate the production of valuable vitamin in the right amount.daily walk is good

How to teach yourself to walk?

Lazy, say, the engine of progress. But it is also the stop-cock to maintain physical fitness. To make unnecessary movements, do not want, and the person begins to justify itself with lack of time or other objective circumstances. However, it is possible to gently force myself to start walking. The methods are simple and feasible.

  1. If your office is only two stops from home, go to work and walk back. If you travel on the transport can not do out of it to stop early when travelling on the subway and two – if you're driving a bus, tram or trolleybus.
  2. Do Not take a "slo" to work, walk to lunch in the cafe. Not the closest.
  3. Forget the Elevator. Let you live on the 20th floor – you walk. To get down eventually and back home on the stairs. In addition to weight loss, health and development «dialky” you still will gain by summer elastic buttocks, which is not ashamed to be seen on the beach in a swimsuit with Thong.

Assessing all the advantages of walking, every man should make the first effort and maintain it throughout life. Unless, of course, wants a shallow old age to remind myself of the wreck and to regret the missed opportunities. In the end, walking was just wondering. If you can't walk aimlessly, challenge yourself to walk to the beach, Museum or your favorite café. Or find a kindred spirit, with whom it will be interesting to talk to while walking. Or get yourself a dog.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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