The elm tree: description, types, where it grows


2018-03-19 17:22:15




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Tall and stocky, powerful and refined, with elegant spreading foliage and beautiful leaves, these Regal trees are worthy decoration of the streets of many cities. Elm trees are constantly planted in parks, alleys, squares and courtyards of the houses. In today's world noble genus includes over 20 species. The elm tree appeared about 40 million years ago, it is believed that then it separated itself from the family. It was honored for the unusual qualities of the ancient Greeks and Romans. It is known that in antiquity elm grows in large parts of the Apennine Peninsula. And old Church Slavonic legend, the trunk of this wonderful tree he went to SwarG, the revered God of the Eastern Slavs, along with the goddess of love Lada.

Elm, which literally means “flexible rod”, belong to a genus of very ancient elm trees. In Europe they are called the elm (from the Celtic word elm), and the Turkic peoples elms, better known as the elm.

Description elm tree

Adult trees of most species of elm look powerful giants, reaching a height of sometimes up to 40 meters and trunk diameter - up to 2 meters. Their crowns of thick, cylindrical shape. Trunk bark is dark brown, and long life of the wood remains smooth.

The elms Bloom in April-may from a few days to weeks: small greenish-yellow flowers clustered spherical bundles. In place of the flowering sprout of a flattened fruits-nuts, fringed wings. They ripen with the onset of heat, and carried by the wind are spread throughout the County. Branched elm densely covered with foliage with distinctive toothed edges. At the base of the oval leaves can be observed a slight slope.


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In the description of the tree of the elm should also mention its root system, which can successfully compete with the oak. It is a highly developed network with running both on the surface and the depth of individual roots. In podzolic soils they differ widely from each other. Sometimes, especially in large trees, at the foot of the barrel may be formed discoid roots employees support them.

elm tree


The Wonderful thing about elm trees is that some varieties can grow quite difficult soils. They tolerate drought, wind, extreme cold, able to grow on saline lands. That's why these trees have become indispensable in the steppe forest plantations, shelterbelts and riparian zones. But more safely elms grow where the soil is rich and loose. Thus, their life expectancy will depend entirely on the environmental conditions of growth, and usually it averages 200-400 years.

Planted the elm trees, its powerful attractive crown look decorative and give a diffuse shadow, so they are often used for urban landscaping. They look great both single and group wisedome. Foliage has a bright color and depending on the tree species and time of year is replete with Burgundy, yellow-orange, green, brown colors. The foliage of elm tolerates the exhaust gases, purifies air, keeps dust.

Elm forest

In the natural world-pure elm forests are extremely rare. Mass plantings are observed in coniferous and deciduous forests in Asia, Europe, Scandinavia, North America, and the Balkans. And if Europe is more common elm smooth, rough, elliptical, leaf, Asia – elm squat, valley, lobed, and in America – the American elm.

In Russia, deciduous elm trees grow in the far East, South Ural, the South-Eastern part of the Russian plain and Central region. The most common forest types, with the following elm: leaf, blade, small-leaved, smooth, cork, mountain (rough), macrocarpa and Japanese. Preferring a fertile soil, they grow mainly on the banks of lakes and in floodplains. The total area of plantations is 500 thousand ha.

elm smooth

Elm smooth

Elm smooth (or common) can be found primarily in deciduous forests on the territory of Central Russia, Siberia, as well as on the territory of Kazakhstan. The elm tree can easily tolerate shade and harsh winters, but prefers moist and fertile soils. Its height averages 25 metres, and a crown is presented in the form of a ball. The elms of this species live up to 300 years, and their intense growth is observed immediately after landing.

The Feature of smooth elm is thin, drooping branches with a smooth and glossy bark. In old trees the bark is cracking and eventually forms otslaivayutsya plate. The leaves are elliptical in shape has a smooth surface on one side and the back covered with hairs. With the onset of autumn, they acquire a rich purple color.

large-fruited elm

Large-fruited Elm

The large-fruited Elm is widespread in China, Korea, Mongolia and far East Russia. View got its name from its large edible fruit. Elm looks like a shrub or small tree of 6-8 meters. Its bark is dark brown or grey colors cana deep crack. The leaves have a pointed apex and oblique base wedge-shaped, and the edges banded short serrated teeth. Being one of the undemanding and drought-resistant plants, the elm grows in open places: on the rocky clefts, ravines, on rocky slopes, at the foot of the hills and in the scree along the rivers.

An impressive Spreading crown, glossy leaves and large fruit make this type of elm decorative, with the result that it is widely used in landscape design and greening of cities.


