Anti-tank gun Degtyarev. Anti-tank guns of the Second world war


2018-03-27 02:04:19




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The Film “ballad of a soldier” starts with a scene full of tragedy. Soviet soldier-Communicator pursues a German tank, to hide the young untried soldier nowhere to go, he runs, and the steel in the machine here will catch it and crush. Soldier sees thrown by somebody in the anti-tank gun Degtyarev. Suddenly and uses his opportunities for salvation. He shoots at the enemy machine and inciting her. It is coming in another tank, but the Communicator will not be lost and burns it too.

anti-tank gun Degtyarev

“This could not be! - I will say today, other "experts in military history". - You can not tank armor to break out the guns!” - “!” – to answer those who with this subject familiar. Inaccuracy in the amazing, perhaps, admitted, but it is not the combat capabilities of this class of weapons, and chronology.

A Little about tactics

Anti-tank gun was created in the thirties of the XX century in many countries. They seemed quite logical and reasonable solution to the issue of the confrontation between the armored vehicles of the time. Artillery had become the main means of dealing with it, and PTR – auxiliary, but more mobile. Tactics of offensive thought strikes armored spearheads involving dozens, even hundreds of cars, but the success of the attack was determined by the fact whether they will be able to create the desired concentration of troops without noticing the enemy. To overcome the well fortified defenses equipped with armor-piercing artillery, with a strip of minefields and engineering structures (Natalbany, hedgehogs, etc.). it was a matter of adventurous and fraught with the loss of much equipment. But if the enemy suddenly hit in the poorly protected section of the front, it will not joking. Urgent need “to patch holes” in defense, to throw the guns and infantry, which still need to dig in. Quickly deliver the right amount of guns with ammunition on a dangerous area difficult. Here and useful anti-tank gun. Ptrd – the weapon is relatively compact and inexpensive (much cheaper guns). They can produce a lot and then arm them all units. Just in case. Soldiers, armed them, perhaps all the enemy tanks will not burn, but the onset delay can. Time will be won, the command will have time to tighten the main force. Thought so many warlords in the late thirties.


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Why our soldiers do not have enough AV

The Reasons why in the USSR the development and production of anti-tank guns in the prewar years was substantially curtailed somewhat, but the main one was purely an offensive military doctrine of the red Army. Some analysts point to the supposedly low level of awareness among the Soviet leadership, overestimated the degree of armor protection of German tanks, and so made the wrong conclusion about the low efficiency of PTR as class weapons. There are even references to the chief Glamortube G. I. Kulik, who expressed this opinion. It was later revealed that even the 14.5 mm anti-tank gun Rukavishnikova AV-39 adopted in 1939 for the red army and a year later abolished, it could penetrate the armor of all types of equipment, which had the Wehrmacht in 1941.

What came

The border of the USSR, Hitler's army moved tanks more than three thousand. It is difficult to assess this Armada is appreciated, if you do not use the method of comparison. New tanks (T-34 and KV), the red Army was much smaller, only a few hundred. So, maybe the Germans equipment was about the same quality as we do in the quantitative superiority? This is not so.

The Tank T-I wasn't just easy, it can be called a wedge. Without guns, with a crew of two, he weighed a little more than a passenger car. Degtyarev antitank rifle, adopted into service in the autumn of 1941, punched right through it. German T-II was slightly better, he had a bulletproof booking and short-barreled gun caliber 37 mm. was Still a T-III that they could bear the striking of the cartridge PTR, but only when injected into the frontal portion, but in other areas…

“Panzerwaffe” had Czech, Polish, Belgian, French and other captured tanks (they are included in the total number), worn out, obsolete and poorly secured parts. That any of them could do Degtyarev antitank rifle, somehow do not want to think.

“Tigers” and “Panthers,” came the Germans and later, in 1943.

anti-tank rifle Simonov

The Resumption of production

To pay tribute to Stalin's guidance, fix it skillfully. The decision on renewal of works on PTR was taken the next day after the war began. This fact denies the story of the poor awareness of the Stakes relative to the armored capacity of the Wehrmacht to obtain such information is simply impossible. Urgently (less than a month left for making the experimental units) was held a competition of the two samples is almost ready to launch serial production. Anti-tank rifle Simonov has shown good results, but in the technological aspect conceded the second test PTR. It was harder in the device, and also heavier, which also influenced the decision of the Commission. On the last day of Aug anti-tank gunDegtyarev was officially accepted on arms of the red Army and put into production at the arms factory in Kovrov, and in two months in Izhevsk. In three years there were produced more than 270 thousand pieces.

