Signs of good weather. Signs of improvement in the weather


2018-04-01 10:45:15




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Unfortunately, weather forecasts from the met office are not always inaccurate. However, to predict what the future will bring, it is not necessary to be a forecaster. In ancient times our ancestors could have foreseen the rain, the storm or drought, focusing on the hints of the world around us. So, signs of good weather are determined by the sun, animal behavior and many other factors, with a precision that would envy, and special devices. Let's remember a number of people take in which you can make your own forecast for tomorrow.

What we say sunsets and sunrises

The Prediction of good and bad weather often takes place at sunset or climbing the main heavenly bodies. So watching a clear sunrise with the bright rays of the early sun in bright colors, you can be sure that in the coming days you can expect excellent, warm weather without precipitation. The same conditions bodes sins of a solar disk without any clouds, only the forecast for the next day. If in the evening hours, before sunset and some time after him, the sky takes on reddish tones, know the night will be very fine, hot and almost windless. signs of good weather

About the meaning of clouds and clouds

Signs of good weather are often reflected in the arrangement of clouds in the sky. So, we all know that the low black clouds will break the rain and terrible storm. But small Cumulus clouds, is located high up, only promise good weather. If in the evening they disappear altogether, then tomorrow we should expect heat. Such a statement is true primarily for the summer season. Light Cirrus clouds are forerunners of a great day, but layered a grey veil, as a rule, is a sign of prolonged bad weather. signs of good and bad weather


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How to predict the onset of heat

You come to relatives in the village, and the window - pouring rain, the weather grey and very dull? Well, this situation summer, in the middle lane quite often. Do not despair, just try to find the signs of improvement of the weather outside, it is not difficult.

To begin just look at the sky: the solid blanket of clouds means a never-ending bad weather, but if the clouds began to break up into pieces, to become more transparent, maybe soon the sun will come out. The increase in pressure and change in wind direction is also often a harbinger of imminent warming.

Be Sure to pay attention to the behavior of animals. So the birds start to sing still for some time before it clears. Harbingers of heat can become spiders, which reopens the season of hunting, as well as the bees gathered to feast on the nectar of flowers. signs of improvement in the weather

Signs, promising the preservation of the great weather

There are peculiar signs of preservation of good weather. So, if in the morning clear sky, day, clouds are rare and are at a considerable height, and towards the sunset dissolve, then heat and lack of rain prevail for a long time.

If you are trying to guess the weather forecast for the next few days in coastal areas, pay attention to the fact that the Cumulus clouds in those areas swirling over land only if they appear over the sea surface, warm days can give way to bad weather.

In addition, the following signs also indicate that the coming days will delight you with warmth,

  1. Pale pink of dawn.
  2. Bright moon and stars, no clouds at night.
  3. Abundant night dew or fog in the early morning, completely disappearing after the sunrise.
  4. The birds Singing in the forest and the croaking of frogs in the marshes.
  5. High insect activity.
  6. Abundant flowering of plants, their buds wide open, but smell moderately.

the signs and omens of good weather

How to determine imminent cold

In fact, it is important to know not only the signs of weather, but also signs of its deterioration, it will allow you to plan a weekend in nature, camping, picnics or fishing. So, a sharp decrease in pressure over several days in a row is a sure sign of a coming cold snap and the onset of the rainy season. In the sky appear solid layered clouds are located at small height from the ground can rise and subside in a strong wind.

In the countryside you may notice the revitalization of frogs and toads. These freshwater loudly croak, get out of the waters onto dry land. In addition, a rapid movement begins in the rivers, ponds. The fish can jump out of the water, to splash, to hunt, to swim on the surface. As for plants, their smell becomes more clear, although the buds and start to close. the prediction of good and bad weather

Predictions of our smaller brethren

Signs of good and bad weather are determined not only by environmental factors. If you watch animal behavior, we can discover many interesting patterns. So, if chickens, ducks and geese, and cattle return from the pastures in the side of the house outside of school hours, soon it starts to rain.

Evidence of approaching rain can be moles,are beginning to dig and throw the excess on the surface. But the gnats and mosquitoes that pester you mercilessly in the sunset, by contrast, promise a nice warm and dry days before the storm the insects trying to appear much less frequently.

The Classic steel signs that the cat is hiding on the stove for the coming frost, and pain at the site sausage fracture in man - to weather changes, mostly for the worse, that is, to a strong and prolonged rain. signs of preservation of good weather

Signs of a lingering cold

Now that we found out the most typical signs of good weather, it's time to talk about what we foretells a long storm. First of all, such assumptions are as follows:

  1. Stable low pressure (a minimum of two nights in a row).
  2. The Presence of a solid sky of stratus clouds, the gray haze that has no breaks.
  3. Poor visibility of any of the heavenly bodies (whether moon, stars, or sun).
  4. Representatives of the world fauna lead a passive way of life, the flower buds tightly closed.

Interesting superstitions about good and bad weather

Finally we present the most interesting signs of good and bad weather. Some of them are known to many, the other – almost forgotten. So, let us recall some interesting features:

  1. If the frost is established when the East wind, then they will last for at least several days.
  2. A Harbinger of winter frost is frequent and shallow snow.
  3. Water in the sea is a dark colour – so soon the storm or the storm.
  4. In the rain above the ground raised or thrown up smoke – it is likely that the bad weather will last for several days in a row.
  5. Two rainbows in the sky means that after a few days I will start heavy rain, but the colorful arc at sunset, by contrast, will tell you about the great weather for the next day.
  6. If the winter stars sparkle in the sky is especially bright – wait freezing cold.

signs of good weather in the summer and other seasons

Other signs about natural phenomena

There are not only signs of good weather or signs of bad weather, some observations can be classified as neutral. So, the rapid flight of birds in different directions indicate strong winds. A harbinger of this weather phenomena is the red dawn. If the grass is long and does not dry out the dew, so soon a very strong storm. Evidence of such storms can serve as a complete calm, no wind, excellent audibility of sounds even at a considerable distance.

There are certain signs and omens of good weather in the winter. So, frost resistant promise layered clouds overlaid the sky in the evening. But the clouds, reminiscent of the stripes, serve as messengers of imminent temperature rises and the start of the snowfall. The symbol of the same weather phenomena serving heavenly education blue color of these clouds is often heavy snow.

A few words in conclusion

Signs of good weather in the summer and other times of the year allow us to navigate well and not depend on forecasts of the weather service. Such predictions have been verified by our ancestors for many centuries, and their accuracy at times makes us wonder. Pay attention to the world around us, flora and fauna, sky, clouds, sunrises and sunsets, and colorful rainbows. Every living creature and natural phenomenon ready to give, we prepare the coming day in terms of weather conditions. The main thing - to be able to understand these clues and correctly interpret their meaning.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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