Age-sex pyramid: kinds, types, groups. Analysis of the age-sex pyramid Russia


2018-03-21 01:46:15




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Summary graphs, charts, tables - an indispensable accompanying statistics. One of them is age-sex pyramid, providing a rich field for analysis. This article we dedicate it to her, simultaneously analyzed with the help of this diagram the composition of the population of Russia.

About the age-sex pyramid

Age-sex pyramid - a graph that categorizes the entire population by sex and age. It is a accordingly, the juxtaposition of the two groups of people the same age, both men and women. The schedule can be drawn up over the years of life and at a more aggregated categories - five year periods and decades. It completely depends on the purpose component is to represent the age and sex analysis of a small period of time, or scale century of centuries.

age-sex pyramid

Default view age-sex pyramids the following:

  • Each selected age - the horizontal bar in the chart. Shows the number or proportion of the total population of people of this age.
  • The youngest of the group are at the bottom of the pyramid, the overage at the top.
  • In the left part of the diagram - the number or proportion of men of a specific age, in the right part of women.

What first says sex and age chart? The evolution of population reproduction in specific period, his type, which is determined by fertility and mortality in the different periods of analysis, and also defines the total number of men and women of a specific age.

Types of age-sex pyramids

Analysts have identified three main types of pyramids are named:

1. Reduced. It is characterized by:

  • Small fertility;
  • Low percentage of the young population;
  • Higher proportion of people of middle and old age;
  • Life expectancy is high;
  • One noticeable trend is the aging of the population;
  • The number of men and women in the age groups for a long time, is stable or decreases.

2. Growing. Its distinctive features are the following:


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  • High fertility;
  • Short life expectancy;
  • Overwhelming percentage of the young population;
  • A small number of older people;
  • The rapid growth of the population.

3. Anti-aging. As a result of successful demographic policy, there has been a significant increase in the birth rate.

age-sex pyramid Russia

After Analyzing this graph, it is possible not only to represent accurately the real picture and to predict the age and sex composition of the population in the future. In addition, age-sex pyramids help to highlight the age structure of the population, which we will discuss next.

Age structure at the Sundberg

In 1894, a demographer and statistician A. F. Sundberg (Sweden) suggested three types of population age structures:

  1. The Progressive. It is characterized by a high proportion of the young population on the background of old. Is this effect due to the extended type of reproduction. Age-sex pyramid for this type will be in the form of a triangle. The wider the base, the higher the fertility rate.
  2. Stationary. Observed simple type of play. The diagram thus resembles a bell - the number of young and elderly population are approximately equal.
  3. Regressive. In this case, on the face of the narrowed reproduction. Figure of its form repeats the ballot box - a small number of children and young people, but a high percentage of adult citizens.

age-sex pyramid of the population of Russia

If you compare age-sex pyramids with the schedule of the natural population, we can notice the following:

  • A Great influence on the structure of the diagram have a war leading to a decline in the younger population and decreased fertility.
  • Reflected on the faces of the pyramid and migration of population - increased share of adult men of working age.

The World's population by sex and age

If we consider age-sex pyramids of all the world's States, the latter can be divided into the following categories:

  • The Number of men and women relatively equally in Latin America and Africa.
  • Female population dominates the male - this phenomenon is characteristic for half of the countries of the globe, especially Europe. The reason for that became echoes of the world wars - still harmonious relationship men and women can not recover.
  • Male population dominates over female - typical of Asian countries, mainly China and India.

compare age-sex pyramids with the schedule natural movement

Russian sex and age structure

Age-sex pyramid of the population of Russia, based on the results of the General census of population in 2002 and according to the statistics demonstrates the following:

  • Overall analysis shows a visible gender imbalance in the population: to 29 years prevails among the male population 30-44 years the number of men and women are approximately equal, and after 44 years the number of women increases to around 70 years in 3 times exceed the number of men.
  • We Can say that the population is steadily aging. It happens not because of an increase in the proportion of older people, but because of low fertility.
  • In 2016G. the proportion of children under 15 years accounted for 17 % and the share of elderly over 65 years - 20% of the total population. This situation may lead to sharp reduction of incomes of citizens (on one able-bodied citizen has one dependent). Save the situation can only increase the birth rate.

types of age-sex pyramids

Age-sex pyramid Russia to 2017

Represent the data for 2017 in the form of a table.

0979 812927 463
10762 818727 275
20711 645679 614
301 305 7761 286 426
401 511 0371 103 251
50842 687956 797
60867 5441 163 224
70412 537711 701
80210 032535 326
9035 060143 638
1002 2089 400

Age-sex pyramid is important to analyze not only statisticians and demographers, but to any person who is not indifferent to the social situation in the country and around the world. The diagram allows to analyse the past and present, as well as make some projections for the future.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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