Yevgeny Primakov: biography, personal life, photos


2018-03-22 09:31:19




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According to official documents, Yevgeny Primakov was born on October 29, 1929 in Kiev. This version contradicts the statement of his daughter that father was born in Moscow. One way or another, but when the future statesman was held in the Georgian Tbilisi. In 1953 they finished the Moscow Institute of Oriental studies, and in three years – postgraduate course at Moscow state University.

Journalist and scientist

Journalism – the first sphere, which was connected with his professional career orientalist. So reads the official biography of Yevgeny Primakov. Nationality Eastern peoples, the life of Asia and Africa – that's what interested young professionals. He worked as a columnist and writer in “Truth”. As a journalist Primakov met with many Eastern political leaders: Yasser Arafat, Mustafa Barzani, Saddam Hussein, etc.

In 40 years, the writer has again delved into the science. In 1977-1985 Primakov was head of the Institute of Oriental studies. At the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the scientist was engaged in problems of world politics, has developed a new theoretical methodology. Biography of Yevgeny Primakov (the nationality of which – Russian, maternal relatives were Jews) was associated with the economy, in which he defended the dissertation. Some scholar taught in the capital's Diplomatic Academy. With this period of life Primakov's biographers attributed his first close connection with foreign intelligence and the KGB. No official confirmation of this, however, is not.

Primakov has written numerous monographs and memoirs. His scientific writings cover international subjects. As a scientist, the author investigated the phenomenon of colonialism, Africa, Egypt, the Nasser, the way to a peaceful settlement in the middle East. Primakov also wrote monographs on energy. The memoirs of the former Prime Minister began to appear in 2000 years. The last such book, “Meeting at the crossroads”, was published in 2015.


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Yevgeny Primakov biography

Personal life

Future policy was First married in 1951. His wife was a student of Laura charadze. They had two children. Son Alexander became a PhD student at the Institute of Oriental studies, trained in the United States. He died in 1981, at 27 years of age due to a heart attack. This loss grieved Yevgeny Primakov. Wife, photos of which in a public space is not replicated, passed away in 1987. Primakov's second wife was Irina Bokareva, a long time former official of his personal physician.

Yevgeny Primakov family photo

The Beginning of a political career

Political biography of Yevgeny Primakov, began in 1988, when he became close to the General Secretary of the CPSU Mikhail Gorbachev. It is believed that the then head of state insisted that comes from the academic environment took part in the elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The campaign of 1988 was unique. In fact, those elections were the first in decades the election on an alternative basis. Among the members of the Parliament were then, and Yevgeny Primakov. Biography newfound policy was associated with international relations. By them he was engaged as a member of the Supreme Council.

It was a very noisy and lively Parliament that were new to Soviet society. Primakov was not afraid to work in a new format. He became the party's first debate of the U.S. congressmen and Russian deputies, held live in the form of a teleconference. In 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev made one of his most well known international visits to China. The organizer of the trip was Yevgeny Primakov. Biography, nationality, a track record of MP – all this was already well known as his colleagues around the world and ordinary Soviet citizens. Primakov became the brightest group of politicians, open Gorbachev's perestroika.

General Secretary of the CPSU extremely respectful of Yevgeny Primakov. The head of state has consistently given him more responsible positions. Primakov came to the security Council of the Soviet Union, and the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR became Chairman. This gradual rise was interrupted in August 1991, when came the August coup. Among those officials who took blocked Gorbachev from foros, was then Yevgeny Primakov. Biography policy was an important milestone. Now he had to showcase their skills and talents in a totally new conditions of a democratic Russia.

biography of Yevgeny Primakov

Chapter SVR

Relationship Yevgeny Primakov and Boris Yeltsin was complex and contradictory. The President of Russia respected “the Patriarch of Russian politics”, but in fact has never trusted him. First, due to the fact that Primakov was considered to be the ‘Gorbachev's person”, and in the late 1990s - already because of the dangerous popularity of officials in the electorate.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union Russia has formed a personnel vacuum. In power lacked people with experience and knowledge. That is why so popular Yevgeny Primakov. Biography policy for many years was connected with international relations. In this regard, in 1991, he was appointed the newly created foreign intelligence service.

The Main thingmade on this post, Primakov, – he was able finally to divide the SVR and KGB, soon renamed FSB. This has been long overdue. Personnel security officers and scouts never especially each other did not like, and now, finally, there were the people who allowed these internal friction. They turned out to be Yevgeny Primakov. Biography, nationality, merit policy – it is now widely known thanks to its many-year efforts on a variety of government positions. In SVR, when Primakov has had its scandals. The noisy failure was the business agent Aldrich Ames.

biography of Yevgeny Maximovich Primakov

Foreign Minister

In early 1996, Boris Yeltsin appointed Yevgeny Primakov, Minister of foreign Affairs. His predecessor Andrei Kozyrev followed a Pro-American course. Biography of Yevgeny Primakov, his experience and previous rhetoric foretold that he will lead domestic diplomacy differently. And so it happened. To the U.S. Primakov treated very cautiously. For the first year as Minister, he visited 40 countries, but States in this list defiantly was not.

It is believed that Yeltsin appointed Primakov as the anti-American rhetoric in the crisis-ridden country was extremely popular in the masses. Change of course (at least symbolic) was more important that the President on the nose was the second election (which he eventually won).

