Latin sayings with translation into Russian


2018-04-05 15:00:40




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The Use of aphorisms in everyday speech is so familiar, that the interlocutors often do not even think, what is it saying they used to embellish their speech. It turns out that most of them belong to people who lived in Ancient Greece or Rome, and philosophers of the middle Ages.

Latin aphorisms most often used when you want to give weight to his words. The people of that era were able to observe the world and what fills it, and leave your opinion on this matter in the summary statements.

Ancient Wisdom

The Civilization of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and the peculiar development of science, culture and art. A large amount of evidence that the people of that time were highly educated, has reached our days. As is characteristic of all civilizations, they have a beginning, a rise and fall.

What was known by the ancient Sumerians about space, science, and the universe, rediscovered the Greeks, and after them the Romans. When their civilization went into decline, came the dark Ages, when science was banned. Scientists had a lot to recover, including lost knowledge. No wonder they say that everything new is well forgotten old.

Latin aphorisms

So what happened with the statements of ancient philosophers and historical figures. Their worldly wisdom and observation will be forever etched in Latin aphorisms. Translated into Russian, they have become common expressions to help or to convey to the audience the importance or accuracy of the information, or to show erudition of the speaker and his sense of humor.

For Example, when someone makes a mistake, often said that To err is human, not knowing that these are the words of the Roman orator Mark Anneo Seneca the Elder, who lived in the 55-37 BC, Many famous personalities of antiquity left behind aphorisms that have become everyday expressions in our time.


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Statements of Caesar

One of the most striking personalities of his time, became known in all times, is Gaius Julius Caesar. This talented politician and a great leader was a strong and brave man, who left behind statements that reveal his identity.

For Example, his phrase Alea jacta est (The die is cast) when crossing the Rubicon during a military campaign led him to full power over the Roman Empire. For generations it has come to mean that there is no turning back, and it says, when something is resolved.

Latin sayings with translation

Latin aphorisms of Caesar's brief but very informative. When he in the next campaign defeated the king of the Bosporan Kingdom by Pharnaces, he described it just three words “Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered).

Well-known phrase "Each man is the architect of their own destiny” - this is the credo of this great man.

The Sayings of Cicero

Marcus Tullius Cicero lived from 106 to 43 BC, and for 63 years I managed to visit and statesman, and politician, and orator, and philosopher. Extraordinarily gifted man, he left such wise work as “laws”, “state” and others.

Latin sayings of Cicero translated into other languages and famous throughout the world. His expression “about time, About morals” has become popular, especially for people who are always dissatisfied. No less famous is his saying, “Habit is second nature”. She so came into use, many of those it mentions, I was surprised to learn that quoting the ancient Roman philosopher.

The Infamous phrase “a bad peace is better than war”, uttered in times of wars and truces, also belongs to Cicero.

Quotes Marcus Aurelius

Latin sayings about life open before modern humans worldview long dead philosophers and statesmen. For example, philosophical notes of Marcus Aurelius, Roman Emperor from 121-180 BC, describe him as someone smart and insightful.

Latin sayings about friendship

Marcus Aurelius belonged to the Stoics was not only an Emperor but also a philosopher. His reflections on the time in which he lived, he wrote down with a kind of diary, which is called “Alone”. He wasn't going to betray their thoughts public, but history decided otherwise. Now they can get to know everyone who wants to know whose phrase applies in his speech.

“Our life is what we think of her» - they say, many personal growth coaches and psychologists, to quote a wise Emperor. Surprisingly, knew a man who lived 2000 years ago and today people for money taught the realization of this sentence in order to change their life.

Ut si diem mortis meae Dum nemo and non sentit felix felicis - “Live as if now must die”, “no man happy till he believes himself to be happy” is Latin maxims, with translations which agree not only with modern philosophers, but simply people speculating about his life. So spoke the Emperor of Ancient Rome Marcus Aurelius.

Aphorisms of Seneca Lucius Andøya

The Great tutor of Nero, the philosopher, poet and politician, Seneca left to posterity numerous philosophical and literary works, imbued with his wisdom and understanding of the processes occurring in life.

The Most well-known Latin aphorisms belonging to his pen, andrelevant today. “not the Poor who have little and those who want more” is one of his sayings that say when they talk about the greedy man, the corrupt official or politician.

Latin aphorisms of love

From the time of Seneca in human nature, little has changed. “If you can't change the world, change the attitude to the world” - similar Latin aphorisms translated into numerous languages today say politicians, psychologists, home-grown philosophers and those engaged in personal growth. In most cases, the name of the author of these lines no one remembers.

It is a sad fate of all great men who left behind eternal sayings.

Aphorisms in everyday speech

As you can often hear the wise saying from the lips of relatives and friends, politicians and television announcers, psychologists and women on the bench at the entrance? Every day. Repeating Latin aphorisms about love, life, or political events in the country, every time people say something more than 2000 years ago was thinking of the philosophers of antiquity.

“Better late than never” say late today, saying a phrase said by the author of “History of Rome" of Titus Livy.

 Latin sayings with translation into Russian

When bad things happen and comes to the rescue of the other, in different countries people say that a friend in need, Reaffirming each time our life experience, the words of Petronius Arbiter, author of the novel "Satyricon".

But not only in Ancient Rome were philosophers and sages, who left to posterity his remarks, which are relevant even after so many centuries. In the middle ages also lived thinkers, worthy to be repeated.

Wisdom of the middle Ages

Although many history books of the middle Ages called the dark, lived in the time of bright minds that have left behind a significant legacy.

Many philosophers and political leaders learned the wisdom of their ancient predecessors, but the experience of past centuries did not prevent them to make new discoveries. For example, the great mathematician, philosopher, physicist and the metaphysician of France, Rene Descartes was the founder of a philosophy based on the duality of body and soul.

Latin aphorisms about life

Among his famous statements such as “I think, therefore I exist" (Cogito ergo sum) and “all Doubt" (Quae quaestio). He first determined that there is a connection between the lifeless body and soul.

The Great philosopher from Holland Baruch Spinoza left behind a vital allegations relevant to the present day. For example, “as soon As you imagine that is unable to perform a certain deed, from this moment on, its exercise becomes impossible to you" (the Quondam posse putes fungi circa negotia eius tibi nunc turpis impossibilis evadat). So teach modern coaches on personal growth when working on consciousness.

Great minds devoted their reflections not only philosophy and politics but also of love and friendship.

Sayings about friendship

Friendship is valued at all times. She devoted poems, spoke of her best minds. Latin aphorisms about friendship, extant:

  • “Without true friendship life — nothing” - said Cicero;
  • “a Friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies" - the words of Aristotle;
  • “Friendship ends where begins the distrust” - thought Seneca;
  • “Friendship, which has stopped, never, in fact, did not start" said Publius.

The people of the time emotionally little different from the representatives of the twenty-first century. They were friends, hated, betrayed, and fell in love in the same way as did the people at all times.

Latin sayings about love

It is a wonderful feeling sung in the times when there was writing, and after it appeared. Wrote about it to the beginning of our era, are written today. From the sages of former times were of Latin aphorisms about love, with a translation into Russian which is familiar to many.

  • “lovers ' Quarrel — the renewal of love” - thought terencius;
  • “For a loving, nothing is impossible” - the words of Cicero;
  • “If you want to be loved, love” - said Seneca;
  • “love is a theorem that every day we have to prove" - so he could only speak Archimedes.

Latin sayings about love translated

This is a small fraction of the great statements about love, but at all times, every lover he became wise and discovered new facets of this feeling for yourself.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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