Managerial psychology


2019-05-04 21:00:19




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Managerial psychology – it is a field of psychological science that studies the psychological patterns in managerial work. This is the structure, characteristics and specifics of managerial activities, ways of using psychological aspects for the solution of various tasks of a Manager. Head every day is faced with a variety of cases, tasks, problems. To get lost in this maelstrom is a snap, and the difficulties, as you know, often waiting for the most inopportune moment, and you need to be ready to resolve them.

It is Noteworthy that in case of emergency situations and unforeseen circumstances there is absolutely no system, however, if you ask for, it is possible to develop an algorithm of actions for that case when something goes wrong. Indirectly these include the operational plan, maintenance of all current Affairs, so that when an undesirable situation does not arise a hitch, which could have been foreseen and prevented.

The complexity of the Manager's job, by and large, is that it needs constantly to sort and organize the moments and actions that are necessary for the successful operation of the company. The Manager realizes that he every day have to make many decisions, and they must be true. Psychologically it is very difficult.

Managerial psychology teaches to master their activities, to realize themselves as a part of it. The activities of each person consists of small components, and they need to know in perfection, including – their psychological structure. A leader who is familiar with the main components of the psychological structure of activity, has several advantages. For example, he sees the main thing you need to do to achieve a particular purpose. He also knows how close the goal is and how much is left until the time when it will be achieved. An experienced Manager can adjust the progress of the solution and to the results most beneficial for yourself and your company by.


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The Psychology of managerial decision-making involves the following components:

  • A Straightforward setting clear objectives, ideally – to all workers. Every employee must be clear about what contribution it should make towards a common goal.
  • Motivation – something without which regular employees will not make efforts to solve any problem. The fact is that usually any company – it is a matter of the head, his ambition, and for most employees – the way of earnings.
  • Delegation of authority – the transfer of Department managers monitoring the progress of the job execution in each unit.
  • Reflection.

Managerial psychology teaches to create the conditions for the subordination of the main components of the activities of the Manager. Such conditions can be expressed in the form of requirements to the skills of the Manager.

Control – this is perhaps the main point, which requires managerial psychology. And you must control how the work of all employees and their activities.

Goal-setting – understanding the psychological weight goals, ability to articulate and properly communicate to employees future goals, the ability to effectively plan their activities and the introduction of useful skills in the enterprise.

Motivation – ideally you need to know the nature and characteristics of the subordinates, to be aware of their lives to determine what is interesting to everyone and that can inspire a group of employees.

Statement of the problem – you must know what you need for a fruitful work that you may need in the future and how it has helped the previously executed task. You will need to define milestones and their time frames, to know how consistent the achieved goal with the other possible as will fit into the company.

The Delegation involves transfer of authority to managers in the field, but not all powers we can trust others.

Thus, the activity of the leader requires a broad base of knowledge and skills and their constant improvement.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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