The First thing I did as Minister Primakov, – won the famous building on Smolensk square (previously, it was also the Ministry of foreign trade). The new head of Department held rotation of personnel, change jobs all the diplomats and make them more travel around the world to expand your horizons.

Yevgeny Primakov's biography nationality

Prime Minister

In 1998, Russia had defaulted, which was followed by the resignation of the government of Sergei Kiriyenko. The state Duma twice refused to return Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin. In the current crisis situation the head of the government was Yevgeny Primakov. Photo of the new Prime Minister not descended from the editorials of Newspapers. Formally it was the peak of his career.

Primakov once again had to serve as a “crisis management». His government was conservative and somewhat left. In the end, the Prime Minister and the Ministers managed to bring the country out of the acute crisis. Began a gradual growth. Inflation declined. Has been actively negotiating loans with the International monetary Fund. The budget for 1999 was adopted immediately in the first reading, which was unusual for fragmented and mired in internal conflicts of the State Duma. When the Communists initiated the impeachment of Yeltsin, the Prime Minister opposed the idea.

U-Turn over the Atlantic

As head of the government, Primakov continued its multi-vector foreign policy, which he led as Minister of foreign Affairs. March 24, 1999 occurred the striking episode of the Premiership. Many biography of Yevgeny Maximovich Primakov is known as for just this occasion – turning over the Atlantic. The Prime Minister flew to USA on an official visit, where he was to be signed important documents on cooperation between the two States. While over the Atlantic ocean, Primakov learned that NATO took the decision to start bombing Yugoslavia. Then the Board turned around and returned back to Moscow.

Biography of Yevgeny Maximovich Primakov is an example of a politician who tried to speak on equal terms with all – whether it is the Americans or Eastern authoritarian leaders. While the Prime Minister personally was able to become an authority for all who had business in Russia.


In 1999, Yeltsin and Primakov finally dispersed. 12 may Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin. To set aside Primakov, Yeltsin saw the growing threat to their own power. Freed politician with no business left. Approaching the next elections to the State Duma. In Parliament, the new bloc «Fatherland-All Russia». Its main figures were the mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov, President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev and Evgeny Primakov. Biography, family, photo policy – all of this was again made public.

The Whole year of 1999 Primakov was in the media spotlight. Widely known throughout the country was the program of Sergey Dorenko on ORT, where he openly criticized former Prime Minister. Lobbying for the financial interests of spouses, bribes from the authorities in Iraq – this is not all accused Yevgeny Primakov. Family photos and news about his alleged hip surgery was known to all Russian viewers.

Again in Parliament

Today many call an information campaign ORT harassment against bursting to the State Duma Primakov. In response to all the new reports on television politician publicly just laughed it off and grinned. Many years later interview with his family it became clear that persecution was extremely painful blow for the politician of the Soviet school.

Anyway, but in the State Duma came as a unit «Fatherland-All Russia”, and Yevgeny Primakov, biography, personal life and other facts which up to that on a daily basis chewed in the media. In the Parliament of the "new old" member only worked twoyear. At the meetings he always sat next to Vyacheslav Volodin, which has become under Vladimir Putin, Deputy head of the presidential administration, and later the Chairman of that very State Duma. Politician called Primakov to be his main teacher. The attitude of Yevgeny Primakov as the senior mentor is typical of many representatives of the modern state elite.

Yevgeny Primakov photo

President of the chamber of Commerce

The "Putin era" Yevgeny Primakov, the biography which has already passed all stages of career development in the public service, were in demand at the top much less. Affected first and foremost the honorable age. The political path began Primakov no longer a young man, and at the turn of the century he was already over 70. In 2001–2011, he was President of the chamber of Commerce and industry of Russia. Although Primakov has departed in the shadow of the conflict with Vladimir Putin, he never had. The head of state belonged to the Titan of domestic policies with demonstrative respect.

Primakov rarely gave advice to the authorities, even less has published his interviews in the media. Policies generally differed a public proof. Journalists frequently noted that to pull something extra during an interview was almost impossible. In 2006, Primakov, speaking to top officials, stated the need for reorientation of the economy “raw needle” for innovation. This rhetoric later became the leitmotif of the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev. Also Primakov was Chairman in a friendly «mercury club», where veterans of the great domestic policy. With analytical notes and presentations from these meetings are regularly met Vladimir Putin.

biography of Yevgeny Primakov nationality

Recent years

It is Known that shortly before the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, the President of the Russian Federation sent to him as a diplomat Primakov (they had known each other since 1969). With delegations Primakov visited Iraq at the end of the Soviet era. Then approached us operation "desert Storm”. Primakov was removed from Iraq by the Soviet specialists and their families (about five thousand), and also persuaded the authorities not to hide behind the human shield of Western citizens.

In the highest circles of the former Prime Minister was informally known as “stove”, and his recent 85th anniversary as a gift from the President got the Primus with the caption "Record 1". The last time Primakov appeared in public in January 2015 at the meeting «mercury club». The politician died a few months later (June 26). Cause of death was cancer of the liver, which long time was ill Yevgeny Primakov. Biography, family, service to the country – all of this has been discussed again during the funeral and civil funeral. Farewell ceremony with the politician in a live broadcast on state television, which once again demonstrated the important place of Primakov in the modern history of Russia.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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