Workout program: bench press for beginners


2018-03-29 01:45:19




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Muscular chest – business card of the athlete. Well-developed muscle, wide chest and beautiful terrain can be achieved with the bench press. Regular performance of different variants of this athletic exercises with a barbell or dumbbells will help you to increase the muscle volume, develop strength and endurance. Many athletes with such training, has achieved good results.

If you are just beginning to work on muscles of a breast, you need to be a set of exercises that will allow you to quickly increase muscle mass upper body. But if you have already reached the plateau period in their sports, you face the question of how to increase the bench press. The training program in such cases, requires correction, which will provide maximum increase in muscle mass and strength. Let's talk about how to improve the effectiveness of sports training in order to achieve excellent results.

How to create a workout program for chest muscles

Self preparation training program for the development of the muscles of the upper body requires a special approach. It must take into account your individual particular physical body. The workout which will be perfect with you here, will give excellent results in the growth of physical strength and endurance. As a result of lessons you will not only build muscle, but will also achieve beautiful relief muscles.

Before you can compile a set of exercises for chest muscles, you need to define the training aims at: increased chest strength and endurance, clear relief. A great increase of body weight gives the bench press. The training program in this case is composed of different variants of this exercise with weights to increase the chest volume and stimulation of the respiratory system.


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workout program bench press

To Complement this set, you can use the power of elements for drawing and testing of relief. Experienced athletes use to achieve these goals, the thrust rod in the slope, lifting dumbbells from behind the head, fold your hands on the Scott bench, and the bench press. The training program is Sheiko, for example, includes a wide range of power elements, which develop in proportion to the muscles of the upper body, involving not only the chest, but other muscle groups.

Technique of bench press

A Basic exercise in power sports such as bodybuilding and powerlifting is the bench press. It is designed to develop pectoral muscles (large, small, front gear), arms (biceps, triceps) and front beam deltoid muscles. The bench press has several variants: classic, touch, lying in the power frame on a flat bench. Each exercise is technical execution and aim at achieving a certain physical result. Program to increase bench press must include a variety of types of this element depending on athlete goals. Consider in more detail each type of technology.

Bench press: the classic version

The Classic bench press with a barbell is performed on the horizontal bar. The execution element in this technique great loads not only the chest muscles and arms, but the muscles of the back, buttocks and thighs. The classic version of exercises plus additional load with dumbbells – great for the beginner training program.

how to increase bench press program

The Bench press is performed in the following technique:

  • Starting position-lie on a bench, buttocks, back and head pressed firmly against the surface, knees bent, feet on the floor. The Griffon is located at chest level. Remove the shell from the counter, holding his hands in front of him.
  • Exhale-drop the barbell to the lower part of the chest.
  • Inhale-lift the shell upwards, straightening the arms.

During the exercise, the projectile must sink to the chest, followed by a small delay and only after that the lift rod. The optimum width of the grip is the distance of 81 cm, which is indicated by the special notches on most fingerboards. In this position of the hands physical load during exercise is distributed evenly between the triceps and the front beam deltoid muscles.

Bench press-touch

The Main difference of this technique to perform bench press from the classic version is that during the exercise after the barbell touch the chest without delay goes up. Physical activity aimed at the same part of the body (chest, arms, back, buttocks and thighs), but by increasing the tempo and intensity increase strength and endurance of the athlete.

The Program the bench press for beginners should definitely include this exercise as a Supplement to the classic version. This element is not included in competitive exercise, but is widely used during conventional strength training both beginners and professional athletes.

Bench press in the power frame

Force frame – the perfect sports equipment that will allow you to enhance the effectiveness of training on the bench press. Thanks to him, you will overcome the plateau period in muscle mass and increase strength at the expense ofwork with heavier weights without assistance. Use a power rack to improve the technique of performing the classical version of the exercise, to work out blind spots and amplitude of your movements.

program bench press for beginners

The exercise Program (bench press):

  • Install the bench in a power rack, lock the neck with stops on a distance of 5 cm over your chest. Rod weight should match your max for 10 repetitions. Before running be sure to warm up muscles to avoid injuries to muscles and ligaments.
  • Lie on a bench and squeeze the bar from the lower position maximum number of times.
  • Lift the locks on the neck to force a frame on one hole up and again raise the bar to a complete failure of the muscle.
  • Repeat this action to the highest level possible.

This program of bench press gives a great exercise for pectoral muscles, muscles of arms and back. Beginners are recommended to use this exercise to practice techniques, and increase power performance. Advanced athletes it will help to overcome a plateau in training, improving effectiveness of training. Such an intense load, it is recommended to apply gradually to avoid overtraining and possible injury of muscle mass.

