Novosibirsk, a Monument of Fame: photos, history, the list of victims, address


2018-04-01 15:57:15




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Novosibirsk, the Monument of Glory – are two inseparable concepts for Siberians. The design of the memorial ensemble entitled ‘the Feat of Siberians in the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945" began shortly after the victory.

In the Autumn, in November 1967 was the opening of the memorial complex. The construction was truly monumental, the ensemble was erected in the shortest period of time – just a year and eight months! A Beautiful Monument Of Glory (Novosibirsk). Photos of the city and the complex can be found in various Newspapers, magazines, on websites, and they have in our article. In addition to this ensemble, the Siberian capital has other attractions: Opera and ballet theatre, Botanical garden, zoo, etc.

Novosibirsk the monument of glory

Monument of Glory (Novosibirsk): history

The construction of the memorial began with the end of the Boulevard, which was at that time about 50 years. It has a rectangular shape, an Area Celebrations, on the East side it closes the five pillars ten meters height. It is no coincidence that the designers have chosen this number of columns. Each tower – the year of a terrible war. In General, the architects sought to imbue the ensemble with symbolism. Each element of the memorial has deep meaning. Sculptors used both sides of the pylons. One of them depicted scenes of military action and the engraved line on the war, on the other attached lists of the dead of the Siberian soldiers. Only 30 266 the names of the killed soldiers. The designers tried and on a hill between pylons installed four urns with earth brought from the sites of bloody battles.


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the monument of glory in Novosibirsk

Behind the columns, is no less monumental statue - the image of the grieving mother, and in front of the tomb of the unknown soldier and the Cup with the Eternal flame, which was lit from a metallurgical furnace plant named after V. P. Chkalov, who worked even during battles.

The Park of Glory on the perimeter is surrounded by greenery and trimmed bushes and slender birches. If you walk along the Boulevard, they overshadow the Avenue and the memorial from the city noise and bustle. During the walk you will be immersed in peace and silence. So sad and majestic this place of grief.

the monument of glory in Novosibirsk photo

Who created the memorial

Before starting to describe the history of the creation of the monument fifty years, you need to tell the people who designed and erected. Worked on it a group of talented Siberians.

Developed ensemble muralist – A. S. Chernobrovtsev, work architects M. Pirogov and B. Zakharov A., has created a sculpture of the grieving mother, B. L. Ermishin.

Construction of the century in the Siberian capital

There is a wonderful Monument of Glory (Novosibirsk). The story of his appearance unique. Cold in the fall of 1967 opened the memorial to the fallen soldiers, but the city architects continued to add to the ensemble of different compositions. So, in 1970, the Day of Victory, was mounted a guard of honor, students are serving today.

The Next important point in the history of the construction of the complex - 1985, the fortieth anniversary of the victory over the Nazis. After 400 meters from the ensemble opened the Avenue of Arms. The items on display is military equipment, which participated in the great Patriotic war. You will see the legendary «Katyusha» equally famous tank T-34, Yak-9 and more.

In 2000, the installers built a 18-meter-long sword-the obelisk called “Unity of the front and rear», which was designed by the same Alexander Chernobrovtsev.

the monument of glory in Novosibirsk history

Left in the side members of the Afghan and Chechen wars. Their means erected a small chapel of St. George in 2002.

In 2005, on the eve of Victory Day, a monument to the “Heroes and full Cavaliers of order of glory”. On the stele engraved with the names of 270 Siberians-the heroes.

Next, the city authorities of Novosibirsk completed the Monument of Glory of different compositions of a decorative character. The corners of the square have small playgrounds, monkey bars and slides. As well as among growing trees you will encounter miniature wooden sculptures of animals.

Very clean and well-maintained is the city of Novosibirsk. The monument of Glory and its parkland – is the calling card of the metropolis. Today the complex is surrounded by schools, houses, cinemas «Metalist», a building of administration of Leninsky district, corps of city hospital № 34, and a stadium.

In 2009, the memorial is equipped with surveillance cameras. Thanks managed to find out who in December 2014 defiled a combat vehicle in the alley. The juvenile gang of vandals under the leadership of 20-year-old boy painted in the colors of the Ukrainian flag «Katyusha». Violators caught and punished.

monument of glory, Novosibirsk address

The Pylons are illuminated with powerful spotlights that in the evening, adds even more grandeur and monumentality.

The Monument of Glory. Novosibirsk. The list of the dead

One way or another, but even far from the center of Russia Siberia took part in the five-year war. Siberians and evacuated Leningraders worked in factories, producing weapons and military equipment. Many pensioners of Novosibirsk are veterans of labor.

More than 150thousand inhabitants of Novosibirsk went to the front. He went to war grandfathers, fathers with sons. Many of them are still listed as missing. Their feat cannot be overstated. The names of the fallen were perpetuated on five concrete ten-meter boards. It has already been said that each pole symbolizes one year of military action. One side depicts scenes of battles. On the other side there are the lists of the fallen Siberians – soldiers of the red Army.

What is meant by the pylons

Each Stella has a title that corresponds to the depicted scene of the fighting.

The First column - «Call». It depicts a soldier with a rifle in his right hand.

The Second double – “the Labour test. The rear of”. The contents of the pylon tells about the order of the Motherland to go to war, defend your home and city. Also depicted scenes of the wires to the front, and in the center of a harsh and sad faces of wives and mothers, hate the enemy. The right part depicts the life of Novosibirsk during the war. Women in the fields and at the bench. And children, lifting military projectiles.

The Third pole Central. The architects portrayed in the war years (1941-1945).

The Fourth stele - “Victory”, but the images on it do not always bring happy emotions. You will see the flames of the Reichstag, Soviet tanks, destroyed equipment of the enemy, soldiers and nurses.

The Fifth double column - «Peace». Her close-up shows a child and a woman-mother in a field full of wheat and bread. Of their head is a peaceful sky and a shining sun.

Where is the memorial complex

Want to visit the Monument of Glory in Novosibirsk? Address: street, 7. If you want to go by public transport, then come to the aid of buses and trolleybuses. You need to disembark at the stop «Monument of Glory”. The nearest subway station - "Karl Marx Square” she can be reached on foot, a walk of about 30 minutes.

the monument of glory in Novosibirsk, the list of the dead

How to spend time Siberians in the Park

Rising Novosibirsk the Monument of Glory is not far behind, is also evolving. The townspeople fed the birds with bread, children ride on bikes and roller skates. Early in the morning and in the evenings you can meet Siberian people, who are not indifferent to sports. Jogging in the alleys of the ensemble is very pleasant. Young people paving the trails through the Park of Victory. Even walking the dogs is not prohibited. But the owners of the Pets must walk on a leash and muzzled, and carry bags to clean up after their animals. But the most interesting spectacle – the change of the child of honor! Victory Day, the city authorities organized mass celebrations in the Park. On the evening of may 9, the city's residents watch fireworks in honor of the end of the war.

The Capital of Siberia-Novosibirsk. The monument of Glory – a favorite place of Siberians of different generations.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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