The most famous historical and cultural regions of the world


2019-08-14 07:20:41




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Since then, both on our planet originated mankind, and began his story. However, in General, about this science can not speak, as it was originally, all people were divided into tribes that lived in completely different regions of the world. Someone worthy to live on the shores of the ocean, the Islands, others struggled with the cold in the tundra, and others were in the scorching deserts… thanks to these trends formed the historical–cultural regions of the world. Because features the most striking of these we now consider in detail.

What are these areas?

Historical and cultural areas of the world represent a certain region of our planet, which was born and developed humanity. Distinguish them by separate, individual paths of development, which is largely dependent on climate and natural conditions. Similarly, historical–cultural areas differ from other monuments of architecture, traditions, religious rites and faith, etc. in addition, significant differences are observed in types of farming. An interesting fact is that the borders that had historical–cultural regions of the world since its formation, no significant change has reached our days.

historical and cultural areas of the world

Type of division

Speaking quite generally, it is possible to count only four historical region in our world: Eurasia, America, Africa and Australia. However, within each of them is many of the provinces, life and culture which have their own individual, anyone not like the color. In addition, historical–cultural regions of the world also are characterized through ethnic categories. In each of these areas inhabited by people, races and character types which are not similar to each other. Thanks to this, we can distinguish between, say, a resident of Beijing from a native of California, not only in language and clothing, but also on external data. Below is a list of the most important cultural provinces, which originated in ancient times and still exist today.


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historical and cultural areas

Europe in all its glory

Part of the world called Europe, paradoxically, is the smallest on the planet, yet its cultural heritage is one of the richest, along with Asian or African. Historical and cultural areas of these lands became the basis for further development of traditions in America, and also influenced the Australian continent and even into large parts of Russia. Countries that are within this ethnic-cultural region, small in its area, but each of them differs from the previous one, has its own language, history, traditions and beliefs. Well, a brief look at each area which will cover several States.

historical and cultural area of Western Europe

Historical–the cultural area of Western Europe

What is now the countries are in this area, there are disputes. Someone there will carry France, Andorra, Germany, Monaco, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Other reaching the region from the UK to Spain. In the historical sense, it is possible to allocate one single region – the West-Central European zone, which are identical in language and life. Here is inhabited by Caucasians who speak Indo-European Germanic and romance languages, and Celtic, Finno-Ugric, Greek, and Albanian. Type of economy – plough agriculture. Thus in our days the majority of the population lives in cities. Type of construction of houses in the entire history of Europe has not changed: in the North – log, in the center – frame, in the South – stone and brick. In food dishes prevail on the basis of flour, meat, wines and hot drinks (mainly tea). In Europe one religion – Christianity, which Catholicism and Protestantism.

historical and cultural areas of the world

Province of Eastern Europe

One of the largest in terms of territory and diverse in its traditions region are adjacent to numerous other historical and cultural regions of Eurasia. We are talking about the East-European province, which stretches West to East from Poland to the Ural mountains, and from the North to the South – from the Arctic ocean to the Caucasus. It is home to many ethnic groups, among which there are Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Caucasians, Udmurts, Tatars, Chuvash, Karelians, Estonians and many others. In this territory is common the settled plough agriculture. The houses are built of stone, and then primarily coated with clay and bulatsa. A characteristic feature of any home is the stove. Traditional food for this cultural region are soups (in the North hot South cold), pancakes, pies, porridges, and beverages – brew and tea. The Eastern province is characterized by Orthodox religion, but in some southern and close to Asian areas, many people – Muslim.

historical and cultural areas of Australia

Central Asia

historical and cultural regions of Eurasia

This area of mixingCaucasoid and Mongoloid races. It stretches from the Caspian sea to the East and covers the desert plains and very high mountains of Pamir and Tien-Shan. In this region inhabited by Kirghiz, Tajiks and Kazakhs. Type of housing are different, depending on climate. In the South – mud houses with flat roofs in the North – the Yurt. Among the popular drinks were, and remain, tea, ayran, Mare's milk. Also Central Asia gave the world a special dish – rice, which is their traditional. Religion here also are mixed – on these lands live the Orthodox and Muslims, and Buddhists.

Far East

In General, historical–cultural regions of the world it is hard to imagine without the far Eastern region. There are representatives of the Mongoloid races of the Pacific type, which belong to Sino-Tibetan family, Japanese, and Korean. Initially formed a type of economy – manual irrigation agriculture, and later began to develop trade, light industry, transport. Homes in the region built mainly on the basis of the pile, filling the walls with bricks, clay or similar materials. In religious terms there are long-established syncretism. There are many currents, characteristic for different regions that are similar, but at the same time have a lot of individual nuances.

historical and cultural areas of the world

Historical-cultural areas of Australia

The world's smallest continent, is divided into two parts – the Anglo-Australian and aboriginal-Australian region. The first of them is characterized by its European Charter of life. These lands conquered mostly British, because since ancient times here grow large town and industry. In a society set moral stereotypes that are characteristic of the British. In the suburbs of the Anglo-Australian region is highly developed grain farming and sheep breeding. Aboriginal-Australian region is much less surface area. There are indigenous residents of this continent, which are the embodiment of the present Australoid race. Big cities there, the industry is also missing. On this land the traditions and way of life that was typical for the local people before the arrival of Europeans.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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