Bench press: incline bench

Bench press on a flat bench can be performed in the position of the head at the top or bottom. This allows you to load the upper or lower part of the pectoral muscle. If the head is located above the level of the pelvis, the burden falls on the upper chest, triceps and deltoid muscles. The slope of the hull down engages the lower part of the pectoralis major muscle.

the program of the bench press to ground


  • Install the bench at an angle of 30-40 degrees;
  • Sit down, tightly clutching the back to the surface, feet resting on the floor;
  • Take the rod – the width of the grip is determined by the position of the fretboard to the bottom: the palm must be strictly above the elbow, forearm-perpendicular to the floor;
  • The touch point of the Griffon – the top (just below the collarbone) or the lower part of the chest, depending on the inclination of the bench;
  • Breath-drop the shell down;
  • Exhale – raise up.

The exercise Program (bench press on the bench with a slope) may include several options for the exercises. You can use various grip positions (forward, reverse) to use the maximum number of muscles. It is recommended to Supplement the bench press with a barbell on a flat bench various weight-lifting exercises with dumbbells that will help you to form a beautiful relief muscles.


Methods doinov is used to improve power performance of athletes in endurance sports and as a way of dealing with adaptation to training, which are accompanied by a lack of progress. The technique is performed in the classic bench press, but the neck to the chest does not fall. There are different options dosymov, for example, the rod can be lowered by 10-20 cm or even lower. The weights are chosen depending on the primary training target. To increase the strength of the athlete, the exercise is performed with more weight, but small amplitude, doinov for 2-4 repetitions.

Negative bench press

Negative technique the bench press is one of the hardest strength exercises. Such option exercise has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and leads to pronounced muscle microtraumas due to use of excessive weights. Negative bench press allows you to increase strength and promotes muscle growth.

the program of the bench press


  • Starting position is the same as the classic bench press;
  • Weight – 100-150 % of your max, which can raise the athlete in one repetition;
  • Rod is removed from the racks with a partner and then slowly descends to the chest;
  • From the bottom point up, the shell lifts partner;
  • Then again there is a slow lowering of the bar on the chest.

The exercise Program (bench press in a negative technique) allows to intensively load the muscles, ligaments and joints throughout the range of motion. It is not recommended to do this exercise more than 2-3 times during a single workout and more than 1 time in 10 days. Increase the number of sets and frequency of training leads to overtraining and muscular injuries.

Aborting the bench press

If you exercise with large weights without the help of a partner, then you definitely need to observe safety precautions to avoid traumatic situations. Emergency to complete the exercise in the following way:

  • Before performing a bench press, remove the locks, which fix pancakes on the fretboard;
  • If you do not have the strength to return the shell to the rack, carefully lower the barbell on your chest;
  • Right hand move on the fretboard closer to the pancakes and lift up – pancakes with the left hand should slide on the floor;
  • Do the same operation with the left hand, clutching the Griffon.

To avoid such situations in the absence of an assistant, it is recommended to perform a bench press in the power frame.

Program is the bench press for mass and strength

To build muscle mass upper body and increase strength, you must bench pressmake the key element of training. We offer to your attention a program that puts a lot of stress on the pectoral muscles and provides weight gain for 3 months up to 10 kg. to avoid overtraining and injuries, such training is preferably carried out 1 time a week, completely eliminating isolated exercises for triceps. The complex consists of exercises: push-UPS and bench press.

a program to increase the bench press

Program for strength and mass:

  • The First week – the bench press from the floor in the power frame. The exercise is performed lying on the floor, the neck is fixed at the height of the forearms (elbows should lightly touch the floor). Every time you squeeze the bar up with maximum explosive effort to load all the muscles and tendons involved in this force element. The weights in the 100% weight you can lift 5 times in the technique described above. Perform 5 sets of 5 reps in the following order: warm-up (2 set with a weight of 50% and 75 %), 2 workers approach (weight 100 %), 1 technical (weight 75 %). Rest between work sets - no less of 3-4 minutes.
  • Second week-dips with weight. The principle of load is the same as in the bench press. Perform 5 sets of 5 time: 2 warmup, 2 working, 1 technical. The exercise is performed from a standing position on a stand in the parallel bars: a breath - squeeze themselves and burdening up on straight arms, exhale – back to support.
  • Third week – the bench press in the power frame. Commit Griffon at the bottom (5 cm above the chest), perform the load in the same way as in the exercises above – 5 sets of 5 times. First press the weight up, put it down on the cradle.

In three weeks you spend three exercises consisting of one exercise. After that, increase your working weight by 2.5-5 kg and go through the cycle again. If you failed to perform desired number of reps, then next class try to compensate for the load. On average, after three to four cycles of your working weight bench press should increase by 7.5-12.5 kg.

bench press program for strength


In this article, we explained how to increase the bench press. The training program should be tailored to the objectives to be reached by the athlete as a result of lessons power sports. To achieve excellent results in weight gain, increase strength and endurance, perform various versions of the bench press in combination with other isolated exercises. Gradually increase load during class to avoid injury and overtraining.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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