First results

At the end of October 1941, the situation at the front was disastrous. Avant-garde units of the Wehrmacht approached Moscow, two strategic echelon of the red Army was practically defeated the giant "boilers", huge areas of the European part of the USSR was under the heel of invaders. In these circumstances, the Soviet soldiers did not lose heart. With no artillery in sufficient quantities, the troops showed heroism and fought with tanks, using grenades and Molotov cocktails. Right off the Assembly line the reported new weapons to the front. 16 Nov fighters 1075 th infantry regiment 316 th division destroyed three enemy tanks, using the ptrd. Photos of heroes and burned them the fascist machinery published by the Soviet Newspapers. Soon followed by a sequel, under the meadow began to smoke four tanks, previously dominated Warsaw and Paris.

anti-tank rifle, a modern

Foreign PTR

Newsreel of the war years repeatedly captured our soldiers with antitank guns. Reflected episodes of fighting with their use in art films (for example, in the masterpiece of Sergei Bondarchuk “They fought for the Motherland”). French, American, British or German soldiers with ptrd documentary recorded history for much less. Does this mean that the anti-tank gun of the Second world war were mostly Soviet? To some extent, Yes. In such quantities this weapon was produced only in the USSR. But the work was conducted in the UK system (Beuys), and Germany (PzB-38 And PzB-41), and Poland (UR) and Finland (L-35), and in the Czech Republic (MSS 41). And even in neutral Switzerland (S18-1000). Another thing that the engineers of all these, no doubt, technologically “advanced” countries are unable to beat the Russian weapon for its simplicity, elegance of technical solutions and the quality too. Yes, and in cold blood shoot a gun at the tank looming out of the trench not every soldier is capable of. Our may.

anti-tank rifle Rukavishnikova

What to penetrate the armor?

Ptrd has about the same performance characteristics as anti-tank rifle Simonov, but it's easier (17,3 vs 20.9 kg), short (2000 mm and 2108, respectively) and structurally simpler and therefore requires less time to clean and easier to train shooters. These circumstances and given due preference by the state Commission, despite the fact that PTSD could fire with greater rate of fire due to the built-patipatanakoon store. The main quality of this weapon was the ability to punch through armour protection from various distances. It was necessary to send a special heavy bullet with a steel core (and, as an option, with the added incendiary charge that is activated after passage through the barrier) with a fairly high speed.


The Distance at which anti-tank gun Degtyarev becomes dangerous to armored vehicles of the enemy, – half a mile. It can be used to hit other targets such as pillboxes, bunkers, and planes. The cartridge caliber is 14.5 mm (grade B-32 conventional armor-piercing incendiary or BS-41 with ceramic superhard tip). The length of the munition matches the shell aerogun 114 mm. Distance defeats the purpose of booking a thickness of 30 cm is 40 mm, and with a hundred meters the bullet pierces 6.

Russian weapons


The Accuracy of hits determines the success of shooting at the most vulnerable places of enemy equipment. Protection is constantly improved, so for the soldiers were released and promptly updated instructions recommending how to most effectively use anti-tank gun. A modern concept of the combat armored vehicles similarly takes into account the possibility of falling in the weakest place. When shooting to the test with a hundred-meter race 75% of the bullets hit a 22-cm neighborhood of the center of the target.


Whatever the technical solution is simple, primitive, they should not be. Weapons of the second world war often carried out in difficult conditions because of forced evacuation and deployment of workshops on unprepared areas (it happened that some time had to work under the open sky). This fate has avoided the Izhevsk and Kovrov plants, which until 1944 produced ptrd. Degtyarev antitank rifle, despite the simplicity of the device, has absorbed all the achievements of Russian gunsmiths.

anti-tank guns of world war II

The Barrel is threaded, vosmiseriyny. The most common sight, with front sight and two-position strap (up to 400 m and 1 km). Ptrd is charged as a regular rifle, but the strong impact resulted in the presence of conventional brakes, and spring shock absorber. For convenience, a knob (for it can keep one from carrying fighters) and bipod. Everything else: Sears, impactor, receiver, butt and other attributes of the rifle, designed with the ergonomics which has always been Russian weapons.


In the field most often were incompletedisassembly, involving the removal and disassembly of the shutter, as the most contaminated site. If this proved insufficient, it was necessary to remove the bipod, butt, then disassemble the trigger mechanism and separating the slide delay. Low temperature cold-resistant grease is applied, in other cases, ordinary gun oil No. 21. The kit includes a cleaning rod (collapsible), oiler, screwdriver, two ammo belts, two water-resistant cover made of tarpaulin (one on each side of the gun) and the official form in which the cases in the training and combat employment, as well as misfires and failures.


In 1943, German industry started to produce medium and heavy tanks with powerful cannon-proof armor. Soviet troops continued to use the ptrd against the lighter, less protected vehicles, as well as to suppress the firing points. At the end of the war, the need for anti-tank guns disappeared. To combat the remaining German tanks in 1945 were used powerful guns and more effective weapons. World war II ended. It seemed that the time ptrd gone forever. But after five years, started the Korean war, and “old shotgun" again began to shoot, however, the former allies of the Americans. It consisted on arms of army of the DPRK and the PLA, who fought on the Peninsula until 1953. American tanks post-war generation often stood hit but anything happened. Ptrd was used as a means of defense.

ptrd photo

Postwar history

The Presence of a large number of neat weapons with unique qualities prompted the search for some useful application. Tens of thousands of units were in storage grease. What can be used anti-tank gun? Modern protective reservation tanks can withstand even hit heat projectile, not to mention the pool (even if it is with the core and special tip). In the 60s decided that ptrd is possible to hunt seals and whales. The idea is good, but it was too heavy this thing is. Also from such a gun can lead sniper fire at distances up to a kilometer, a high initial velocity allows you to shoot very accurately in the presence of an optical sight. The armor of BMP or BTR ptrd penetrates easily, then, and today the weapons are not completely lost its relevance. And lies in warehouses, waiting in the wings…

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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