How to determine which type of body: all versions


2018-04-01 05:33:19




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Identity for the person - everything from choosing a hairstyle to selecting a car. Everyone tries not to get lost in the crowd. In this article we will talk about one of the most popular issues among the inhabitants of the world, namely, how to determine your body type? It will help to become more attractive?

Where to begin?

Of Course, why you need such knowledge. Yes, obviously people are all different, the mutation gave us different eye color, height, even such a trifle as the shape of the nail – and then at everyone. Amid all this, there is the paramount item on the figure of the man. Chubby, thin, average, with a pronounced relief of muscle or, alternatively, with rounded shapes, especially individually. But what if the person is not satisfied with the body, and he wants to change it?

Type of shape

No accounting for tastes, but if someone does not like himself, is a reason to think about her physical form. To properly and competently to start similar activity, you need to possess a large amount of information. The first thing you need to find out – how to determine body type. Since there are several, you should familiarize yourself with each.

What are?

Types of human body there are three:

  • Ectomorph,
  • Endomorph,
  • Mesomorph.

Shared these words have only consonance, but in reality they are rooted in a radically different concept, which it is clear how to determine body type.

  1. Ectomorphy – the people with lean physique. They have little “meat”, that is, little muscle mass, narrow shoulders below which small Breasts, nevadalas hips, thin bones. The average ectomorph looks fragile man, as a rule, they are average and above average growth. All this is connected with the fact that such people have more developed basic metabolism and it is faster.
  2. Endomorphy – the opposite ectomorphs, people with rounded shapes. “Meat” in the body enough, and fat even more, due to what they seem puffy or loose. This files most often of small stature, poorly muscled. Your metabolism is weak.
  3. Mesomorphy – the Golden mean, considered the most preferred of all types. Such people have a well-developed muscle mass, look athletic, tightly folded, height can be any, but most often average.

How stacked men

How to determine body type for men? Easy. It suffices to observe him from the side.


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Men ectomorphs:

  • Protruding long limbs.
  • Long, thin muscles.
  • High rise.
  • Narrow rib cage and waist.
  • Sharp angular movements, active gait.
  • He can eat in large quantities and it is not affected.
  • After practice he becomes more prominent rather than more.

Famous representatives: Vincent Cassel and Brad pitt.

The men endomorphs:

  • Wide waist.
  • Large skeleton with heavy bones.
  • Long legs and arms have a corresponding body thickness.
  • Even in the presence of muscle mass, the body is not raised.
  • It may look impressive, body shape is more spherical.
  • Quickly gaining ground, hard knocks.

Famous representatives: Duane Johnson, Russell Crowe.

The men mesomorph:

  • Waist skinny or average.
  • Athletic, expressed the relief of muscle.
  • Protruding chest muscles.
  • Wide manly shoulders.
  • Easily results in shape if I stopped going to practice.

Famous representatives: Hugh Jackman, Arnold Schwarzenegger.


For great sex you can use a different classification (Professor Chernorutskii) to understand how to identify body type in women. In General, it is mapped to a reflection of the above types. You can see that their number is the same and the description is virtually the same. In any case, there is the amendment for the ladies. In the following article you can learn how women to determine the body type of the wrist.

Man and woman

The Woman asthenic type (equivalent ectomorph):

  • Slim, with long limbs.
  • As a rule, high growth.
  • Narrow waist, shoulders and chest.
  • Elongated Face, thin nose.
  • Small weight and badly developed muscles.

Celebrity spokeswoman: Cameron Diaz.

The Woman hypersthenic type (equivalent endomorph):

  • The large heavy bones.
  • Low rise.
  • Short legs and neck.
  • Well developed muscles, but the figure doesn't look raised.

Famous women: Kim Kardashian, Beyonce.

The Woman normosthenic type (mesomorph equivalent):

  • Proportional-developed skeleton and its muscular component.
  • Medium rise.
  • Figure resembles an hourglass.
  • Slender limbs.

The Famous representative: Halle berry.

Thus, the obtained clear and detailed understanding of each type and for either sex. But what if visual data are not sufficient or are they subjective? Then the answer to the question how to determine body typefor men and women will become additional methods.

