How to increase lactation? Tips and advice


2018-03-27 16:18:08




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If you feed your baby breast, then surely someday you will still wonder: "How to increase milk supply?". Mostly, this happens when the child reaches the age of three. Many moms begin to feel that the kid eats not. By the way, as a rule, it is true. However, this problem is quite simple, all you have to do your child frequently to the breast, and then the quantity of milk will again be the same. Most importantly, do not worry ahead of time and do not rush to give the baby formula.

how to increase lactationHow to increase lactation, if milk from mom is not enough the appearance of the baby born (that is initially)? In this case everything is simple. The main thing is not to panic and start to follow mode. While breastfeeding a woman needs to sleep about ten hours a day, walking first without the baby and then with him for a couple of hours, put baby to breast as often as possible, including at night (the minimum number of times per day – eight). You need to follow the diet. The amount of liquid you need to bring to 2-two liters, eating often and right food: cereals, vegetable soups, boiled meat diet.

herb increases lactationThere are Also herbs that increase lactation. This fennel, thyme, mint, parsley. In pharmacies you can often find their various combinations. Some delicious, others not especially. However, those and other very effective. It is desirable to drink for thirty minutes before feeding. If this tea you have, then you can drink regular green. In General, to help increase lactation can all those herbs that promote blood flow because it helps and making the necessary hormones in the body. But the herbs in your diet, add with caution, for many of them the child may be allergic.


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In Addition to herbs, there are drugs that increases lactation – this pill. They may be homeopathic, so no. However, they make themselves not worth it, then it is better to consult a doctor, because they, like other medications, has its contraindications. In violation of lactation should start to take vitamins for nursing mothers. They will be useful to you and the baby.

drugs increases lactationWell, if you never come to a head the question of how to increase lactation, but if it still occur, then try shower massage. In any case, don't do it contrast! Just warm water make a circular motion. There is a special breast massage, it is quite easy. Soft, smooth circular motion toward the nipple make light pressure. You don't should be during this procedure painful. Can also for this reason to consult with your gynecologist or midwife.

How to increase lactation? Drink carrot juice and eat walnuts. By the way, oxytocin-the hormone that promotes milk production. If you drip it under the tongue during each feeding, the result will not keep itself waiting long.

In General, there is no single universal remedy. The organisms are different, causes reduce lactation too. Therefore, we recommend trying all the recipes that you will find, and to choose the most suitable for you. The only thing I do not advise too zealous, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the baby products that you add to your diet.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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