Small-leaved elm

Small-leaved (or squat) ILM in vivo and widely distributed in the Islands of Japan, Northern Mongolia, Eastern Kazakhstan, the far East and Transbaikalia, Russia. He also successfully cultivated in North America and southern Europe. Mature trees of this species have small height and can barely reach 15 meters and trunk diameter constitute not more than a meter. Elms have thick shatrovidny crown, sometimes growing Bush. Thin branches yellowish-green, strewn with small, simple, elliptic or broadly lanceolate leaves with length from 2 to 7 cm. in Autumn they become olive-yellow color.

Small-leaved Elm is very light and undemanding to the soil, are also tolerate frost and drought. Thanks to these biological characteristics, it is widely used in shelter belt and to restore the forest Fund.

elm vane

Elm vane

Elm lobed (or split) on the biological characteristics close to the rough elm, common in Europe. In natural conditions it occurs in the far East, the Sakhalin, Japan, Korea and China. It grows mostly in mixed forests of the foothill areas and on the slopes of the mountains, making his way to a height of 700 meters above sea level. The form is bound to the original form of a large leaf blades resembling the blades. His trees with a thick cylindrical crown reach an average of 25 meters of height.

Vane elm grows very slowly to 30 years, its height is only 8 meters. It is more exacting to soil, in comparison with its other neighbors, and volatile salts. In this shade, vetrostojkie and tolerant to frost, although young trees elm in winter, often freeze slightly.


Rough elm

The ILM rough (or mountain) grows in Eastern and Western Europe, is found in the deciduous forests in the European part of Russia. Uprightness trees have smooth dark bark brown branches, and rounded-gorgeous crown. Large dark green leaves on very short stalks growing in a strict priority, so the foliage almost does not transmit light. It has a rough surface on the top and hairy bottom, outwardly presenting certain patterns. As autumn leaves turn deep yellow color.

The ILM rough demanding to soil and moisture, but gets along well in the urban environment – by gas resistant. Under favorable environmental conditions, the elm tree reaches a height up to 35 meters and lives up to 400 years.

elm grability

Elm grability

Elm grability is a magnificent deciduous tree with a spreading crown, reaching a height of 35 meters and a trunk diameter of more than 150 cm. It is distributed in the Caucasus, Central Asia, North Africa and the European part of Russia. A wide tree trunk bottom is covered with a smooth bark, and in the appearance of the branches is rough. Its long branches spread out like a fan and covered with oblique serrate leaves are quite varied in size. Elm tree blooms generously in the spring, small flowers, and closer to the fall white fruits nuts.

In this type of elm is better known as the elm. It is characterized by strong salt tolerance and drought resistance, so is widely used in the steppe breeding, dryland shelterbelts bands.

elm tree


The Elms reproduce by self-seeding. Their seeds ripen in may-June and for a short time lose their germination. Therefore, planting will be suitable only freshly harvested material. In nature, they can also multiply and shoots and root suckers, but nurseries for Amateur such methods are inefficient when breeding trees.

The Seeds of the elm up to the time of sowing should be stored in a well ventilated environment not more than one week. A couple of days before planting them moistened and treated with a fungicide. Place planting do not need prior training, but can be applied to the soil some mineral fertilizers. The seeds are planted in rows at a distance of 20-30 cm between holes in a small depth is only 1 cm from the Top, cover with hay, moss or a thin layer of soil and well watered. Seedlings appear in a week. In the first year of life elms grow to 15 cm, in the subsequent add up to 40 cm

the elms in the parks

Interesting facts

  • London bridge is Famous for its resistance obliged the elm, which was used in its construction.
  • In Korea, a growing tree, elm, whose age has passed for 800 years. In the height of it is quite small, only 7 meters, but the diameter is nearly 2 meters.
  • In ancient times the elm has been used to support the vineyard, with the result that he became associated the Greeks with the God of wine Dionysus.
  • Fruit of the elm, widely used in Chinese cuisine and serve the common ingredient in salads.
  • Aroma of elm wood and are per person as an antidepressant, gives a sedative effect.
  • Until recently, on the Povarskaya street in Moscow "whiled away" their old age elm survivor, who witnessed fires of 1812. But the anomalous heat of 2010, the tree is not rendered and withered.
  • A built beauties of Venice, the famous city on the water, standing on stilts, made of elm.
  • Slavic name elm wood comes from the verb "to knit" as the twigs of the tree have been used successfully in the process of knitting sledges, baskets and other household items.
  • In England the elm and the vine symbolize true lovers.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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