The wrist

Strangely enough, but many do not know about this old method. As for the wrist to determine the type of human body? This method is extremely simple, and most importantly – universal for all people. It should be noted that it is not 100% guarantee that you are a mixed type. This will be discussed in detail later. To do this the measuring tape, and the result will be accurate. Body type of the individual can be identified by measuring his wrist.

Two hands

So man has made a measurement and got a certain number. There is a system, which provides its result to verify:

  • Circumference 15-17. 5 cm – says fragile physique, its owner ectomorph;
  • 17,5-20 cm – the average, a man is mesomorpha;
  • 20 and above – the figure indicates that a person's body type endomorph.


It Is also wrong to forget that the type definition of your body is serious business, as the findings people use to correct genetic and life problems. The measurement accuracy will be higher if you approach the issue from the point of view of science, specifically, medicine.

One of the variants of this method will be a trip to the therapist, or better yet a nutritionist. Professional approach to the problem will be more effective and people will be confident in the data that it provided.

Because the formula was developed by the same doctors and specialists, it can be trusted as a scientific result, not as an Express-test. The formula is called index of pin'e, and its calculation is: height (in cm) – weight (kg) – bust (cm). For example, growth 170 cm, weight 64.5 kg bust 90 cm, the Index will be calculated as 170 – 64.5 – 90 = 15,5

Now you need to check the results, to understand how to determine the body type:

  • Less than 10 – strong;
  • 10-12 – normal;
  • 21-25 – secondary;
  • 26-35 – weak;
  • More than 36 – very weak.

Entertaining method

During the calculation myself, people resort to different methods, often unconventional methods, or with a questionable degree of certainty. However, they are also popular. One should not attribute this method to measurement of the wrist because it was created by specialists as a quick, but effective. Now not everyone knows how to determine the frame size according to the girth of the wrist but the Internet (and this article) just easy to find out.

Thick and thin

Websites are full of catchy headlines with a blitz of questions and tables. You should not seriously accept this option and listen to the results, but “fun” many are willing to use them, rather for fun with friends or compare with what we have now. It will be better definition of the type of physique with a specialist, a person will not spend the time and effort.


Well, in the end people received information about what body type he/she belongs. And before you start drawing up a diet a correct and balanced diet, sports and other things to consider:

  1. Net endomorphs, ectomorphs and mesomorphs almost does not exist! In 99% of cases the human figure contains in itself the signs of several types and is a very harmonious combination, so blindly follow the recommendations on a certain type incorrectly.
  2. Doctors, nutritionists, fitness trainers – new friends of the future sculptor of your body. Few know the indexes and types that need to be improved according to the letter of health, following the individual requirements of specialists. Otherwise there is great risk of harm to health and to the opposite effect.
  3. It is Impossible to achieve a result once. It is not the same as learning to ride a bike. Having the shape of dreams, it will need to be regularly maintained, so the effect was palpable.
  4. You can't do someone else's program. This applies to all, but especially the ladies. Hearing (reading in the magazine) 10 tips about the harmony or the incredible story of a distressed neighbor, they begin to try it for themselves. That is not to be done. You should determine what type of physique are as well used. the main task in such a situation.


Know your body type useful and outside sports activities. Possible to be friends with yourself – the ability to wield not just body and mind, and own emotional state. It's nice to understand what your body and how to help yourself in achieving these objectives. Sports – the best start on the path to self-improvement, as good habits will help to preserve health, which in old age can not buy. In future you can share with loved ones and to advise how to determine what body type are.

Tips for different body types

Different men


It is Necessary: to direct the energy not muscle growth and weight gain (which then can be turned into muscle), choose subjects to increase endurance and strengthen the immune system.


It is Necessary to controlthe calorie intake (reduce it by 15-20 %), to practice disciplines that help regain not just the strength but also the grace, for example, yoga for ladies, martial arts for men.


It is Necessary to understand that with age to lose weight will be harder, and get it easier, so you need to balance your weight as early as possible. Sports suitable for all, but especially games like volleyball and tennis.

Genetics – everything but…

Yes, if there is a genetic predisposition to a certain type, it is difficult to eradicate in ourselves and in future generations even more so. And it is certainly a plus. In such a variety of shapes, sizes, mixed types of people will always stand out with its individuality. If he is not satisfied, it is not necessary to deal with it, you need to be friends with it and, above all, to accept what is, to the steps towards the dream was pleasant and attentive, for there is no limit to perfection.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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